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North West Tonight


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Taken from a Grand Old Team's website


"BBC´s North West Tonight have this evening claimed of significant interest from an American source in a takeover of Everton.


Their report also claimed Bill Kenwright to have rejected three ´serious´ consortium bids within the past twelve months.


Everton manager David Moyes recently reiterated bewilderment with the lack of takeover interest in the club since being publicly placed on sale in 2008.


Moyes "Everton would be a great club to buy. We have a consistent and great fanbase and we have assets and money on the pitch.


"We have a decent training ground, we are obviously short of a stadium, and the chairman is out there lobbying. It is a good club to be involved with, it has a great history and there is a lot of value and investment on the pitch."

Edited by The Beard
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BBC´s North West Tonight have this evening claimed of significant interest from an American source in a takeover of Everton.


Is this current or one of the 3 turned down?


If there was ever a time when we needed this to be genuine, it's now. Investment pre-summer or I can see many players leaving who we'd rather be keeping! :(

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Not really in football terms, Robert Earl is, Bill Kenwright and Jon Woods had to borrow to buy into Everton. Sir Philip Carter (turns 84 in May) still lives in Birkenhead (albeit Oxton) so can't be that rich! ;) He's never been the owner, more of a figurehead.

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i think we deserve the right to know why the 3 serious bids were turned down?


edit: on a side note, there have been a fair few calls into talksport tonight about how much the media love BK and Moyes yet the reality with the fans is quite the opposite

Edited by theprisoner
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i think we deserve the right to know why the 3 serious bids were turned down?

Can hear it now 'they werent the right owners blah blah blah' or 'they didnt have the clubs best intrest blah blah fcukin blah' im seriously pissed at this its a disgrace hes destroying our club!

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theres about to be riot in the streets if this news is true

Kenwright's said himself that he's spoken to people who sound serious but then don't come up with the money so it's hardly news.


The report doesn't say (or even hint) that the board are turning people away, just that one offer went, according to their expert, "..a long way down the track and then stopped."


Why riot? This adds nothing to the debate whichever side you're on.

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Kenwright's said himself that he's spoken to people who sound serious but then don't come up with the money so it's hardly news.


The report doesn't say (or even hint) that the board are turning people away, just that one offer went, according to their expert, "..a long way down the track and then stopped."


Why riot? This adds nothing to the debate whichever side you're on.

At the same time Mike0 theres the saying theres no smoke without fire, and this isnt the 1st time its been claimed a bids been knocked back!

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Found what I was looking for...


'...he (Kenwright) has come close to doing a deal over the past year, only to find potential buyers dont have the cash to back up their bullish promises.


There are many people out there who purport to have millions, even billions, who are ready to sign the cheque, he said.


But the minute you say show us the funds they go missing and you dont hear from them again."'



Point is that the BBC have a totally unspecific "exclusive" telling us that people are interested when we already know that (according to BK) many unspecified people are interested.


So it's really a totally pointless bit of TV which adds nothing to anyone's argument.

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I'm a bit suspicious of these rumours now, and I may be being paranoid, but they always seem to surface when we're at a low point. Also, the journo there says


"interest from potential new owners"

"there has been considerable interest [over the last three years]...including an approach from a major sports group in America".


That Bick guy says that one had 'deep pockets' but that just 'stopped'. So that one's a non-runner.


There's also not that much said about the three 'serious' approaches received.


For me, I can't see anything to get my hopes up about. We are desperately in need of investment, we all know that, but I'm not going to get carried away by this report.


the presenter of the piece end with this


"Everton will hope that some of that interest crystallises into concrete offers"


and that is the key for me.... interest is just that.


I could say I'm interested in buying Everton, but apart from the fact that I could only afford to throw in about a tenner, I don't think that would class as a concrete offer.

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It's not been confirmed that they have been turned down as far as I know.


This is the person that was used by the BBC: http://www.square1consulting.co.uk/our-people/david-bick


He says that the group interested in Everton had "deep pockets" so they are either rich or they play with themselves when talking to you.


that made me laugh man!! haha great stuff

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Just read this about Anil Dhirubhai Ambani on Wiki - 'was in talks with Everton officials over a deal to takeover the club. Before this he was also on the brink of buying Newcastle United.[16][17] He is now believed to be keen to re-kindle his interest in Everton as Chairman Bill Kenwright has admitted he will now actively seek to sell his shares due to the collapse of the clubs Destination Kirkby stadium project'.

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They were interested a few years ago, around 2008 I think. Apparently held talks with Bill Kenwright but nothing came of it.


Recently the journalist James Corbett spoke to a spokesman for QIA and he said they were not interested in buying a club in the "immediate future".


I'm surprised by the lack of reporting in the local press. Even something like this would suffice:


"BBC North West Tonight programme claim that there have been at least three groups with "serious" interest in buying Everton. An American sports group who own a major US-based sports franchise held talks in April 2010 whilst an Asian party and another American party have also held talks.


"David Bick, a City PR consultant who is specialises with media support during football takeovers has been approached by investors with a view to taking over Everton. He said: "I'm aware of one deal that was going on a year or two back, a very serious investor with deep pockets. It seemed to go a long way down the track and then stopped.""

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A lot has changed since 08 though hasn't it, the Kirkby fiasco being the major difference! Facing facts BK hasn't the finances to build a new stadium or rebuild the old lady, he also has no means of supporting our very patient manager, slowly but surely every fan is beginning to see that Bk (not Moyes) has taken our great club as far as they can! Maybe now Bk is ready to hand it over as I believe Kirkby was his last hope of keeping control.

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