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Posts posted by EFC-Paul

  1. 16 minutes ago, nogs said:

    OK, but why can't we still just see Davies as a 'fantastic young talent'? That's what I see him as, not at all the finished article (he clearly isn'tttt) but as a very young player still with bags of ability who can still go far in the game. OK you don't see him being anything special, but who are you comparing him to - seasoned Premier League professionals and international midfielders, or other 20 year olds? My thoughts are along the lines of what SteveO has said - Everton fans seem to have this special knack of criticising young players for not being as good as players 5, 10 years older than them. And my biggest gripe with that is, as we saw with Barkley, players are very much aware of it and end up wanting out. 

    Davies is where he is now because he was the stand out talent in his age group at the club. He's had an underwhelming year, yes... But he's 20. We won't know what he can become for two, three, four years. Whether that is a midfield general we can build a team around or a steady Eddie squad player, I just think it's far too early to tell and he should be judged as a player learning his trade still. 

    Because I don't see him as an outstanding young talent Nogs it's that simple I don't see what area of his game he could refine and hone to become much better, I just see him as I've said previously a potentially steady squad player obviously experience will help him along his way to a degree 

    Is it an achievement at his age to have played as many games as he has yes of course it is but he's had many of those games due to circumstances surrounding the squad such as injuries and so on, I'm not discounting those appearances I'm just looking at it from a neutral and honest perspective

    I agree on Barkley he got some bad treatment from fans whilst playing largely due to how frustrating he was as he had the raw ability but hardly ever applied it but it didn't justify the abuse he got at times 

    The problem is as I've said above you've shoehorned people into a bracket and used past situations with the likes of Barkley that certainly aren't applicable to myself purely on the basis of people not rating a player, I've never hurled abuse at a game and all that bollocks I've purely stated on a forum I don't particularly rate him 

    Personally I can't think of any other players that got abuse for being local etc it seems to be a urban myth that's been created imo Barkley got it Lukaku got it Naisse got it as did Martina and many others over the years 

    I'll back the lad to the hilt when he's wearing the shirt but I won't be blinded by that in my judgement if he's under par and I'll praise the lad when he does well as with any player  

  2. 2 hours ago, nogs said:

    Don't see how you can say that. At 17 everyone was talking about Davies being a superstar. The hard facts of playing week in, week out in the Prem put a lot of the hype about young players in perspective. And that's all Foden is at moment, hype. 

    This is were you go off track your shoehorning individual people's thoughts and opinions into a massive bracket 

    I personally have never thought or said he'd be a superstar and don't think he ever will be so it's irrelevant to me if others did or have 

    Foden is a talent who's just been selected for the senior squad by playing so little first team football, the two are completely different players with different skillsets 

    Davies is a steady squad player for me which is no shame I just don't see anything in his game or potential to suggest otherwise

  3. 48 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

    While I don’t rate the lad, never have, I’m certainly not writing him off, it’s just my opinion that right now I don’t see anything about him that we could build a midfield around. I think he’ll be a player in the Cleverley mould (at best), whereby he doesn’t start a lot of games and is just an odd job sort of player. 

    Like I say, though, I’m not writing him off. I would love nothing more than for him to become everything you hope he can be, and for me to look back on this thread and chuckle at the things I’ve said about him. I really mean that. 

    This pretty much echo's my thoughts on it

    Just to add Foden is a fantastic young talent with attributes that Davies doesn't have and is vying for a spot in one of Europe's best midfields totally incomparable bar being young tbh, the lad will be a top top player imo


  4. I've been more of a comic book reader in my younger years so won't bore you with those 😁 

    I listened to such a wide variety of music growing up and in my younger years it's hard to put a list together but the following come to mind 


    The Who - Quadrophenia 

    Roger Daltrey - McVicar 

    The Clash - London Calling

    Oasis - Morning Glory

    Marvin Gaye - Motown (best male vocalist ever imo)


    Series in no particular order


    Breaking Bad 

    Boardwalk Empire 


    Peaky Blinders

    Films again like series I just can't list them in any order and far to many to list 



    God Father Trilogy

    Road to Perdition

    A Bronx Tale 

    Harder than I thought that 😂





  5. 2 hours ago, Romey 1878 said:

    What in his game suggests to you that he could be world class? Genuine question by the way because, like I've said, I've watched him closely and I really don't see a thing about him that even hints at him being anything more than an average, run of the mill player. And that's no disgrace to a player but there are plenty, like yourself, that think he's got the potential to be something special, and I am massively intrigued as to why.

    I don't think the local lads do get singled out you know. I think the criticism of them just gets people's backs up more than it does when it's a player that's been brought in. Schneiderlin got booed onto the pitch. Bolasie had people celebrating when he was shipped out. Tosun's getting stick already. Gana gets it. Sigurdsson has had people on his back. People just froth at the mouth when a lad like Davies gets pulled up for some pretty poor performances. 

    I don't agree with giving any player stick at the game or over social media, it doesn't help. They get my backing 100% where it matters. I save my venting for here.

    Spot on 👏

  6. 10 minutes ago, Matt said:

    I get LBs initial sentiment, I’m not sure it’s directed at any one person but more of a general observation. Got a little OTT with his last post mind you.

    Out of all the crap players at the game, Davies seems to be getting more stick than others, justified or not. 

