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Posts posted by EFC-Paul

  1. 1 minute ago, MikeO said:

    It was Paul, nearly five years ago now!

    Nothing but admiration for you and people who've been through it Mike and moreso those that treat you all 

    That's bloody flown! 

    Well my biggest scar is from having an undescended bollock as a baby the full width of my lower torso although I've told people I fell on a fence as I kid to save face 🤣😂  

  2. 22 minutes ago, Matt said:

    Getting there mate (see What Grinds your Gears thread for info)

    Id like DCL to start because of his attitude, workrate and reward from Wednesday. He may not have the pace to run past people, but he has the workrate to press and can knockdown for the starting striker quite well... 

    Bringing Lookman on with 30 mins to go against (hopefully) tired and losing legs. That’d allow Lookman a little flexibility and leeway, a player of his type needs that I think especially considering recent events and that he’s not played... 

    Just read it mate some sods luck that! 

    Hope it heals up well 

  3. 1 hour ago, Wiggytop said:

    What was Sandro? I don't think we ever saw enough of him to know where he was best suited, on the times we saw him on the field last year he looked like a head less chicken, a bit like Niasse, but no ability to find the back of the net.

    as for the squad, I'm OK with it and would like to see the U23,s used if needed rather than having a bloated squad of players who aren't good enough ( Martina, Klaasen, Williams spring to mind ) and it's a certainty that we will add in the Jan window as Marco and Marcel with had half a season to see the squad and how it has gelled, which so far after 3 PL games is looking good.

    Striker/forward a very poor man's Sterling if you will 

    Shame United are strangely trying to tie Martial down on a new long term deal I would have loved him and Lozano here in January 

    Fully fit squad and we'd be looking the part big time, definitely need another striker in January though Kevin Volland would be a great punt from Leverkusen can play out wide if needs be as well 

  4. 7 hours ago, brisbaneblue said:

    I thought letting Sandro go out on loan was a mistake. We've only got 2 natural wingers remaining in the squad outside of the starting XI and if Lookman leaves as well then we are down to just Bernard. It's going to pain me when Calvert-Lewin or Dowell inevitably gets subbed on as a winger at some point.

    I get your drift but Sandro isn'tt a winger 

    He doesn't have the pace or footwork to cut it out there imo so wouldn't be much different from DCL etc but hopefully it doesn't come to that 

  5. 1 hour ago, patto said:

    If he stays and it doesn't work out you will not get 28m for him this is a big decision for brands and we have to back him.

    I've already said my thoughts on the lad in previous posts but the club comes first and the last thing we need is new or young players having to be thrown in out of position because we've been left short 

    A pre agreement with Leipzig can sort that similar to what the shite did with Kieta surely they can still be done?

    His heart looks like it's set on going there anyway so do the deal now for January, win win if the lad has the desire and patience 

  6. He's no different to Klaassen in my eyes a player that has ability but he's just not cut out for this league 

    Desperately wanted him to do well and I was excited when we brought him here but this league doesn't afford players like him the space to make those in box runs that he's been able to do elsewhere 

    Hope he goes onto finding form again elsewhere 

  7. Good post Paul agree with most of it bar Cenk and Holgate 

    I've never thought Tosun would be a prolific goal scorer tbh but I do think once he bags a goal he'll hit double figures here, as many strikers do he just needs that first goal but one thing about the lad is he offers a great deal besides goals 

    His hold up play is great and brings others into the game well and doesn't let his head drop, very valuable player 

    Holgate is a brilliant young CB in my eyes, the lad out on their left side in the second half tried to run him down a few times and he kept up and forced things in our favour with clever defending

    Strong for his size and doesn't shy away from getting stuck in, I think his biggest attribute is the one that carried John Terry for years longer than his legs should have let him and that's how he reads the game

    People talk of some of the other English CB's being targets and great players etc but to me we've had one on our hands for a while and he'll only get better imo

  8. My missus who knows very little about our side and footie in general bar me screaming obscenities at the tv came on with me last night and said "who's your number 19!?"


    "He's crap"

    Spoke volumes for me tbh, great work ethic and professional and I know it's a cup game but he's never a starter in any game, last twenty mins when legs are tired that's about it 

  9. 10 hours ago, Paddock said:

    He controlled the back 4- there centre forward was a bug lad and tried to push him about, he got fucked right off- he won important headers and looked decent on the ball. 

