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Posts posted by EFC-Paul

  1. 20 minutes ago, hafnia said:

    To me it just seems the lad has a titty lip and is doing all he can to get back to Germany.  He doesn't want to be here.

    If he wants to go to Germany then yes make that statement to the manager... accept the fact that we set a price and get on with being a professional footballer. 

    Sulky warm ups, ignoring fans (repeatedly) and celebrating leipzig goals and above all Silva more or less confirming that there has been an issue with attitude in training  isn'ttt good. 

    Very surprised... he came here all humble looking to learn and all of a sudden he's being like this? Let's not try and pretend he isn'ttt... he's mischevious at best.  Has he commented to wish Keane well btw?

    Well said 

  2. 10 hours ago, StevO said:

    You have an issue with him calling people sad, but you’re happy to tell people to get fucked? Hmm.

    It's a retort to his comment which was after mine which is pretty obvious stuff Steve so no need to act the clever tit 

    How am I "waiting" for an excuse to be offended you presumptuous clown! I went on Twitter saw multiple sources posting it and in my eyes it's in bad taste

    I don't have to put myself in anyone's shoes you could use that daft logic to try and justify any person's actions you do or don't agree with, I'm not a footballer who's actions have raised eyebrows of late and clearly want to leave my place of work and I also don't have thousands of people being able to view Instagram stories (not a post to his mate) I post 

    I've backed the lad in previous months but it's becoming more and more clear he's seen his arse and doesn't want to be here will i support a player who wants out and in my eyes is playing little games no but if you and others choose to then that's fine no problem but don't presume fuck all about me and comment when I justifiably reply to petty snide insults 


  3. 1 hour ago, nogs said:

    No, he's been watching people he made friends with last season play football and posting about it. He probably didn't do same about the Bournemouth game coz he was there, not watching it on telly. But hey, if people haven't got better stuff to do than bitch about that, each to their own. Pretty sad if you ask me. 

    Get fucked Nogs calling people sad we follow the club and it's players everyone has a right to fucked off with the lad or not 

    He's clearly wanted out since the day he came back here if you've no issue with the lad playing blatant (imo) games then so be it no problem whatever but don't throw insults around because it differs from your opinion

  4. 29 minutes ago, StevO said:

    He does an Instagram video to his friend? I really don’t see the problem. 

    This is people looking for an excuse to be offended. Give it a rest lads. 

    Why would it be an excuse to be offended? It wasn't to his "mate" it was an Instagram story that he knows full well his followers and many more will see 

    Connect all the dots over the last few months the lads clearly being a clever little cunt, his team have been playing one of his teammates has a very serious injury and not a peep yet finds the time to post something related to the club bidding for him 

    Not offended one bit I just think the lads a bellend and knows full well what he's upto  

  5. 7 minutes ago, chicagoblue said:

    Don't see how it can be Keane except in sympathy. Lost his runners constantly. We conceded two when clear, can't go to a defender in those circumstances

    So it can't be a defender because we conceded nor the keeper who let those goals in and on that basis it can't be a striker because he didn't score any goals to win us the game....

    Holgate and Coleman lost their runner for the first the second was a rebound from the post  


  6. 6 minutes ago, Romey 1878 said:

    The thing that will have made the Keane thing worse is that he was already out before he hit the ground, so he has no chance to brace himself and slams into the turf with his head again. 

    Just said that to my old man who only caught commentary

    Like one of those drink fuelled cracks when someone hits the curb/floor, hope we hear something from the club soon as I'm quite worried for the lads health 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Bailey said:

    Just seen it again. Keane moves out to the man with the ball, Holgate doesnt fill in behind him so that man is free but Coleman does the right thing following his man. 

    The problem started down the left and that was the main fault but Holgate should have covered behind Keane and if he had he *might* have been able to stop the ball being played to the free man. There was always an overlap on though.

    Must be talking about another chance then because Coleman is the only defender that's caught up the pitch and has to track back and runs towards an already marked player whilst leaving Wilson un-marked

  8. 6 minutes ago, Bailey said:

    Should be 1 down. Shambles at the back against the counter. Holgate out of sync with the other defenders at first glance but they always had the overlap. 

    Looked more like Coleman to me, Holgate had a player and Coleman ran back and drifted inside towards him leaving Wilson un-marked on the right 

    Agree on Coleman on your other post though seems to be away with the fairies today 


  9. Who said he was a good player for fuck sake! I said better pre injury which he was regardless of whether you rate him or not, I practically agreed with Matt's orignal post who then took my post at another angle 

    He was at a better level pre injury he wasn't able to get back to that doesn't imply he was great or anything just a clear fact 

  10. 16 hours ago, Matt said:

    He never had the level though, he’s a highlight player against good opposition. He’d be great for Villa, and might make people people think again whilst playing in a poorer team in a lower, yet competitive, league. But he was, overall, never good enough to improve us. It’s a shame, I so hoped to be wrong when we signed him, alas...

    We'll never know how he would have truly faired he came here played a handful of games and did well then was out for twelve months with a serious injury

    Clearly not upto the level we want now no one's disputing that but the lad was clearly a different player pre injury   


  11. 1 hour ago, Matt said:

    He must know he’s not in the plans, and after his horrible injury, I’m sure, with his fantastic attitude, he’ll want to get playing again 

    I agree he's had a tough time (in footballing  terms) in all fairness to the lad 

    Just hasn't been able to get back to the level he was prior hopefully he goes impresses and earns a move 

  12. Kanchelskis Jnr summed it up for me 

    "Apart from Richarlison, all the players on the field were there under Big Sam, yet the difference in play now is staggering! The players are positive, look for the spaces and are quick to attack! A pleasure to watch and a breath of fresh air. Marco is really showing his worth"

    Although we didn't look like world beaters it's staggering the effect a decent man manager can have on a side with good staff around them 

  13. He needs to refine his game to be able to cut it at this level, I've been a critic of his in the past but I feel sorry for the lad as for no fault of his own he was thrown in at the deep end due to inept managers and purchase's whereas if he'd gone out on loan back then we'd likely be seeing a different player 

    I don't think he did badly when he came on his movement looked good tbh you can tell Silva is rubbing off, few sloppy passes etc but in general did quite well tbh 

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