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Everything posted by SpartyBlue

  1. So your conversational approach is to insult someone and then end the conversation. Lovely . Thank you for your honesty though.
  2. It’s like blaming a defender for not marking a player who is offside. There aren’t usually whistles when balls go well out of play. Should players just tackle one another out of bounds because there is no whistle? Really grasping at straws to blame Pickford there. He was trying to make up for a bad error from Godfrey. I suppose you can say he should have just let it go out but a keeper’s instinct is always going to be to try to avoid the corner. Putting a freak injury like that on Jordan, at all, is poor imo. I imagine Ben isn’t.
  3. The ball was well out of play and he was stretching to get to it. That situation was either on Godfrey for the poor play to begin with or the official for not blowing it dead.
  4. The turning point for me was when he made that big error towards the end of last season. Fans stayed behind him and he performed well the next time out.
  5. Yea he jumped off the page. Also pinged a 50 yard ball on the button
  6. Early days on Patterson but it does seem like we have the future in both sides.
  7. Saw one replay right after. Looked like a break to me. Frustrating because that ball was 2 feet out of play but what can ya do. Feel for Ben. Had to be really ready to prove himself.
  8. He knows just when to step up. Love it. Aside from the injuries, I’m strangely encouraged. If we defend that solidly I think we will, at least, avoid a relegation battle.
  9. Holgate performed well at the end of last season as well. Hopefully turned the corner. We will need him
  10. Iwobi very solid, Tark was excellent but I voted for Patterson. In his first real debut against a top 4 type side I was really impressed. Got done by Sterling once but so do most and it’s his first real action. His desire to get up the pitch and contribute was obvious but that isn’t the thing that caught my eye the most. He is an aggressive defender in the best sense. A couple of times a ball went out wide and he hounded their player without fouling. Never let them turn to face him and it resulted in a turnover. Love that. He also has some fire to him. I don’t know how good he will be but he isn’t scared to play and that’s a really good sign.
  11. Yep. This is a gamble. Extremely high upside but for the price, considerable downside. I think if he just OK he’s Doucoure. If he really develops, he’s at Real Madrid
  12. Point taken but they also aren’t so tall. He can get away with some tackles others can’t. I agree with the above that bringing Gana in to bridge the gap and help teach this kid is very clever. Between him and Frank he should get quite the education.
  13. I wouldn’t want to train it out of him completely. He needs to exercise judgement but that length is an attribute in his tackling
  14. Tough one then to just wait and hope Chelsea won’t need him. If we had DCL it wouldn’t matter
  15. Credit where it’s due, the cheaper signings and commercial deals have helped putting in a legitimate bid on someone. Also, Frank. This one is all about wanting to work with Frank
  16. Is there a link? Can’t find an update
  17. This kid is so damn long. Looks like he has the potential to be a wrecking machine as a tackler but can still dribble and pass a bit.
  18. And more to come off the books. I suppose if a deal is structured over 3/4 years the transfer doesn’t cost that much against us this season. Perhaps someone who knows about these things can weigh in. If we do make a signing like this you’d have to give credit to the behind the scenes group. Getting guys like Tarkowski for free and others for small fees the last couple windows would have given us room for this sort of bid. Fair play if it comes off.
  19. Yea I saw that. We’ve just been operating under the assumption that a signing like this is a bridge too far this window. I’m curious what has changed. Perhaps we had more room than we thought or the deal is structured in a way we can afford.
  20. I guess it’s hard to know how much we do have available and over how many years the money will have to be paid but this is certainly surprising if it’s true we’ve made an offer (and it seems to be). Makes more sense if we had moved Gomes, Gbamin, Mina and had that 300k in wages plus some transfer money
  21. I’m curious why it looks like a goer if the price is understood to be too high
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