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Everything posted by Everton_Worshiper

  1. The Mirror stating we want him in January (yes please!) http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Everton-join-transfer-hunt-for-Middlesbrough-star-article201279.html
  2. Yep I enjoyed it, it was much needed by the end of the game.
  3. Saha, he at least hit the post and always looks dangerous. I thought Coleman looked OK, he is good going forward but his defending needs some work. For a young nobody on his first full game he looked good. I have been good so far this season but Fellaini was utter shite...there I said it. Oh and Cahill looked shocking, worst I have seen from him. If we actually had a midfield it would have been a bit better...oh well.
  4. So you know that despite being a dynamic IP address, you retain it whilst connected to your ISP. Unless you disconnected from your ISP in-between creating new accounts on the forum then you will have the same IP address.
  5. Geez, we were recently blessed with absence from one "my way is the right way" poster and looks like another has popped up.
  6. Such a descriptive, vivid picture that paints I will go for the 2-0 win, Hibbertoni and Saha to score. (I am now officially obsessed that Hibbert will score at some point this season)
  7. To be honest the surrounding area looks ace and the stadium looks, well, like an oval stadium. Looks like the drawings were more focused on the whole development rather than the stadium. I think we would all love a dock side stadium providing the surrounding are is regenerated...just don't see it happening.
  8. Rodwell for me. He looks like he has been playing for years in the 1st team and is only 18, I continue to be impressed by him. He did nothing spectacular but neither did anyone on the pitch. A little confused with so much hype for Bily...he looked good but at the same time looks way off the pace. Maybe he has the same translator as Fellaini. (joke...)
  9. I got my brother to fix my ring of death, it now works perfectly. Apparently a dead simple fix but it voids your warranty (as you found out) if someone other than Microsoft opens the console.
  10. What decision though? Without any form of planning permission surely there isn't much to announce?
  11. Good news, so hopefully he is about 4 weeks away from getting back to the 1st team http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/e/everton/8306525.stm
  12. If any truth in it and we are offered/involved before Liverpool then that would get me harder than Nugent scoring.
  13. Well I was at a loss earlier for something to do so dusted off my xbox360 and went online playing Halo3. I forgot just how good Multiplayer is on that game. Anyone on here got Halo3:ODST?
  14. Congratulations! It depends because we had a list of names and then a week before the birth we started to like another name and in the end that is the name we chose! For a girl we wanted girly names like "Isla", "Amelia", "Evie", "Gracie". For a boy we had a few names we just liked..."Calum", "Cameron" etc but we chose "Ethan" in the end. There are some great websites for baby names, including the most popular names of 2008, 2009 etc so you can choose a name that is different from 90% of other kids.
  15. Can't believe I have missed this thread all this time. Couple of shows that I have been addicted to recently, The Unit and Regenesis (series still running, great for geeks out there). I also like KVille but it was cut in the US after 13 episodes.
  16. What is worrying for Vaughan is that this is a fresh injury and not a recurrence of the same injury. So like above, generally his knees aren't in good shape at such a young age.
  17. Was full of optimism when we re-signed Jo on loan but so far this season he has been...well...er...rubbish. I want him to do well and score goals but it just aint happening for him. Saha looks twice the player Jo does and Saha has his injury proneness. If I am honest I get more excited at seeing Agard's name in the squad than Jo's. On the flip side, there isn't another player at Everton I want to succeed more than Jo.
  18. I agree, just think back to when Jags came here...I for one thought we made a mistake buying him at the time until he settled at CB and became one of our best players (I hope he recaptures that form). Johnny needs more time to show how good he is and what his position is.
  19. Agree. Most kids having a kick around would love to be in Baxter's shoes. "A little cannabis never hurt anyone." Whatever, can't believe someone posted that crap.
  20. The reality is he is going to get £5k fine to pay for the champagne at the FA's christmas party. I can't see it coming to anything even though he should be hung, drawn and quartered.
  21. For all we know Al-Fahim enquired about us but Bill sent him packing - judging by the Portsmouth fiasco, rightly so. Maybe his vetting process for new buyers is too stringent?
  22. Maybe it is a setup by oppositions to the Kirkby move On a more serious note, what a tool if it is true.
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