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Posts posted by EFC-Paul

  1. On 14/08/2018 at 20:58, markjazzbassist said:

    he has played for absolute garbage teams, norwich and soton.  given some actual quality around him i think he would be a fantastic signing.  cheap and english too.

    I agree, you only have to look at Oxlade-Chamberlain his goal record is woeful considering he's played in much better sides than Redmond but he looks far more effective at the shite albeit sometimes playing through the middle 

    He was a steal at £2m a few seasons ago always thought at the time we missed a trick with him 

  2. 12 hours ago, Quinn31 said:


    I'm curious as to the source of Usmanov's money - I assume he got all of it during the privatizations of the 90's post USSR like most of the other billionaires. 

    He claims that he didn't participate in any of the share auctions of these privatizations, of which many were rigged/bribed and thus billionaires made and politicians paid off. Not sure if I believe him, or even if that's true, that the methods used weren't another form of corruption/theft. It's an inevitable problem in a country privatizing all of its state owned assets with a poor citizenry - the only people with access to resources to acquire are the government, those who are in bed with said government officials, or foreigners with pooled capital. What a mess Russia and that part of the world is. Makes me thankful to live in a much more fair society.

    He's made the vast majority of his money since 2007 onwards (£2.7bn to £14bn est) 

    The vast majority of billionaire's are corrupt businessmen with their hands in various shady pie's, would people shun Bill Gates's money? A man that has avoided paying mindbogglingly large tax bills via "aid illusion" nope I'm pretty sure we wouldn't you can find "moral" negatives with them all 

    I couldn't care less where the money is coming from the man has far to many connections and is far to powerful to be simply thrown out of the UK and everything he's attached to crumble in the process


  3. I still hope it's purely down to him not being a 100% fit 

    He'd have caused Wolves problems if he'd have been available yesterday, he'll get his chance from what Marco has been saying 

    It's the first time in a very long time we've got some great attacking options and the players to change our system completely if needs be we shouldn't be looking to offload the lad 

  4. 1 hour ago, Matt said:

    Which means very little. Any player needs a full season to be judged 

    By who's measure? 

    It doesn't take a full season Matt to see if a player is going to cut it or if they have the potential to improve 

    We've had and so has this league loads of players who've never had anywhere near a full season and have been deemed not upto it so what makes Mo any different? 

    Not bashing the lad I just don't see any reason for him to be here collecting a wage for doing nothing over three years for us regardless of injuries etc 


  5. 6 minutes ago, pete0 said:

    Across how many seasons?

    Crock? He's had three seperate injuries with the last one being his cruciate. Give him time. 

    Plaudits? Done well enough at boro for them to make an offer and on here whenever he's played he's done more good than he has bad. Give him time to get fit and see what he's capable of. 

    Why does it matter how many seasons it's across appearances are appearances!?

    Crock yes if we use your logic that's the reason he hasn't played and not lack of ability, he's had three long term injuries as you mentioned so he's either a crock or not good enough, give him time? I'd say being with a club for three years plus is plenty

    The Championship! different kettle of fish different team different level, I could pull multiple name's out of my arse to say they've done ok at that level it doesn't mean they should be here    

  6. 12 minutes ago, pete0 said:

    He was injured for the best part of two seasons and had successful loan spell to regain fitness. 

    When he's played he's mostly got plaudits for his performances with a fair amount motm votes per game. 

    He's made 37 appearances that's plenty to see the lad isn'ttt upto the standard we want but if you want to look at it from your point of view then the lads a crock

    As said multiple manager's have seen plenty of the lad (5/6) and he's never been given a decent run of games for a reason when he's been fit

    Plaudits? I've rarely bar on here heard anyone mention how well the lads played or that he's a good player bar the odd Boro game, I'd bet he's had less MOTM nominations than Williams!!

    He's 25 clearly isn'tttt in the current manager's plans nor was he in the previous five or six manager's has only two teams from the Championship after him yet he's good enough.... 

  7. 4 hours ago, StevO said:

    I get that Matt, but if he had anywhere near the talent you and plenty of others think he has, then why has no one else tried to come in for him? It can’t just be that the only people who don’t rate him are football managers. No one from the premier league has tried to take him, even the likes of Cardiff could do with a bit of bite but didn’t go near him. 

    Maybe he just isn’t very good and I was right as always haha

    Spot on this is how I see it 

    Injuries haven't hampered three years here nor have pig headed manager's his ability isn'tt upto scratch its that simple 

    I like the lad he seems a good professional etc but he's living off chasing after Messi in one game years ago, he's done nothing of any worth for us 


  8. 14 hours ago, Matt said:

    Glad we’ve kept hold of him if true, my gut instinct is still that there’s a player in there who just needs a break

    Three seasons here and now under his 5th (6th if you include Unsworth) and he's never really been a first team regular that speaks volumes to me 

    With the players we've brought in and the direction Silva and co seem to be moving the lad will just keep collecting a wage for doing next to nothing, having a little bite to your game doesn't make you a good player 

  9. 3 minutes ago, aaron said:

    is this a normal thing?

    Yerry Mina just left the Hospital again. He greeted us smiling. His uncle and representative Jair about his future has said that "let's see, you will see."

    Hopefully just left his phone on the side after smashing a Liverpool supporting nurse 

  10. Just watched a few clips of him and had a nosey around on line and loads of Barca fans say similar to what Haf did in the other thread he needs games and his confidence building 

    Very good player great with the ball good vision etc but he's been battered by the fans who just want to see Messi and co line up week in week out 

    In one clip he's bearing down on goal and Suarez is shouting and pointing for him to play it backwards 15/20 yards to Messi which seemed to sum it up for me


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