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Zoo 2.0

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Everything posted by Zoo 2.0

  1. I really don't get the hype with Zaha, it's proper big fish in a small pond stuff. He looks half decent at Crystal Palace because all around him there's just barrels of dross, I know it was ages ago but he stepped up to Manchester United and there's a reason he didn't get a sniff - he's just not good enough. Whenever we've played him he's looked average, mark him closely and its job done, tends to go down for the odd penalty here and there but nothing overly threatening and I honestly don't think he would be an upgrade on the likes of what we have, plus we would be paying insane money and wages to bring him up North. Not to mention that at 28, totally the wrong side of what we want to bring in. I just can't get on board with this signing on so many levels and to be honest wish he would just sign for the likes of Arsenal or Chelsea so that this rumour will fuck off.
  2. I would change the results so that Everton win more.
  3. Don't want to sound like a Hamilton fanboy (honestly, even I want him to face competition this season) but surely there should be a rule change after looking at what happened today? Leclerc finished on pole having stopped the session by crashing his car, don't get me wrong I haven't got a tin foil hat on and think he did it intentionally but just seems a bit of a loophole to effectively stop others from pumping in lap times because you've binned yourself out. Who knows whether Max or Valtierri could have put it in P1 - especially where pole is king at Monaco. I actually thought that there was a rule that said you needed to finish the session either in the pitbox or by crossing the line, but must have either dreamt it or it's been scrapped. As others have said though, so excited about Lando - he's turning into quite the driver. Crazy how bad their pace was today, but good to see as it allowed Ferrari and Max to jump into the mix . Amazing how that second Bull is cursed though, Sergio in P9. Another howler of a session, despite it being cut short.
  4. It's a no from me, getting names and numbers on the back of shirts are expensive enough without this lad thrown into the mix ...
  5. Saw that and when I read up on it can't believe that they're seeing it that way, such a ridiculous angle to take on what is clearly a design nodding to a key part of our history. Kinda get the feeling that those that are against it have jumped through several hoops in order to jump up and down about being offended. Edit: Good to see that from what I've read, people are giving those offended the lack of screen time they deserve, a complete non-story.
  6. I'm not blown away by it, but it's nowhere near as bad as some of the shite that has come out so far (such as that laughable Chelsea shirt). I can also appreciate where Hummel are coming from too, rather than just lashing a design together they've tied it into the Black Watch and our history which always gets a thumbs up from me. I do wonder if the home shirt will look back to a historical year as opposed to a "new" design, perhaps a take on the 1985 shirt? Perhaps the the chequered NEC shirt? Edit: Some more screens;
  7. Quotes from the first game of next season; @MikeO - "Hard to pick a MOTM here, this is awful!" @Romey 1878 - "Move Sigurdsson you lazy shite!" @StevO - "Tuck your shirt in Tom that sash doesn't align with the shorts when your shirts out! And tell Richarlison that yellow sweatband DOES. NOT. GO. with black and amber! Heavens above..."
  8. Walsh would have been decent for us had he arrived pre-Moshiri, some of the deals (such as signing N'Golo Kante from Caen) for Leicester was outstanding. If I remember rightly they paid absolute buttons for Riyad Mahrez too - he worked wonders when up against it financially. Trouble with Walsh was that he suddenly had hundreds of millions to spend and just spunked it up the wall. A proper kid in a sweet shop mentality, as fun it was that we were signing what seemed like good players at the time I had my concerns about how many we were signing - it's literally impossible to sign 10-12 players and expect them to suddenly gel together, unless you're playing on a PlayStation.
  9. "...and as we kick off Gary it's worth noting what a topsy turvy season it's been for the Toffees. Winning in dramatic fashion in the Camp Nou before losing a game of heads and volleys in the car park to St. Maria's Year 8's".
  10. Generally in the US and Japan work is the priority, ahead of family and anything else. The company is basically your life. It does seem to be the opposite (in my experience) in Europe which is the way it should be. I work so that I can live, I don't live so that I can work. I may has misunderstood your post, so sorry if I have the wrong end of the stick but if the vibe is that Brands should be under some sort of pressure due to JPG's injury record then that is absolutely bonkers thinking.
  11. When your home form is that shit, it doesn't matter how you win - just that you do. Made up to have finished the campaign off on a high, I think we could have actually got more as we looked good in the second half but one goal is all that matters when you keep a clean sheet. So pleased for Richarlison too, one of the biggest ''confidence'' players I've ever seen and looked a different beast after his goal, keep that form into the City game please !! Genuinely pissed off that we've won, absolute clampet ...
  12. I think it's a mentality thing, basically we went on a bad run at home which is harder to shake off with no crowd getting behind the team. If we had a poor away record then it could have been the same, but we've managed to do exactly the opposite so are mentally better prepared for those games. Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't need the crowd to get you up for a game - you should be playing at your best if nothing else for your own personal pride. Without going off on a tangent, we have too many players who are OK with losing or drawing whereas you look to the likes of City and see winners - of course they have world class players with other outstanding attributes but for me, you can play in League Two and still be as mentally determined as a Kevin De Bruyne or a Sergio Aguero, it all comes from within.
  13. Don't think he was as bad as people made out, but was never going to hit the heights that we wanted to push us back into the European places. Southampton, especially because of his history there is a good fit for him and Theo always came across as a good lad, nothing but good wishes to him on his (expected) move now being confirmed.
  14. Allegri has held talks with them this week, it'll be him. I think they're just waiting for the end of the season to announce it. The second favourite is Raul, who would have been a mistake IMO.
  15. That's the season done then, not arsed about the next two games. Could go into detail on what needs to happen this summer but I can't be arsed, plus everyone on here knows it anyway - so dissapointed but the sad fact is that I'm not even surprised. Would the fans have dragged the team over the line? Probably, but not good enough to not take points here if we were playing on Mars.
  16. I don't need to say how good Ben Godfrey has been this season, but what the fuck is he doing there? Silver lining is they've scored really early, but ffs.
  17. Thanks mate !! Thanks mate! I did speak with Matt before she was born and even though he was initially quite angry with me we managed to come to a settlement agreement (£22, a Curly Wurly and a one year supply of Freddo chocolate bars). Haha indeed mate! Thank you, we're both so happy (two good minds and all eh !) If you hear a little girl screaming Portuguese as we win yet another league title, then you know who it is !! Thanks buddy. What a feeling indeed, thanks bud! Cheers matey! Thank you John, speaking from good experience there no doubt! Life has certainly changed, but it has gone to another level! Best Wishes to you too!
  18. I became a Dad for the first time today, already feel like my life has changed but so happy. My wife gave birth to a beautiful girl who we've named Eleanor. Can't wait to take her to Goodison already, she's been born into a football loving family (the wife's side are all FC Porto mad) so she will fit in the same I think - might even be the Everton Women's #1 in 16 years time ...
  19. Spent the 2008/09 season in League One too. It's amazing what they've achieved and as you say, I'm jealous of them in truth. Could be us, could be anyone. The league win was a one in a million, but the decisions they've made means they can stick around the European places and win trophies like they have done so today.
  20. I'd be sad to see Mina, Gomes and Bernard leave but would understand such a decision. Richarlison I think could be lethal with a better XI around him, one we must keep hold of IMO (if even only for a season longer).
  21. They're bottom of the league, James or not we should be taking three points here. There are no "easy" games in this league, but this is the closest we'll get.
  22. As there were two Villa players injured (and both needing treatment) the laws allow both players to remain on the field. The goalkeeper wouldn't need to leave the field anyway, but as he went down it meant that Mings could remain on the pitch.
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