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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. Moyes doesn't seem to rate him ironically... he's a bit Yak like maybe... aka prolific poacher.
  2. I would like to see what we could get Hernandez for from United. £10m??? Martinez had an eye on him a while ago... http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11661_6785468,00.html
  3. Not guilty! If I was the tatoo artist I would have done it on his forehead.
  4. absolutely disgusted by this. All premier league clubs should make a stand against Arsenal and their away allocation.
  5. In short - any discrimination needs addressing. However "imbalances" that aren't down to discrimination need to be left well alone as it leads to positive discrimination. example:- A local nursery advertises for a vacancy for a childrens nanny. Statistically 95% of nannies are Female - does this mean Men are being discriminated against??? My guess is that the majority of males would not like to be a childrens nanny - and that is that.
  6. Of course you can't win ugly if you play pretty - but that doesn't mean that playing ugly will get you the win. Take Moyes approach versus Fulham for United and Martinez approach versus Villa. Two games where the other team grabbed a goal against the run of play. We kept calm, retained posession and belief that we could pass through Villas lines - which we did and won. United continued to lump balls into the box, got shut from the back and conceded. If the other team doesn't have the ball they can't score. I have seen us mix up play at times this season with long lumps from Jags to Lukaku and it just doesn't work. I watched us try and win ugly under Moyes too many times to believe that it has some form of place as a tactic. Martinez has already stated that his style means that the players are continually working on new patterns of play - adding things to their "play book". This has been seen at Liverpool, look at the different ways they now rip through the lines. It is work in progress and the mindset of "not our day today lads, lets get a couple of big fellas up front and hit them early" - is not going to work. We don't need to change our style of football, we need to persevere at evolving it. Drenthe and VDM despite whatever they drank were match winners - enigmatic players who can't be "coached". The same that Moyes is now seeing with RVP, Kagawa, Mata. He just can't work with flair players - their unpredicatbility puts him out of his comfort zone.
  7. Some of this does also need to be appreciated by appetite. You can't get away from the fact that a minority of women are interested in becoming a professional in the football world versus men. You can track that down to their behaviour as a toddler. Boys will kick a ball and girls may play with dolls. So as much as I'm into diversity, let's be realistic too. Tennis is possibly the most unisex popular sport and I believe the blend is more than fair there. Women play less sets and get equal money, despite lower attendances. They are often officials, coaches etc. So I do feel it is down to appetite.
  8. Now that's where the real part is... The best person is down to ability. correct? Since when has ability to do a management / brain processed role depended on skin colour or sex??? So my argument would be that unless that isn't the case the the number of woman/black applicants would be proportionate to the number of successful applicantants. Anything dramatically different would suggest discrimination one way or the other. Ie. If 80% of 200 qualified applicants were black and only 20% of black applications were successful then that is disproportionate - and vice versa.
  9. I work in HR and therefore encourage diversity. In saying that I have no time for positive discrimination. The whole Rooney rule bollocks is something that Garth crooks and Clarke Carlisle use as some form of platform to use their patronising overly eloquent way of bullshitting through. There may be a need for it in USA where let's face it they still behave like a bunch of Neanderthal red necks in the NFL. I believe we are ok in this regard over in England. An above point was well made... The number of female, black, Chinese or whatever officials, managers etc should be proportionate to the number who take and complete the relevant badges/qualifications.
  10. Funny, just about to have a bite to eat and Keith wyness is having a pint at the bar... So tempted to have a chat... Oh the things he could tell. Probably don't wanna know.
  11. I think if jelavic had naisy mental strength we would see an awesome striker.
  12. Then it's not the same old Everton then is it??!!! Its a one size fits all thread title which is pathetic and people are now trying to shoehorn "what it is actually about" to suit their own posts. Pretty ironic that the reasons to dismiss some posts is the reason to justify their own. Just nonsense.
  13. Maybe Michy Batshuayi is an agreed signing in the summer - thats all I can think.
  14. nope, more like an abused house wife who wanted to leave the husband but was trapped and had to wait till the day he got bored of knocking seven bells out of her and moved in with the tart over the road.
  15. "Same old Everton" comparing this seasons performances and acheivements with the previous one has got nothing to do with the previous manager of 11 years??? There's a big scottish elephant in the room at two premier league football clubs who is a very telling factor in the changes in both clubs fortunes. Maybe we could create a rule that this ridiculous thread changes to "Same old Everton - nothing to do with the change in managers its all about the financial clout".... Do you seriously want to be seeing the thread with words like:- NDA's, Mansour, Staverly, Lerner, Kings dock, NTL, Fortress, Kirby, 24/7.... Nope.
  16. I would be gutted if it happens before they visit Goodison - that would be a great opportunity for the fans to address the sickening standing ovation that he threw back in their faces.
  17. You sound as sympathetic as me Romey? Careful - the old Moyes romantics will be remembering the "people's club statement", "1-0 Big Dunc header against United", "wins against Man City".
  18. Here's some hope for United fans... http://www.forexlive.com/blog/2014/02/26/market-talk-on-the-new-york-stock-exchange-that-moyes-is-to-leave-man-utd-by-mutual-consent/
  19. Probably up there with "martinez won't last the season" - its a ridiculous title. "Same old Everton" - the changes that have been apparent in the past 9 months have been startling. It a pathetic thread designed to pick holes in the new Everton we are seeing to someway justify that the "Old way with Moyes" wasn't so wrong. Its an evolution not revolution, moyes had 11 years to evolve and didn't. We now have to endure this thread seeking the answers as to why Martinez hasn't revolutionised in a fraction of the time that Moyes didn't even evolve??? You would think our ex manager was doing a fine job over at Old Trafford.
  20. Arsenal are a disgrace, not a very popular club IMO, quite right too.
  21. Said on another thread Papiss Cisse??? Could be worth a shot and he would be a potential bargain if we can restore his confidence.
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