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Posts posted by johnh

  1. Some players who dive and feign injury, actually scream like big girls blouses. Honesty and integrity have almost disappeared from the game. I played when tackling was allowed 'below the waist'. Some tackles made your eyes water but you got up and got on with it. The diving started in Germany in the late 1970's but the Italians and Spanish (particularly) have taken it to a new level. I already watch my local Rugby team on a Saturday and only watch football on TV, but if it deteriorates much more, I will stop watching it altogether.

  2. Platini, head honcho of UEFA and who has his eyes on Blatter's job in FIFA, is on record as saying he wants tackling eliminating from the game. Diving and feigning injury helps his cause, so the authorities aren't going to sort it out. When I played in the 1950's/60's you would have been laughed off the field for diving. Our trainer used to say 'when a boxer is hurt, he smiles, so if you get clogged I want to see you smiling. Don't let them see they've hurt you'. Pele is one of the greats and really took some stick during his career, particularly in the 1966 World Cup. I think so called 'greats' are diminished if they cheat.

  3. Surprised, but I thought Baines has had a very poor world cup. Can anyone explain why Sturridge always seems to shoot at goal with the inside of his foot? He doesn't get much power doing this and scuffs a high proportion of shots. The only way to get power is to use the instep. Against Uruguay he had two shots from just inside the area which were so weak they looked like pass-backs to the goalie. Rooney played better but missed an open goal when he shot straight at the keeper.


    Yeah I kind of regret it; I'd had a few drinks so went a bit over the top so I apologise for that.


    (Still maintain it sounds like an extract from a UKIP pamphlet though ;))


    MikeO. No problem. I had assumed you had overdosed on PC (Pina Colada's) :rofl:

  5. David Cameron is visiting America. Barak Obama takes him to a top secret scientific laboratory. Keen to show off, Obama shows him a Time Machine that can accurately predict events 100 years in the future. 'Ask it a question' says Obama. So Cameron asks what England will be like in 100 years time. There is a whirring, bleeping, flashing of lights then out comes a print-out. Cameron looks at it for a few minutes and Obama, getting impatient says 'come on David, what does it say'? 'I don't know' says Cameron, 'its not in English'.

  6. The only similarity with Barca is in the number of passes. The difference is Barca's passes are quick, sharp and penetrating. England's are backwards and sideways, mainly between the back four. Even then we manage to give the ball away on occasions. If Lampard or Wilshire play any part in this World Cup then we are done for. I would also start with Rooney on the bench. Barkley and Sterling to start.

  7. Every year, D-Day reminds me of a little incident in my childhood. I was eight years old in 1944 and I was on my way to school. Walking down Walton Hall Avenue towards 'The Crown', which is where the East Lancs Road started. Coming down the East Lancs Road heading towards Liverpool centre came a convoy of American trucks, each one filled with soldiers. I am sure that they were on their way to embark for D-Day. I stood watching them pass when I heard a shout from a truck that hadn't yet reached me. When it came level with me, two soldiers threw a load of sweets which came down like rain. I waved a 'thanks' and started to pick them up. I filled all my pockets but there were still loads left on the ground, so I had to stuff them down my jumper. There were sweets, chocolate and chewing gum, easily several months of sweet rations. I legged it home and unloaded all the sweets onto the table. My mother's jaw dropped open and when I told her what had happened she had a weep. Every year I think about this incident and hope that the generous American soldiers who threw the sweets survived the war OK.

    Another story on 'sweet rationing'. On the day the Government announced it was ending me and my brother raced up to the local sweet shop to experience the novelty of buying sweets 'off ration'. When we got there we found a queue 20 yards long outside the shop. When we eventually got in we found that the shopkeeper, in an effort to ensure that everyone got some, had introduced his own 'rationing' system. The only problem was that it was less than the official ration!

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