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Everything posted by Btay

  1. Chelsea have signed Malang Sarr from Lille on a free. Means they’ve got quite a stockpile of CB’s. Not sure if we can sneak in and get Thiago Silva from underneath them but he would be an excellent addition to go with the some of the other names mentioned.
  2. Kenny at right back to start. Defense has some question marks over it though, thats for sure.
  3. I started watching some better videos on him and hes absolutely class. Kind of player that just sees things happening before any one else. Typically of left footers but his left foot is amazing. Unbelievable close control and he creates space for himself and beats players with his technique/skill not his physical attributes so his age shouldn't be an issue. I really think if we land these 3 then it could be a pivotal point going forward for us.
  4. Exactly. Shows a big insight to how much the media and constant criticism can affect a persons mental health - especially someone who is presumed to have it all.
  5. Its part and parcel of hosting a site really i guess! Glad its sorted. Thanks mate!
  6. Not sure if it’s been mentioned but couldn’t find a thread on him strangely enough. Andre Schurrle retired a few months ago. 29 years old. https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/amp.dw.com/en/andre-sch%C3%BCrrle-retirement-world-cup-winner-goes-out-on-his-own-honest-terms/a-54226496
  7. Wish we had just kept Robles to be honest. Have not seen alot of Romero but if he didn't dislodge De Gea with how bad his form was im not entirely confident. We just need a keeper right now, who does the basic efficiently.
  8. Big thing is Rodriguez is left footed. Finally. I think if we can get all those players into a fluid 4-3-3 we could really be onto something.
  9. Yeah seemed the sever was struggling a little bit perhaps!
  10. Add in Vlasic as well. All for that 10 spot. This is a bit different as we don’t have any midfield right now.
  11. Gone a light green, don’t mind the colour, bit disappointing it’s same design all three kits but I guess that’s how it is these days. Good touch on release as well EIC is huge, huge part of this club. https://www.google.com.au/amp/s/www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/everton-new-third-kit-revealed-18828374.amp
  12. We surely wont be getting held to ransom over Doucoure though. Sounds like Watford are trying to get us to offer what we offered last summer without acknowledging the goalpost have moved with their relegation. Doucoure is good but if James Rodriguez is cheaper id be going after him first and then even Rakitic. I think Gbabim will look to rotate with Allan mostly. Hopefully we can be in a position to ease him into the season. Potentially a good option at CB as well so he could save us a fortune.
  13. Would be amazing but i cant see all three coming at once. I think it will be either Rodriguez or Doucoure personally. If the rumors where true about a fee under 10 million for Rodriguez then thats a huge coup. Whilst i know it shouldn't be the case but id be most excited to see Gomes in the midfield with Allan and Rodriguez - Huge improvement on the midfield we endured for 19/20 season.
  14. Rb is his spot to lose for me. Not expecting a tonne of assists from him but solid 1v1 defending and energy up the wing.
  15. Ah Koeman would probably look to replace Messi with the pair
  16. This, 100% agree. I wouldn’t be surprised if we told our wingers last preseason to do a lot of running and get fit, don’t worry about crossing or doing fuck all with the ball and it carried into the season. Once you step on that field you have a job and task to do.
  17. Mark, I don’t know how it’s happened in the world of football but Gylfi has this stigma to him that he’s this technical, chance creating and assist giving machine - he’s not. He’s got a fantastic long shot and good on a dead ball ( we haven’t seen the latter nearly enough ). 112 games for us and 15 assists. 19/20 1,019 passes in the season - 5 big chances created 18/19 990 passes - 11 big chances 17/18 700 passes - 5 big chances
  18. We’ve got young centre backs with potential. As good as this guy might be, I don’t really see the point in him coming here for a year and taking minutes away from our young centre backs only to go back to chelsea a better player. If we sign any centre back, they need to be a first teamer and ours.
  19. Love it, always good to see persistence rewarded. Not a bad little pay out for the lady as well!
  20. Been critical of him but his reaction to the third goal being conceded was actually good. Saw him visibly angry, punching the ground. He does not fit into a 442 what so ever and i think we all need to forget the price tag that has come with him if he is to stay because he simply isnt a mega money player.
  21. I'm not 100% sure mate, would have been nice for it to be available on the youtube channel.
  22. Firslty - good to see us involving Blackpool, always enjoyed them in the Prem. Secondly, cant see us taking much this game, maybe a good indicator of where players are at. Would like to think our starting CB pairing will be what Carlo is thinking for tottenham. Would love to see a 4-3-3 but expect the 4-4-2.
  23. Rotation at the moment. Id rather see him come on than walcott these days and like you mentioned, centrally
  24. He signed for benfica last week unfortunately
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