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Cant help me self..>See what a win does were all bouncin.


But would that expression of dance be titled.." Lord of the Ring"



Aafterthought..LOL.@ This mornings Kooh De Tah in Fiji ( The Coup pat's been predicting fer mnths)

Was sposed to happen friday but it clashed with a Rugby game so the Miltary disperesed from the streets to the local stadium, got pissed up on kava & casualy decided Monday would have to do. Even told the govt theyw ere overthrowing of the cancellation due to a social occasion.


Not a Bullet fired, they lobbed up sober on monday & did the



Coup in the tropics, would you like an umbrella & a swizzle stick in your Cocktail coup of kooh.


This event didnt Shake Or Stir..So it's more of a Claytons Coup than a Martini job.

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Apologies for putting a bit of a downer on this but Josh's best mate turned up at our door at about 8.00 tonight, he'd not been at school Friday or Monday and the reason turned out to be that his mum died on Saturday. Single mum, only saw her last week, nice but private lady who'd (she thought) beaten cancer but she went into hospital late last week...after complaining about constipation of all things...and it'd come back big time in her bowel. Kidneys failed while they were operating, went into a coma and died Saturday. Poor little chap sitting there swapping Doctor Who cards with Josh...pulls your heart out. I took him home and talked with his granddad...poor man was barely coherent, has to be the worst thing imaginable outliving your child. Life's a bitch sometimes..no justice. Puts things in perspective.

Edited by mikeo
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Apologies for putting a bit of a downer on this but Josh's best mate turned up at our door at about 8.00 tonight, he'd not been at school Friday or Monday and the reason turned out to be that his mum died on Saturday. Single mum, only saw her last week, nice but private lady who'd (she thought) beaten cancer but she went into hospital late last week...after complaining about constipation of all things...and it'd come back big time in her bowel. Kidneys failed while they were operating, went into a coma and died Saturday. Poor little chap sitting there swapping Doctor Who cards with Josh...pulls your heart out. I took him home and talked with his granddad...poor man was barely coherent, has to be the worst thing imaginable outliving your child. Life's a bitch sometimes..no justice. Puts things in perspective.


Poor little lad an the rest of the family come to think of it :(

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