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Sheffield United Claim On Jagielka

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This is from Sheffield United's 2007 claim against West Ham. Sheffield United wanted West Ham to pay the difference between what we bought Jagielka for and what Sheffield United valued him at:


12. As a result of its relegation at the end of the 2006/2007 season, Sheffield lost approximately half of the value of its most valuable player, Phil Jagielka. Under the terms of the player contract between Sheffield and Mr Jagielka, if Sheffield was relegated from the Premier League at the end of the 2006/2007 season, it was obliged to facilitate his transfer to any club that offered £4 million. Following Sheffield's relegation at the end of the 2006/2007 season, Everton FC purchased Mr Jagielka for that amount. Sheffield estimates that Mr Jagielka's true market value at the end of the 2006/2007 season was at least £8 million.


13. Under this head of loss and damage, Sheffield accordingly claims £4 million, being the difference between the estimated market value of Mr Jagielka when Sheffield sold him and the price that Sheffield received from Everton FC. Additional compensation payments to management (sub-paragraph 74.5)


I don't think we would have signed him for £8million.

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Don't think he was worth 8 mill when we signed him. He was a centre mid wasnt he?



He was more of a jack of all trades, master of none - midfielder, CB, RB - which is why Moyes bought him. Thankfully it quickly became apparent to Moyes that he was a brilliant CB and pretty shit everywhere else.

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As far as I can see it is "tough tittie Sheffield" You sold him, we didn't force you to sell him to us.


He had a clause triggered by their relegation so they were forced to sell him. They aren't putting any blame on us, they're saying that they could have demanded £8m without this clause if they had stayed up - maybe getting £6m. The reason they couldn't do this is that they went down at West Ham's expense - with West Ham's good form and key goals coming from Tevez who was acquired/playing 'illegally' for them - so West Ham should have gone down (minus Tevez's input) and Jags release fee should have never been triggered!

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