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Posts posted by Palfy

  1. 7 hours ago, StevO said:

    Could an ideal scenario be MSP taking control until Textor can take over? 
    I like the sound of this guy. 

    Do you mean MSP take over because they haven’t received their loan back so Moshiri is kicked out the door with nothing due to breach of contract, which would allow them to sell the club and receive their loan back and some profit, and if Textor who ever buys us gets to buy the club at a reduced price to allow them to restructure debt and give the playing side of the club more money to improve.  
    Or do you see it in another way?

  2. Would definitely be an upgrade on 777 and Moshiri, but I’m not going to hold my breath with this one he has to sell his shares in Palace before he can get the chance at trying to buy us. 
    When I’ve ever sold property I would never allow any viewings or accept any offers from people who weren’t perceivable, no matter how much interest they showed. 
    So this at the moment is none runner, and just something to amuse ourselves with. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Hafnia said:

    the country is on its knees socially - people of all colour and creed need to stand up and say "it's not good enough" 

    I agree, but attending a protest organised by Tommy Robinson who has protested about people of colour and different ethnicities other than white nationalists being in the country, would seem a very strange thing to attend if you didn’t agree with his politics and views. 

  4. 26 minutes ago, patto said:

    I don’t get all the glee about Trump being found guilty 

    there’s worse offences been committed by other presidents and ex presidents. 
    pedo island will anyone ever be charged for what went on they have all the names on flight lists. 
    most of them Pedophiles. 

    I agree look at Netanyahu and Putin to name 2 at this moment in time, they should be brought to trial for humanitarian crimes but they won’t. 
    Trump is a criminal, and a very dangerous man when in power and should not be allowed to act above the law, he’s committed crimes against Mexican citizens who illegally crossed the border by taking their children away, with many families still not reunited because they can’t find where their children were taken. 
    Personally I think what’s happening to Trump and what happens if found guilty of his other crimes is justice. 
    Hopefully sometime down the line he goes to Prison as a reminder to all that no matter how much money or how powerful you are, you will be punished for committing crimes. 
    So what’s so wrong with that Patto, do you think that because others have escaped justice that he should as well, if so join the ranks with Steve who seems to think what Israel is doing to the people of Palestine is just because it isn’t as worse as what others have done in the past, imo both arguments are baseless. The Israelis are carrying out war crimes against civilians in their own form of genocide, and Trump has been found guilty of crimes against the law, and neither should be shown any favour or grace. 
    It’s fucking unbelievable that people think they should. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Cornish Steve said:

    The Allies made mistakes when bombing Nazi Germany, but does that mean they should not have defeated Hitler? If the UN had existed and issued a ruling for the Allies to stop the destruction of German cities, would we have listened? This is the comparison we should make. Yes, it's tragic to see such loss of life, but let's not assume that Israel is the guilty party; they are not.

    In the meantime, Jews (who've never lived in Israel) are being attacked on college campuses all over the US. Yes, students are renowned for having a conscience, but they're also renowned for being very naive and 

    But we shouldn’t be defending atrocities against people by judging them against other atrocities, as if to say it’s no different so therefore what’s the problem. 

  6. 9 hours ago, RuffRob said:

    I am actually warming to Phillips coming in - if the cost is right for us. 

    He does have all the tools to do well in a Dyche midfeild and improve us. I think Dyche's working class ethics and mentality will suit him far better than working under Pep.

    I know he was poor during his West Ham stint, but he was going there very low on form and confidence, no game time under his belt in to a new team plus notible relocation to London. You have little time to adjust on a 6months loan, and not uncommon for these types of moves to fall flat on there face. You need that little bit of luck to hit the ground running in your first two or three performances to get up to speed with your new team mates.

    I think all players deserve a proper 10-12 games grace to find their feet and rhythem in a new team and squad (and I mean playing 60min plus per game). Phillips not had that at either City or West Ham - I think Phillips loss of form etc, is more a function of change in environments and lack of prolonged oppertunities to play more than overnight simply turned in to a really shit player.

    If we can bank around £50m for Onana (who was left out of most of the run in games), then I think Phillips could adequately fill that gap in the squad for the next 12 months.

    Our revenue steams are going to change significantly for the better after this coming season, so this season is going to be a bit of a sticking plaster.

    I think we are all in agreement that a Dyche pre-season will probably do wonders for the lad. If he flurished in a hard working Bielsa environment, then Dyche's requirements will be much closer to this than Pep's will ever be. 

    I agree he is a Dyche type of player very hard working and not afraid to get stuck in and leave foot in when needed, as long as Dyche remains manager he needs to get players in who are prepared to roll their sleeves up and play the game the how he wants it played, so no problem with Phillips.                                    
    Not that hardworking players are the answer to all our problems we also need some flair players for creativity, could he offer that I’m not sure he can. 

  7. 5 hours ago, StevO said:

    We need minimal risk and some form of consistency around the squad. I have absolutely no issue with Young getting a one year deal. Players of his experience can be a massive influence on the dressing room too. While we have got another year of uncertainty ahead, I agree with Dyche on keeping him around. 

