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Speaking as an ex-serviceman, why should the Army have to put up with these animals. We have a volunteer Army and therein lies our strength, all the people in the mob have chosen to do it, not been forced into it.


Having courage in the face of the enemy is a bottle thing and to be honest I feel these "hoodies" don't have the moral fibre to do the right thing.


Things come too easily to kids these days and being a soldier is hard, bloody hard, having said that I don't know what the answer is.


I work with these kids on a daily basis and they are being failed first and foremost by THEIR PARENTS. No blame to be attached to Government policy or lack of facilities, it is down to parents.


Bring back the birch I say.





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I agree Mac i wouldnt want to be in a firefight with some shithouse who mugs old ladies and thinks he's hard backing me up!


I do think they should be forced into some kind of labour tho'!


The parents issue is a good one too. people need to stop letting their kids have an easy life and start concentrating on building solid family foundation and dragging themselves out of council estates to give future generations a chance of a better future.


People have no ambition and accept they are bottom of the pile far too much!

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i agree force labour. but i think an easy soloution to overcrowded prisons is to make prison look less appealing as it is.


nowadays there moving toilets in wellwood scrubs as islamic people dont want to poo facing mecca.


we need to strip them of all rights. no luxuries like asking to move toilets to suit there needs. no sky TV no stereos. basic food. no comfy beds. they are there to be punished so bloody well punish them.


make prison like boot camp. get em up at 4 am and excercise them for 2 hours before sending them to work tasks such as sewing mailbags and clearing roads of litter. if they get outta line. force em to paint coal white or scrub the floor with a toothbrush.




my point is that we should make prisons look like a place of punishment not a free holiday.

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Totally agree Alex, but the buzzword at the moment is human rights. All this phrase does is place's political handcuffs on penal policy, and God forbid any Government that upsets a minority who may or may not have an axe to grind.





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so do you agree that the human rights should be either amended or banned.


i think it should be amended. the main reason why crime has gone up is because we cant do anything about it without upsetting people.


now im sure you oldies (not pointing out names) would remember the peelers to be very strict and clip you round the ear if you even breathed outta line. this gave children discipline and respect for the law therefore the criminals were fewer in numbers. policemen/women cant do that unless they have been stabbed 8 times and taken a gunshot wound to the chest. otherwise they get done for assault.

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I agree with the comment about it being your parents I was never hit or disciplined physically by my parents or teachers but I dont see the need to act like a yob. I think it's the type of people you see on wife swap with the stupidly messy house and kids with no discipline there was a 9 year old whose mum gave them WKD on that! I don't think it's a money thing either I just think too many young people see kids as some kind of fashion accessory and dont realise the responsibility of raising one they still want to go out 4-5 nights a week with a kid and are ultimately pretty selfish people. You think the kind of idiots you see on Jeremy Kyle are the stupid minority but it seems their numbers might be growing.

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so do you agree that the human rights should be either amended or banned.


i think it should be amended. the main reason why crime has gone up is because we cant do anything about it without upsetting people.


now im sure you oldies (not pointing out names) would remember the peelers to be very strict and clip you round the ear if you even breathed outta line. this gave children discipline and respect for the law therefore the criminals were fewer in numbers. policemen/women cant do that unless they have been stabbed 8 times and taken a gunshot wound to the chest. otherwise they get done for assault.



The need for penal reform has never been more evident than now, ASBO's don't work, community orders don't work and prison certainly doesn't work. That is the problem and the solution has to lie in how criminals are treated in jail.


Alex, human rights is a sticky one because of European legislation as well as our own, and quite often the two conflict. Massive overhaul of policy is required , but is there going to be a Government brave enough to challenge the European courts of human rights?.





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Calm down, calm down. Here's a nice picture of a flower and a fluffy bunny to make you all feel nicer...






Look at that, I've been at my in-laws all day...been up since 5.30 seeing off Josh to Legoland with his mate and I can still find the time to soothe your troubled minds...god I'm thoughtful :lol::lol::lol: !

Edited by mikeo
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My shed is my sanctuary in a mad world, I should know I'm as mad a a f*cking hatter.


It contains my weights and bench, a nice little hi-fi, a selection of old CD's, my home made wine, my pornography and some Army memories.


A nice place to be, leave the shed out of it and we will all get along famously.





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My shed is my sanctuary in a mad world, I should know I'm as mad a a f*cking hatter.


It contains my weights and bench, a nice little hi-fi, a selection of old CD's, my home made wine, my pornography and some Army memories.


A nice place to be, leave the shed out of it and we will all get along famously.







Thats a use for a shed i didnt foresee, maybe i should think about getting a shed :P

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My shed is my sanctuary in a mad world, I should know I'm as mad a a f*cking hatter.




There's more out than in Mac it's true, but can I just offer a small nugget of advice which has helped me in my darker moments? It is, never ever attempt to play a game of Trivial Pursuit with a group of paranoid schizonphrenics because it will end in tears and probably violence :unsure: .


And I'm a bit concerned about the contents of your shed Pat! It's either a strain of tomato that I've not come across before or it's some of that Mary Joanna stuff :D .

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My shed is my sanctuary in a mad world, I should know I'm as mad a a f*cking hatter.


It contains my weights and bench, a nice little hi-fi, a selection of old CD's, my home made wine, my pornography and some Army memories.


A nice place to be, leave the shed out of it and we will all get along famously.







Really, do you want to spend the rest of the summer out there?.


no mac its sex,lager and ear muffs so u cant hear the mrs nagging ;)



It's me that wears the earmuffs so I can't here crap about sheds. :D



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My shed is my sanctuary in a mad world, I should know I'm as mad a a f*cking hatter.


It contains my weights and bench, a nice little hi-fi, a selection of old CD's, my home made wine, my pornography and some Army memories.


A nice place to be, leave the shed out of it and we will all get along famously.







Sounds like the perfect bacholar pad, good for doing a bit of DIY

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