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Get the lad the biggest poster of Ossie you can find and tell him how he was constantly written off as too small and not strong enough be fought his way into the first team of the greatest club in the land. Another little gem being AJ who was written off at 20 as too small and trust me that lad is little i'v had the pleasure of looking at the top of his head on the pitch at Bury!


Theres gota be some motivation in royal blue for the wee man.


Nice to see a little nipper making his old mans heart smile, cant wait til i'v got a littlun of my own  :D



Nice post Mr Fish..much appreciated. He has a signed photo of Ossie by his bed and tried to get his name and number on his shirt a couple of years ago but it was too small to take 21 :lol: .


I'd recommend parenthood to anyone...with the possible exception my one remaining daughter who's not managed to get up the duff yet. Don't think that I've mentioned that our eldest (just finished year one at university, glittering future, huge plans) has managed to "accidentally" get herself pregnant. Tragedy really. Every time I see Jessie (not expecting) the first thing I say is "You're not pregnant are you?"

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My middle one, Robert, has a good day at school today. Newcastle Utd are bringing a few players down and doing a bit of training with some promising kids.


Robert was picked as one of the kids and is bursting with excitement, 6 weeks it goes on for and on the last Friday they are jacking up a charra and taking them to St James' Park for a look around.


So I am expecting an ear bashing when he comes home.





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Pity we're not gonna see the fat man swinging , even as an English cricket fan the pie man was always a pleasure to watch ( even though he raped us on nearly every occasion )  .  :)



I met the fat man a few years ago. Was at Bellrive Oval to watch Australia A vs India and Warnie was commentating for the tv due to having his enforced holiday.

Was down geeting a feed at take away counter and Warnie comes up and orders Chips, dim sims & chicken wings!!


No wonder he needed them tablets :lol:

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2.31 am, can't sleep bored out of my tiny mind, gutted T has overtaken me in the tipping, and there is not one c*nt to talk to................









Hahahahaha :lol:


Just sitting up having a few cans of the old carling before bobies , cant sleep either though mate and thats why i'am on the carling , maybe it will make me a tad more sleepy . :)

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After you scooted Willo, all I was left with was, ask jeeves and google, let me tell you what a pair of ignorant c*nts, didn't even take any notice when I took all my kit off. :D


My favourite word is FLANGE, still not sure what one is but it sounds good,


If happiness is purple and anger is red and sadness is blue, why is love given the same colour as anger?


What colour would madness be?.


If I could fight an historical/famous person (a la fight club) I would pick Benny Hill and kick his dirty old arse from here to yesterday and back.


I would like to have sex with a famous woman before I die. Vorderman would do very nicely, and I bet she goes at it like a dog eating porridge.


The loneliness has got to me, time for more meds I think.





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Madness would be whatever colour you wanted it to be Mac....the truly insane person has no inkling of their condition...so in their world they are right and it's everyone else who's barking.


And Flange is good...but for me it has to be "Globule."

Edited by mikeo
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Cant believe this is still going!


Well hello people!


Sorry I havent been around much gone back to uni for the new year got a new man (maybe) new job and new house so its all been a bit stressful!  Hopefully will have internet in next couple of days


Hope you're all well  :D





:o you must have had about a year off if youve just gone back

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Cant believe this is still going!


Well hello people!


Sorry I havent been around much gone back to uni for the new year got a new man (maybe) new job and new house so its all been a bit stressful!  Hopefully will have internet in next couple of days


Hope you're all well  :D



And you are who?.







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Can I just point out that I have made my 2000th post today :D ....and not a single one of you sent a card...I'm hurt and distressed. I work my fingers to the bone for you and what thanks do I get? Nothing, I'm going to bed and you can sleep in the spare room :angry: !


(another pill please matron!)

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For the reccord people a "Flange" is the term given to a connection plate on the end of a pipe or bar etc so when you see 2 pipes in a factory connected by 2 metal plates with a series of bolts around the diameter you are looking at a flanged joint.


Zed a gasket is the rubber / plastic / fibre insert between creating a seal between the 2 flange faces.


Sorry people I know mechanical engineering is boring but there you go.


On a lighter point a Flange is also a slang term used to describe the vagina for what reason I dont know but its one of those terms that makes me chuckle like a schoolie :unsure:

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For the reccord people a "Flange" is the term given to a connection plate on the end of a pipe or bar etc so when you see 2 pipes in a factory connected by 2 metal plates with a series of bolts around the diameter you are looking at a flanged joint.


Your quite right, the gasket is what you put between the flange plates


And it also make me laugh



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