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Moyes: Maybe This Is As Good As It Gets For Everton


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"I'd need to come back at that and say, yeah, we maybe haven't done as well at the top clubs as we should have done and, yeah, maybe we've lost the odd game in Europe we shouldn't have done, but with what we've done here – how many years have we been in Europe and competed in the top half of the league? Maybe that's as good as Everton can do on the financial resources Everton have got."






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maybe moyes should take a look up the table at blackpool...they are running their club on a pittance compared to us,the problem is players wages we pay above the average i think.



I wish people would stop using Blackpool as a stick to beat Moyse with.


They are a one off and good luck to them but lets see how they are doing after a few years time.


They have taken everybody by surprise but I really doubt that they will bae able to sustain it, already the vultures are cicling around some of their better players and they wont be able to stop them walking precisely because they are on a pittance compared to ours

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im not criticising moyes he shouldnt be crying poverty the way he is,he should just get on with it,



I don't think he should just get on with it at all, he needs to put pressure on our board (after giving them a pretty easy ride in the past) to do something in regards to our finances.


I hope this is just the beginning.

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I wish people would stop using Blackpool as a stick to beat Moyse with.


They are a one off and good luck to them but lets see how they are doing after a few years time.


They have taken everybody by surprise but I really doubt that they will bae able to sustain it, already the vultures are cicling around some of their better players and they wont be able to stop them walking precisely because they are on a pittance compared to ours


startin to wind me up as well..they've won a few games with a surprise factor..hull did it 1 year and fuck me they're doin well now aren't they?

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I wish people would stop using Blackpool as a stick to beat Moyse with.


They are a one off and good luck to them but lets see how they are doing after a few years time.


They have taken everybody by surprise but I really doubt that they will bae able to sustain it, already the vultures are cicling around some of their better players and they wont be able to stop them walking precisely because they are on a pittance compared to ours


I don't think he should just get on with it at all, he needs to put pressure on our board (after giving them a pretty easy ride in the past) to do something in regards to our finances.


I hope this is just the beginning.


Both spot on. If Blackpool can achieve what Moyes has achieved repeatedly and improve on that for the next 10 years, then we can use them as an example. Until then theyre having a good season, like Ipswich did a few years ago when they got promoted and got into Europe the next season (very nearly CL it was too)...


Its nice to see DM admitting it too, though im of the more pessimistic side that think this is a sign hes had enough....

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I'm chuffed to bits that he has come out and said this because he knows that this isn't what the fans will accept. He is no doubt at the stage where despite wheeling and dealing he can see components of his bargain buying nearing the end of a life cycle.


He isn't the most tactically astute manager I've seen but I have no doubt he is thinking a couple of years ahead. He is watching pienaar trot off to a rival team, yak struggle with a career ending injury, arteta struggle to find form, Neville, Cahill, Saha having probably no more than two seasons at the top. He has possibly identified the fact that the club will be in a similar predicament to that shower across the park with absolutely no funds to rebuild. The only solution? That lot upstairs out.

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who do you recommend we bring in instead ?


As in who will provide everton with the platform (interest free loan/investment) to become self sufficient (operate at a profit whilst giving the manager funds to develop the squad)?


"Bring in" probably ain't the way to describe selling the club, the club should sell itself providing the owners are looking to sell. Given the 24/7 search for buyers?! Am I the person who can answer that question?


At the end of the day I am a fan, I have many questions regarding the ownership of the club, of which to my frustration answers are not available.


Moyes may not be the man to take us to the top 4 as a permanent fixture, he at least deserves the backing to prove that.


I'm by no means moyes biggest fan, his loyalty and tenacity demands respect.


The people who run the club? Absolute joke, asset stripped, debt increase, wasted money on flawed stadium project, no ring fenced money on stadium that would have had us by now making serious money on match day and concerts etc. Add to that after years of penny pinching we have no money to secure quality loan signings. It's bad.

Edited by Hafnia2
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What I don't like in the interview is the suggestion that we should somehow be really impressed by all the draws. Does that mean he wants to just defend tomorrow? It's obvious this season is going nowhere, but an Anfield win would certainly be a good memory at the end of the season. And if we really are going to somehow achieve something, we need to be more attack minded and go for three points or we'll never catch up.