    I’ll also throw in; he’s doing a lot of media at the moment and is covering the euros. We need some positivity out there about the club. He just might help that. 

    Give him a role with the back room staff then put please keep off the pitch. 

  8. 1 hour ago, Matt said:

    He's recently signed a new contract and doesn't look the type to rock the boat. 


    I agree I don’t think he will be in any great rush to leave himself, it will come down to whether the club accepts an offer, but should they not need to sell then they need to renegotiate his contract and pay him what a player of his abilities would get elsewhere, to keep him 25,000 would be derisory imo. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

    He's nowhere near as bad as some make out. He can play many different positions, and I'm sure he's a major asset in the dressing room. No transfer fee, of course, and low salary. Why would we not pursue this option?

    Because a no transfer fee and low salary is not a reason to have a player in your team.                                                          

    The Arsenal game clearly showed what a liability he is to the team when on the pitch, he made 2 long square passes across our back line in that game the first one was cut out and he was lucky they didn’t score from that, yet he didn’t learn from that mistake he repeated the same ball and they scored from it, costing us a point and money for finishing higher up the league. 
    I think most people don’t rate him because he simply isn’t good enough and he has cost us points throughout the season because of his poor decision making, the Arsenal game just being an example of many. 
    So for me he’s no asset because of his cost or experience, in fact experience teaches you to stop making stupid mistakes, but it doesn’t seem to have had that effect on him, he’s definitely more hindrance than an asset in my opinion and his lack of knowledge, understanding, for someone with so much experience for out way any positives even monetary value.  

  10. 1 hour ago, Matt said:

    Well what do we know about this bloke? At least seems to understand how a transaction works!

    He owns clubs in other countries, he would ideally like to own Palace or at least 51% so he has total control, he managed to increase his stake from 40-45% but has it a brick wall with other shareholders not willing to part with their shares, as he said they love the club as much as him so he can’t really blame them for not wanting to sell. 
    He said he would be interested in Everton and also he would like to buy a club from the lower divisions with the potential to become a big club, he gets more enjoyment as a business man buying something and adding value to it, he’s said he would also consider a club in a different European league. 
    So I think what we can gauge from him is that he’s open to a lot of possibilities and Everton being one, but he needs to sell his shares in Palace first before he can even consider buying us.  

  11. 2 hours ago, patto said:

    On that basis you might as well offer every player a 5 year contract good or bad in case they come good. 
    I think we will offer shorter contracts probably 3 and a half years. 

    The length of contract a player receives isn’t solely the choice of the club, the player and his agent also have a big say in what terms they want. 

  12. I enter C of E when given the option of what best describes me, not because I’m religious but because I was Christened by the Church, it does define me as a person who has been Christened I believe, so why shouldn’t I be honest and say if I have nothing to hide. 
    If I was to put none of the above I wouldn’t be honest in my answer, for those who don’t say or deny that they have religious group that they are linked to then I say why what’s to gain by denying your cultural identity or heritage. 
    I expect you don’t say neither to whether you’re male or female, or neither to your Caucasian. 
    Let's be honest it’s not like a police interview where you are being questioned over a crime you may or may not have committed, so under the direction of your council you no comment to all questions asked, it’s a question asking if you have been christened or baptised, not if you are a practicing Christian or whether you believe in God, so why the big secret 🤐 

  13. 9 minutes ago, Matt said:

    Could you apply that to opinions on Everton too? :P

    I've always found the atheist argument baffling to be honest, but I won't preach either. Did find a great little clippet showing that atheism is just a modern religion in itself:




    Very interesting, unlike you I don’t find the argument for being an atheist baffling, and unlike you I do find being religious in the sense of greater being or power equally strange. 
    Yet we are all different in our beliefs some atheists are atheists for different reasons, and some who believe in the religious faith are religious for different reasons. 
    What we need to try and do to the best of ability is find a path in ourselves whether through religion or through one’s own ideology and show respect, trust me I have tried, and I failed so many times but still keep trying, none of us are perfect mate no matter what path we follow but let’s all keep striving to be better.  

  14. 11 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

    I'm not a Christian, or anything else for that matter.

    Heathen and proud.

    Same as religion isn’t the answer to most things wrong with our world more the problem, then again if people couldn’t fight over religion they’d find something else to fight over instead. 
    Fuck it destroy the human race and make the planet a better place. 

  15. On 23/05/2024 at 11:47, MikeO said:

    You can get 25-1 on a tory government after the election; so if you're worried (I'm not) about them getting back in, have a flutter to soften the blow should it happen.

    That makes a lot of sense even though it sounds funny 🤣 

  16. 4 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

    Didn’t he push to leave? Or am I misremembering that?

    Also, he’s taken a looooong time since leaving to do anything.

    I don’t think you can lay blame on Everton here. 

    From what I remember there is definitely a lot of mileage in what you say about him. He was very confident in his own ability so much so that I don’t think he was willing to listen and learn, he wanted first team football and he wanted it now. 
    Could we have developed him into a better player who knows and to be honest I don’t expect he cares and neither do I, so well done to him for where he’s got and been in his career and may he get many more hatrick’s but just not against us if we should ever cross paths again. 

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