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Posts posted by Makis

  1. Scored a whopping six goals this season from 34 games. Probably one of the most overrated players around. A good season in Ligue 1 and the Belgian league and a short stint at Bundesliga (10m/7g). Apart from that his stats are poor. That six goals in that many games is pretty much on course of how he does. Even all leagues considered just over one goal every three matches, and almost half of these goals were scored in the Jupiler league.

  2. Main problem is finding someone willing to take those players. Some will leave but someone like Sandro could be hard to sell. Has been poor for two seasons and has a big wage. So another loan might be on the cards.

    Williams's contract runs out and Cuco and Bolasie look like they have found their level. Whether they are willing to accept a smaller wage is another matter. McCarthy is someone who still might have some value so might move to a bottom-of-the-table team or one of the better teams in the Championship.

    Tosun and Walcott are probably high on Brands's "must get rid" list, but could prove a hard sell, too, unless they take a big wage cut.

  3. 14 hours ago, pete0 said:

    We used the same tactics and work against Palace and Fulham. Why didn't it work against them? 

    No-one has figured out a tactic that wins every time. One obvious reason is players are human. Palace closed shop so it was harder to create chances plus we were a tad unfortunate with them (hit the woodwork twice, great save from their keeper from  Tosun's backheel).

  4. 3 hours ago, StevO said:

    You don’t think we would then have to spend that money on replacing them? 

    If the management deem them not good enough that’s enough reason alone. Gladly it seems that’s not the case. 

    The team has had a tough enough time over the last few years, we need the senior pros for stability and experience to help the younger more talented players. Help keep the standard up on a daily basis. 

    Yes, at least Baines but that would mean someone younger with a resale value.

  5. Henry as in Onyekuru? So you want to replace DCL with him? Even assuming he could get a work permit why? WHY???? How many games have you seen him play? How good is high link-up play? Can he hold the ball? Is he a good finisher? How about headers, does he win a lot of them? He's scored 12 in a shit league where Tosun managed 20 in his last full season.

  6. 10 hours ago, Palfy said:

    We must have some decent youngsters aren’t we top of the U23s league, thing is young lads at most PL clubs are going to struggle to break through with the pressures managers are under there scared to take the risk, look at Silva 4 games ago he was looking like he could be on the way out now he’s fighting for a Europa League place, so he’s going to be very reluctant to give youngsters a chance if it backfires he’s going to carry the can, and that usually means the bullet. 

    The players we have out on loan would they get into our 1st team Vlasic maybe Sandro may have got an opportunity seen as DCL and Tosun aren’t scoring, Holgate  I don’t think would have made the bench most weeks, and realistically who of the others would you have back. 

    There doesn't seem to be any outstanding talents in that team. Hopefully some make the first team and surely most if not all make a decent career but not in the PL. Outstanding under 23 players are already in the first team.

  7. He couldn't build a squad or a team. This is first priority. You also left out Martina. Sigurdsson was way too expensive for what he produces and we'll make a loss on him when he moves on.

    Using Transfermarkt values he spent 289 million euros on 16 players. So far we have recouped 13.5m (from Klaassen). Brands will do an extremely good job if he gets 100 million for Gana, Lookman, Vlasic, Walcott, Tosun and Schneiderlin. 30, 20, 15, 10, 10 and 10 = 95m maybe?

    190 million for DCL, Pickford, Keane and Gylfi is an awful lot of money. You can optimistically increase the price of the outgoing players but you'd still not get anywhere near a sum that would make that quartet worth the outlay. I don't think I'm that far off. Gana is 30, Lookman has promise but not much more (even in Germany he was mostly a sub) and Vlasic has interest from Russia, they are not going to pay much more than that. And we should really also count the wages.

    And I'm not even sure if Walsh bought DCL. Was he bought by the first team or reserves?

  8. Doesn't have to be from the PL, like Digne. So here's a few more:

    PSG: Paredes (24), Lo Celso (22), Rabiot (24).

    Barcelona: Denis Suarez (25), Munir (23).

    Real Madrid: Marcos Llorente (24), Javi Sanchez and Jesus Vallejo (both 22).

    Bayern Munich: Tollisso (24).

    No idea about why they didn't play much, just checked the stats.

  9. 1 hour ago, StevO said:

    I’m sure if say Griezeman became available and fancied a move to Everton Brands would so no, sorry, no sell on value. He will still take a great player if they are over 25, it would be naive not to. 

    I'm sure he would because he would be out of our budget, costing probably around 100 million. 

  10. 1 hour ago, StevO said:

    You don’t think of a player who is 27 is available and good quality he won’t take them?

    im not doubting him, what he said is all fine, but it’s not different from anything any other club is doing. 

    Martinez signed Geri, Rom, McCarthy, all young and talented. 

    Under the all so hated Walsh we signed Pickford, Keane, Sandro, Klassen, again young and talented. 

    Clubs always want to buy good young players, but then we still signed Gylfi at 27, because he was a good player and ready to go into the first team with immediate effect. 

    What they are doing is not groundbreaking, they are doing what is expected at every club. It’s just normal, it’s nice to be excited I’m sure, but this isn’t anything new. 

    Problem with that 27 year old is that he's in his prime so unless he's been underperforming you pay what he's worth and there's a good chance his value will decrease. And this is exactly the model Brands does not want.

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