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I wish people would stop using Blackpool as a stick to beat Moyse with.


They are a one off and good luck to them but lets see how they are doing after a few years time.


They have taken everybody by surprise but I really doubt that they will bae able to sustain it, already the vultures are cicling around some of their better players and they wont be able to stop them walking precisely because they are on a pittance compared to ours


you do love your assumptions...i believe you will be right, but you can't just say that off the bat.


there's no reason why you can't use blackpool as an example, or bolton, or sunderland...regarding blackpool, teams know what to expect now and they're still doing a decent job. now i know this is over a short space of time, so it's not like you can compare them to everton under moyes, but it does show how attacking, fluent football can be advantageous, at least in the short term.


does anyone think that perhaps we've been sussed? talking about how blackpool can't maintain what they have, can we? look at the points over the last 18 months we've lost against the lesser teams...i'd say maybe teams know how to play us now and that we in fact lack the surprise factor. we're predictable, we'll play a majority down the left through pienaar and baines, we won't cut a team up through the middle, we're not as effective on the right. coleman's enjoyed a good season, maybe because he's had a bit more freedom because he's been the surprise? we've got no balance, if a team steps off us and sit deep, we'll pass the ball around in front of them without ever cutting through.


my point is, blackpool may well be a one off, they may well plummet from these dizzy heights, but at least they've got something about them....we're one dimensional. maybe moyes could take a leaf out of ollie's, coyle's or bruce's book an mix up his tactics a bit more, try and play a faster more balanced and attacking game once in a while. the good thing here is that he's actually tried to do that with the 4-4-2 of late, but it remains to be seen how long he stick with this and how often he will change it up. like blackpool, we've not got enough about us to be predictable.

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The difference between us and other Clubs is the speed of the attack, when we get the ball we pass it square and backwards until all the defenders are back in front of us, OR we get closed down, have nowhere to go and just lump it up front. :angry:


very true, but we cant break teams down either...we let them catch up when we break, when we arent breaking me look just as, if not more clueless

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you do love your assumptions...i believe you will be right, but you can't just say that off the bat.


there's no reason why you can't use blackpool as an example, or bolton, or sunderland...regarding blackpool, teams know what to expect now and they're still doing a decent job. now i know this is over a short space of time, so it's not like you can compare them to everton under moyes, but it does show how attacking, fluent football can be advantageous, at least in the short term.


does anyone think that perhaps we've been sussed? talking about how blackpool can't maintain what they have, can we? look at the points over the last 18 months we've lost against the lesser teams...i'd say maybe teams know how to play us now and that we in fact lack the surprise factor. we're predictable, we'll play a majority down the left through pienaar and baines, we won't cut a team up through the middle, we're not as effective on the right. coleman's enjoyed a good season, maybe because he's had a bit more freedom because he's been the surprise? we've got no balance, if a team steps off us and sit deep, we'll pass the ball around in front of them without ever cutting through.


my point is, blackpool may well be a one off, they may well plummet from these dizzy heights, but at least they've got something about them....we're one dimensional. maybe moyes could take a leaf out of ollie's, coyle's or bruce's book an mix up his tactics a bit more, try and play a faster more balanced and attacking game once in a while. the good thing here is that he's actually tried to do that with the 4-4-2 of late, but it remains to be seen how long he stick with this and how often he will change it up. like blackpool, we've not got enough about us to be predictable.




Im not assuming anything Im just saying that because Blackpool have had a decent first half to the season that doesnt suddenly mean Ian Holloway is doing a better job than Moyes.


Now isnt the time to judge them and If you are going to compare the job Holloway is doing to Moyes then you have to wait and see where they are in a few years time

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Hes right but I still dont like the article. As far as I am concerned this is stuff he should be saying behind closed doors not in the public eye.


We have a team capable of putting a challenge in for the title (im not sayign we should win it, but we should be up there at this stage) yet we are struggling and that isnt because of the board or because of the strikers. If we had not had such poor starts to the last 2 seasons we could have had more money coming in from CL or at least Europa.


Im certainly not saying this is Moyes' fault, the board bear a very large brunt of responsibility but our squad is better than what it is currently capable of and the man responsible for that is Moyes. After all we could easily scrape another couple of million by knocking a few grand off his comparitively high weekly wage.

