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Posts posted by johnh

  1. Welcome in. You do realise that 'once an Everton fan, always an Everton fan'? It is a lifetime commitment.

    I started in about 1943, but as there was no organised football during the war, had to wait until 1946 for my first game. You couldn't have made a better decision though. Enjoy the ride!

  2. Declaring "pre existing conditions" on a travel instance quote; I just spent f'king ages answering sixty plus questions online with a company that "specialises" in insuring people with them only to be given a quote (bronze service ie cheapest) of £345!


    Oh; and that's for a three day week end in Amsterdam by the way. Jesus.

    The year before last I had a long week-end in Cork. Age 77 with a heart condition, the travel insurance was £7 with the AA.

  3. Wild child of British modern art many years ago but still going strong, along with Damien Hurst perpetuated all sorts of absurdity that allowed them to take shitloads of money off thick rich people (eg Charles Saatchi). Many others followed in their footsteps.


    All started (in my memory at least) in the seventies when the Tate Gallery put "Equivalent VIII" on show. Here are some people admiring it. They are bricks btw if the photo's not too clear.



    Charles Saatchi may lack taste but he makes a lot of money out of it. He pays a lot of money for crap but creates a 'market'. Then gullible rich people come along and pay even more when Saatchi sells it. Non-artists like Emin and Hirst make a lot of money. Saatchi makes a lot of money and the bozo's at the end of the chain think they have a masterpiece.

  4. The AA sending me a renewal notice telling me I need to do nothing to continue coverage (as I pay by monthly DD) and then just dropping in as an afterthought the fact that the cost is rising from £7.90 to £13.74 a month :dry:. How can they justify that? I've not called them out once in the last year so if anything it should go down! I feel a change of provider coming on.

    A couple of years ago, I transferred all my insurances (car, buildings, contents) to the AA and saved £380.

    This year (third year) after 'no claims' my motor insurance went up by 25% and the other two by 28%. Needless to say, I am with someone else now.

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