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Everything posted by dunlopp9987

  1. Well any thought of us playing through the midfield has been answered
  2. As do I, friend. It just spewed out of me, had no control over it
  3. I just have this sinking feeling that this is gonna be one of those 1-0 or 2-0 losses. A game at home that we absolutely should be winning every time out, we'll have the lion's share of great chances, but we'll walk away with nothing. Have never wanted to be wrong more than now.
  4. I actually don't think there's any controversy to that. It's been pretty apparent for a while.
  5. Beyonce's new album, Cowboy Carter. I think it's kind of a masterpiece. The variety in style and genre across the album is something I've never heard her do. There's the obvious country influences and her usual r&b, but there's heavy singer/songwriter vibes, straight pop songs, folk. She even busts out what I can only describe as an operatic aria at one point. Highly highly recommend for all.
  6. I wish I could say I was surprised. Horrifying.
  7. Just gonna bop my head in here and say, @Hafnia, the issue I have is just seeing the same thing posted every time, regardless of the topic. Because then inevitably, every topic devolves into talking about Dyche and how he's not performing up to standard. I think the reason I keep pushing back is actually not because I love Dyche as our manager or think he's the best person to take us into the future. I keep pushing back because I'm tired of every thread coming back to the same talking point. I understand your position on Dyche, and I know many others share the same position, and I apologize if I said anything that was out of line. Honestly, for the sake of this forum and it's harmonious-ness, let's get Rafa back in so we're all in alignment again.
  8. Nope! Just getting tired of going into every thread in every section and seeing you shouting about the exact same thing over and over
  9. Do you just constantly live your life exhausted by this crusade?
  10. This exactly. The reason he's tearing things up is because of the level he's playing at.
  11. I dunno, Seamus has always been a bit of a dream boat
  12. We had relegation form practically the entire 21/22 and 22/23 seasons, on top of the toxic atmosphere around the club with managers/ownership. That level of toxicity is not around this season. That's the point I'm making. You said "worst season I can remember for a long time", and that's just not true.
  13. Take the deduction away, we're 14th and 10 points above the drop. So you can remove that from your argument. Do you remember 2 years ago when Rafa was here and the atmosphere around the club was the most toxic that I can ever recall? Or last year when, with 4 games left, we were 19th? Yes, this season has been a clusterfuck, but it pales in comparison to the last two years. I'm not saying I'm thrilled with the team's performance this season, but you cannot compare to the last two years.
  14. Must have the memory of a goldfish then
  15. Yeah I honestly have not been able to understand the hype for a while now. These insane numbers like £50 and £60m keep getting thrown around and I'm over here like "WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR"
  16. Literally what is this argument you're trying to make. That a manager needs to have every single player, staff member, supporter 100% on their side at all times? That's never going to happen. I bet there are players at City who aren't thrilled with Pep, players at Real who aren't in love with Carlo. This whole thing is exhausting.
  17. You're saying the same thing about him in 3 different threads. Surprised you didn't bring it up in the "What are you eating/drinking" thread just for shits. You're boring me, Haf.
  18. Thrilled for the guy that he'll be going to the Euros
  19. I know we shit all over Xg, but this is interesting. The two charts under #1 and #3 show that we are creating plenty of chances (one of the best in the league), we just have the finishing ability of a man making love who is 15 whiskeys deep. If we find someone who can actually put the ball in the back of the net, we're nowhere near the drop zone right now, even with the deductions https://www.espn.com/soccer/insider/story/_/id/39808723/ranking-premier-league-fixtures-arsenal-liverpool-man-city
  20. And they were one of the clubs that was gunning for us to receive maximum punishment this season
  21. I stopped reading here. Some good points, but get off your fucking high horse claiming that City aren't one of the big boys. I get the point they're trying to make (that City aren't a "traditional" powerhouse), but come on...have some perspective
  22. Would definitely recommend. S3 is fantastic, S4 is divisive, S5 is a masterpiece.
  23. Oh Matthew, you must start on the other seasons. Each season with a different cast, different story.
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