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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Hopefully a win today will top it off.Thanks John.
  2. Your wrong lol. I know where your coming from though, just a decent performance for me and what will be will be.
  3. Rusty I sincerely apologise if you felt I was mocking your life the reality is I can tell you are decent guy, we are just different in our political views, what's the old adage never talk about politics or religion.I applaud you for getting where you are from were you've been, and I hope when the time comes your good lady and yourself have a wonderful retirement surrounded by the people you love. But I think we are going to have to agree to disagree on our political persuasions and shake hands.
  4. Hopefully for you it won't change that much, I know the house of Lords have said that Brexit bill has to include that all E.U citizens currently working in Britain should be protected, the problem is Theresa May doesn't want to add that to the bill, because I can only assume you wants to use that as a bargaining chip, which I find unscrupulous, if she now has to except the house of Lords ruling I feel sure that that sentiment would be reciprocated to British citizens in other E.U countries, so hopefully Matt for you the status quo will remain the same.
  5. Matt I never said you couldn't vote that was the decision of your government not mine, I just agree with that decision which seems really sensible to me, which is why should anyone who doesn't live in this country be given a vote that changes the lives of people that do live here, and how has that affected your citizenship nothing has changed your still a citizen with the same rights you had before and after the vote.
  6. You tell me what's hard to grasp I'm happy that if you weren't a resident of this country you didn't get a say. And I can't see how it affected your citizenship nothing has changed in that department.
  7. You plum. What a doughnut. Gordon Bennett. You wilf. How's ya father
  8. Remember back in the eighties working in Maidstone, there was this east end sparky and every time he approached someone he would start the conversation off in his cockney accent with "alright John what's the story" annoying after a while especially when a lot of lads adopted it as the job catchphrase.
  9. I can take a loss, as long as we giving a good account of ourselves, can't handle it when we look completely useless and clueless.
  10. I agree success shouldn't be something to be a shamed of, and it shouldn't be used as a weapon to try and beat someone who may not have been as fortunate as yourself. And I assume you're referring to my posts with Rusty, you'll have to take my word for it I am fairly successful, I come from a working class family brought up on a council estate, parents never had a bean like most of the families in my estate, I still have five good friends that I see on a regular basis, it hasn't changed me cause it had my mates wouldn't associate with me. And I personally think it shows lack of taste to boast about your wealth, I maybe wrong but that's me.
  11. Most definitely before It becomes the Rusty and Palfy show.
  12. Yes I think you're right Wenger's last season in charge.
  13. Ok goodnight catch up tomorrow
  14. Where did I mention that I was so educated, and you insinuated that I was jealous of your success and possessions, which I never new existed so I thought I would tell you I'm not impressed by your boasting of how wealthy you are and the fact that telling me that your successful would win you the argument when in fact it just proved what a shallow person you are. Then you have to tell me about your kids going to private school because you think that everyone would be thinking he's got to be right, no one likes a big head. So to stop your boasting and bragging about how wealthy you are and how jealous I am, I would let you know I'm not the poor little pauper you thought I was.
  15. I hope not because if we can't tell each other to get fucked now and then, TTF would not be the same.
  16. Don't waste your time Mike they can't grasp that point of view even though it happened in reality and they never got a vote on the decision, and as you rightly say they shouldn't get a vote on any issue concerning Britain if they don't live here.This all started with me pointing out that most people who post on the Brexit forum, don't and didn't have a voice in the debate, yet they want to tell us what to do when it wouldn't effect them either way. Also Mike I noticed today that yesterday you gave me a reprimand which I'm not happy and bemused about could you enlighten me as to which part of my post this refers to.
  17. I've never asked you about what you have or don't have and definitely not interested, and the fact that your gardener is only part time is a bit poor to say the least old chap you either need to earn more money so you can afford to employ him full time or buy a bigger property.
  18. listen I'm far from jealous of what you have or may not have, I don't boast about my wealth, but I would be fairly confident in saying that I pay more in taxes a year than you currently earn. But I pay my taxes here and support this country with my money not just my mouth, that's why you didn't get a vote so start excepting that fact that what you think is of no relevance. Enjoy your retirement in Malaysia with your maids running around at your beck and call, should suit you down to the ground it's evident that from the way you talk that you have very little respect for people you might consider below you.
  19. That part isn't wrong that if you don't live in the country you should have a say on what happens in the country, and no he doesn't pay taxes to this country, he makes a national insurance contribution so he can fleece us for a full state pension, he's all about his selfish self which are plain to see in some of the comments he has made.The only reassuring thing for me is that he now lives in a country that share is ideals and long may it stay that way.
  20. Thanks for your concerns over my health, and yes you do have British passport that says you are British, but your lack of residency means you are no longer classed as a person who could vote on the rights and wrongs of the E.U, so there for your own government have told you got no rights on the issue, so on that basis why would I be interested in your opinion it's irrelevant and counts for nothing.
  21. I have relatives in Canada four who were born here the others born there, only one still has dual citizenship my Aunt, my two cousins and uncle became Canadians after fourteen years, they don't hide that they were born in Britain, in fact there proud of it, but the reality is they are living their lives in a Canada and not Britain and no longer have a meaningful stake in their mother country, my Aunt in her eighties now never took full Canadian citizenship more out of fear just in case I need to gan yerm hiney would be her saying. My problem with a lot of Brits abroad and particularly those who have been away from here for many years and have no real plans to return, and to be honest I loathe to call them British even though they carry a passport purporting there British, is that they seem to think they are more British than the people who live here, and talk about being British as being some sort of trophy or badge of honour, when really they are doing a disservice to the countries they now call home. To be honest I would much rather give more rights to a Polish national who has worked here for six or seven years bought a house and is trying to secure citizenship, to me there more British than the likes of Rusty who hasn't lived here for twenty one years and has no plans to return how can that be right, then to top it off they want a say in what happens here on a day to day basis, yet they don't live here or contribute to the society but want to tell those who do how to do it, that is why their opinions to me are irrelevant if your not living your life's in this country then as happened you have no say in what happens in this country.
  22. What did you think about his views on Rooney, he's obviously if he plays going to take the place of someone else, but if he improves the team in what ever position he plays surly that's justification to play him, regardless of who's place he takes.
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