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Don't believe TLT has slipped onto the second page, so in a bid to rivive it please consider the following....


Have monkey's continued to evolve into humans, why did they stay as monkeys and we moved on?, and while we are being random - why do we have fingernails and toenails?.


I can lick my own elbow.





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Mac said..........why do we have fingernails and toenails?.




So we can untie the Knots in our Laces, is the first one that springs to mind. :D



But What a good question, must delve into that one cos there must be a scientific reason that may make sense.

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I have asked everyone I know, there is no logical answer I can see. Something to do with nerve endings?. If that is the case, why don't we have a nice big bollocknail, let's face it that is one area that could do with a bit of protection.





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Have monkey's continued to evolve into humans, why did they stay as monkeys and we moved on?, and while we are being random - why do we have fingernails and toenails?.


Humans did not evolve from monkeys. Humans are more closely related to modern apes than to monkeys, but we didn't evolve from apes, either. Humans share a common ancestor with modern African apes, like gorillas and chimpanzees. Scientists believe this common ancestor existed

5 to 8 million years ago. Shortly thereafter, the species diverged into two separate lineages. One of these lineages ultimately evolved into gorillas and chimps, and the other evolved into early human ancestors called hominids.


I could probably lick your elbow too Mac, if I was of a mind to :D .


And this link may help with the toenail thing...


>>>Then what are toenails for?<<<


Don't say I never do anything for you :lol: !

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Nealry got Crayola corner last night Pat time. Big Big biiiggg Work xmas doo...Very Messy Character by 3am ish..Thought crossed mind but was incapapble of pushing the big round ON button on arriving home.


So ya's were spared.


Disco King....................Again............ :o


One of many higlights was a Fortitude Valley Hot dog stand incident with the Police...LOL...My Lil Aboriginee Work mate Choc or Kit Kat as he is known ( fukin funniest fella on earth - I call him the Kat - have truble with the overtones, though he doesnt) slumped in a gutter were 3 of us..chewing on the worst Hot dog ever created, when the boyz in blue thought theyd move us along.


No prob's, we was kewl till the kat started to demand native land title for the gutter we were sitting in..Fuk me watta a LAFF, he started speiling all this constitutional stuff, native title treaties the whole kit n kaboodle.


I was killing me self in lafter, as the Kat remonstarted further & whole heatredly tried to convince these officers that his long lost ancestors had once owned title of the gutter we were sat..LOl...& he wanted it back..OH man... these poor two bobbies eventually thought fuk this & just left...LOL.


Im Glad i only get out n about the club/party scene 2/3 times a year now.


Couldnt cope with any more.

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Flying the flag down under eh M?, good on you lad.


Just seen I am alone with google, time to get naked. :D






Ha ha talking about being naked, Im home from uni now and thought I had the house to myself this morning so I was about to run downstairs with nothing on for a coffee then back to bed but something stopped me and I grabbed my dressing gown. Good job I did cos when I got to the bottom of the stairs my little bro was there with about 6 of his mates!!

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:lol: , that could have been a little embarassing for the poor little lads, imagine having a naked 20 something running around naked. They would end up on Jeremy Kyle in 10 years time. :o


More like end up in the bathroom in ten seconds time :lol: (apart from your bro of course...he'd be scarred for life :blink: )

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