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Im not assuming anything Im just saying that because Blackpool have had a decent first half to the season that doesnt suddenly mean Ian Holloway is doing a better job than Moyes.


Now isnt the time to judge them and If you are going to compare the job Holloway is doing to Moyes then you have to wait and see where they are in a few years time


in terms of overall performance yes, agreed. like i said though, up until recently i think we've been a victim of moyes' negativity. i think he could learn a bit from the managers i mentioned, and i'm not saying mimmick them, because as you rightly say you can't judge blackpool yet. what i am suggesting is maybe we need a bit more variation, guile and speed about our game. we need to make the most of our balance with coleman i think, and although we're not lightening in midfield, we can be quicker than we are...we can also not rest on what we've got and try and exploit the holes that appear when a team chase us. not copying, but just maybe taking a few of the successes on board, almost like a case study for consideration.

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in terms of overall performance yes, agreed. like i said though, up until recently i think we've been a victim of moyes' negativity. i think he could learn a bit from the managers i mentioned, and i'm not saying mimmick them, because as you rightly say you can't judge blackpool yet. what i am suggesting is maybe we need a bit more variation, guile and speed about our game. we need to make the most of our balance with coleman i think, and although we're not lightening in midfield, we can be quicker than we are...we can also not rest on what we've got and try and exploit the holes that appear when a team chase us. not copying, but just maybe taking a few of the successes on board, almost like a case study for consideration.


Yeah fair enough I agree with that


I would say though that our problems are not when teams chase us because we tend to play much better then. For me our problems start when teams decide to come and park the bus and we just dont seem to have the guile or the tools in the box to open them up. That is why Artetas poor form is being felt so badly and why Piennar will be such a big miss for us

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Yeah fair enough I agree with that


I would say though that our problems are not when teams chase us because we tend to play much better then. For me our problems start when teams decide to come and park the bus and we just dont seem to have the guile or the tools in the box to open them up. That is why Artetas poor form is being felt so badly and why Piennar will be such a big miss for us


In a 4-4-2 I think we could replace pienaar easier than we would if we look to continue 4-5-1. Reason being in the 4-5-1 we rely heavily on neat one two touch football in and around the area, where Cahill has occupied space and the other team have 8 men behind the ball. 4-4-2 may be just up magueyes street, two strikers pushing and pulling the centre halves out of position, the opportunity to play the direct ball to either flank where pace exists in Coleman and gueye.

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In a 4-4-2 I think we could replace pienaar easier than we would if we look to continue 4-5-1. Reason being in the 4-5-1 we rely heavily on neat one two touch football in and around the area, where Cahill has occupied space and the other team have 8 men behind the ball. 4-4-2 may be just up magueyes street, two strikers pushing and pulling the centre halves out of position, the opportunity to play the direct ball to either flank where pace exists in Coleman and gueye.


That is what I would like to see. At least to give that formation a chance.

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Hes right but I still dont like the article. As far as I am concerned this is stuff he should be saying behind closed doors not in the public eye.


We have a team capable of putting a challenge in for the title (im not sayign we should win it, but we should be up there at this stage) yet we are struggling and that isnt because of the board or because of the strikers. If we had not had such poor starts to the last 2 seasons we could have had more money coming in from CL or at least Europa.


Im certainly not saying this is Moyes' fault, the board bear a very large brunt of responsibility but our squad is better than what it is currently capable of and the man responsible for that is Moyes. After all we could easily scrape another couple of million by knocking a few grand off his comparitively high weekly wage.


Totally agree. Of course being skint is worrying and yeah we may well have some big problems in a couple of years when it comes to replacing the likes of Cahill, Neville, Saha etc. But the fact is we have a squad right now that is easily capable of finishing in the top 6, if not the top four, and for whatever reason it is underperforming. Our inability to replicate the title-chasing form we showed second half of last season in the first half of this season has got nothing to do with the board or signing new players, it's down to a combination of the players themselves and the manager's tactics. And remember the difference to our finances qualifying for Europe would make - notice how all the £10m+ signings have dried up as soon as we're not in the Europa? That's Moyes' responsibility, not the boards.

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