    I think people will stick up for him more than usual simply because of what’s happened in the past with our young, promising yet frustrating midfield talents. 

    I get it as well mate but it isn'tt what's been said implied or happened he's just thrown out a nonsensical blanket comment

    He'll be the focus of the criticism/debate because he's been consistently inconsistent and to many people he doesn't do much to justify starting games, it has nothing to do with age or being homegrown I think he has a place in the squad but not in the first eleven 

    I get Bailey's point side's do have those types of players many top successful sides as he pointed out United being a great example have had them over the years, hopefully he kicks on and has a place here down the line in a similar way 

  7. 8 hours ago, London Blue said:

    Nonsense, asking for a young player to be given time and support?

    If that's nonsense to you well, I guess that just sums you up. I feel sorry for you, I really do.

    Davies did not have a good game yesterday, most of out team did not, they were flat, it happens. We are a team with a new manager, new way of playing and we were not good enough. 

    I wont be judging this team and its players until we have had a few months, maybe around Christmas, then we will know which players have adapted and grown and who has not.


    Absolutely no need to feel sorry for me LB I'm not the one who forgets what I've posted then twists an innocent reply into something personal 🤔

    "Lets not start are usual season game of pick a youngster and then hound them till they leave or lose faith in themselves."

    Your insinuating a great deal with the above purely on people giving an honest assessment of the lads ability and how he's fairing it isn'tt hounding him out, we praise players when they play well and critique them when they don't that's football 


  8. 11 minutes ago, Matt said:

    I don’t mean the same type of player in the way he plays, more that he’ll never be spectacular but will be consistently reliable. 

    that said, he’s still only 20 so there’s plenty of learning to do 

    True, I do hope he does though I just can't see it

    I did say somewhere else it's a shame he came through during a turbulent period and was thrown into the side as he could have done with a season or two in the Championship 

    I've no problems with him being part of the squad though I just don't want to see him starting games if possible 

  9. 30 minutes ago, Matt said:

    Thought he did well if I’m honest. Not brilliant, but he’s wasn’t awful. 

    He’s going to be more of a Barry kind of player, by which I mean nothing spectacular but will always give his all and do a good job. Rarely brilliant, but good. He’s always going to split opinion because he does do some pointless running, but that will get better with time. A Mr Consistent in the making (queue jokes of being consistently crap!)

    Not to keep knocking the lad but I can't see him ever being a Barry type or close to what he was 

    Slightly conflicting opinion because I don't think Davies will become much more than Gosling and co have but I really rated Barry, possibly one of the best signings we've made in my time so far

    I get your jist though him being a type that does stuff that mainly goes unnoticed but sadly I do notice it and it's pretty rubbish 🤣 

    I'd love Barry back here now ten years younger though!!

  10. 3 hours ago, Bailey said:

    I agree stats can skew things but the remarks from some on here suggest he barely completed a pass and yet the reality is that he is one of our more efficient passers and he also plays a lot more vertically than Schneiderlin who played most of his passes side to side. 

    The problem Davies had is that he had a spell of poor play and it was at a time when the fans were starting to moan and groan and everyone remembers that. To have that bad of a spell and still come out that high suggests he did a lot right for the rest of the game but people dont remember that. There was one particular pass wide left from the inside right channel that was actually a really clever ball apart from DCL was indisciplined and made a run inside when he should have been holding his width. Everyone moaned at Davies but it should have been a really good ball if DCL had done his job properly. DCL would have been 1 v 1 with the full back and in a great crossing position. 

    There were a lot worse players on the pitch than Davies yesterday and a lot of the criticism is unjustified. He is no superstar and there are lots of good premier league players that dont "excel" at something they are just well rounded footballers who come in and do a job for their team. We have been crying out for more well rounded footballers since Barry left and McCarthy handcuffed himself to the treatment table.

    I'd say he sat firmly in the very average bracket yesterday which is were he tends to always sit 

    It isn'ttt a criticism it's observational opinion people aren't knocking the lad by purely saying he's not that good of a footballer it's just what we see, your right lots of teams do have players that don't excel at much but if your happy to have the likes of Gosling Rodwell and co playing for your side then that's fine but for me personally I don't want that as we'll never kick on carrying bang average players

    Great lad seems to be liked by everyone but I just don't see him being anything other than a steady eddie 

    Also I don't tend to look at stats to much they can be misleading and skewed to whichever way someone intends them to be


  11. 54 minutes ago, London Blue said:

    Lets not start are usual season game of pick a youngster and then hound them till they leave or lose faith in themselves.

    How about we get behind players and encourage them, we are Everton supporters after all. 

    This is the type of nonsense that gets people's backs up imo 

    I agree with Mark entirely he excels at absolutely nothing and to me regardless of age is a position being wasted, it isn'ttt hounding a player or picking out a youngster it's an opinion from people that are here to support primarily Everton not individual players 

    He seems a good lad and has made slight improvements under Silva as I've mentioned recently but he doesn't have anything in his locker to improve upon that will make him good enough in my opinion



  12. Shite from start to finish and it's these kind of games we will look back on and think "if only" 

    No excuses as we had enough quality out there to beat them today without any problems but most of the lads didn't turn up but considering we've hit a patch of injuries and suspensions of late it can only get better 

    Just pissed off we've dropped points against these and should have buried Bournemouth but we'll improve once more of the lads get back upto speed 

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