    Made me laugh when their number 9 I think it was who was a big lad himself tried to knock him off the ball a few times 

    The lad looked rock solid calm and spreads play across the back well, looks to have a good understanding with Holgate as well who also had a very good game tbh

    It's just a shame we've so many injuries and players likely not to be upto speed at the moment as Silva will have some selection headache's which is a great thing 

  10. Digne had a good game some great one two's and flicks before putting in decent crosses, albeit Rotherham he looks good going forward 

    Zouma as Mark said deserves a mention he played very well imo rock solid and it will take some power to knock that lad off the ball!! Looks good 

    DCL was frustrating in the first half struggled to get it out of his feet a few times poor touches etc but the lad plugged away and got two goals one being a belter 

    Davies deserves a shout, very tidy last night and turned the ball over well and not many wayward passes 

    I don't get the Kenny shout for MOTM tbh had a decent game but didn't stand out

  11. 1 minute ago, MikeO said:

    I'll have a look myself when it's out on DVD but I think she went in with the wrong expectation; to be fair though the trailer (which we watched beforehand) does give the impression that it's going to be all happy happy so that's a bit deceptive it seems. Fact of the matter though is that AA Milne was a very troubled man and wanted to write serious stuff after coming home from WW1 but got writer's block so ended up getting closer (though never close) to his son and Pooh was the result. Christopher Robin himself hated the association and being paraded around while he thought it was just something between him and his dad, so the whole story is very dark despite it being a work of absolute genius on a "simple" level.

    I read from AA Milne at my mum's funeral because she read it to me and my brother when we were kids so it's very close to my heart; watched Goodbye Christopher Robin last year and that's certainly no kids' film but very affecting.

    I sort of guessed that there's a darker nature behind it all with each character nigh on representing a form of mental health/well-being and as you've said it's very clever the way he's woven it all together

    Lovely that I'm sure you'll enjoy it tbh especially with it having a deeper meaning 


  12. Coleman had a stinker against Bournemouth and he's the type to dig in and put it behind him, Baines doesnt have the legs for 90 minutes let alone two game's in quick succession so Digne should be in and Stek scares the shit out of me 

    Tosun needs a goal to get off the mark I think once he hits one he'll start firing so I'd start him with looking at bringing Naisse in if all's going well at halftime, Dowell in for Sigurdsson as he's worked his bollocks off imo the last two games and I think Dowell has enough to fill in and needs minutes under his belt and although I've criticised Davies I can see slight improvements in his game under Silva with his movement and runs he just needs to pass it to one of our players every now and again!!

    Bernard in for Richarlison or Lookman, this will be a big indicator of what the lads situation is ATM in my eyes so we'll see how it goes 

    I wouldn't make to many changes though as its something we should be looking at winning 



    Coleman  Holgate   Zouma Digne


                  Dowell          Davies

      Walcott                           Bernard


  13. 21 hours ago, MikeO said:

    Wife took grandson (nearly five) to see Christopher Robin today, he enjoyed it but wife didn't like it and said it was a bit "dark" for a Disney Pooh movie (I suspected it might be due to the PG certificate). He's staying the night and was just on the phone to his mum to say goodnight saying Grandma didn't enjoy it because it was too dark in the cinema:lol:.

    We took our two (3&7) to see it last week one fell asleep when it first started after doing his sweets in whilst the trailers were on but us three enjoyed it nice moral story to it but I can see where your wife's coming from compared to the original stuff

  14. 1 hour ago, StevO said:

    Fuck me, Paul went from sensible poster to first class bell end pretty quick. 

    Paul, stop complaining about receiving insults for your opinion only to give insults to others who disagree. 

    I've been on here for years Steve and always thought you were a decent bloke and mod but you waded in when I didn't take kindly to being called sad etc then proceeded with your condescending presumptuous bollocks so the same applies to you 

    I'm not giving insults to who disagree I'm replying to what I deemed an unnecessary insult it's not hard to grasp...no snide jibe no reply from me in the same manner simple! 

  15. 13 minutes ago, nogs said:

    Think and say what you like fella. Personally I don't get why a player wanting to leave the club or not turns into a personal vendetta with a section of fans. And I'll call it as I see it, as I'm sure you will keep on doing. 

    But please, getting all precious about the word 'sad'... Come on. 

    Nothing "precious" about my comments or temperament Nogs your jibe wasn't needed, it's not just the recent post he made he's had multiple moments in the last month or so and it paints a clear picture of the lads demeanor and attitude

    Myself and others haven't branded those that don't think his recent antics are in bad taste and imo being a blatant cunt there's no need for it so I will crack on when someone I've had hardly any interaction with labels me sad for being miffed by a player that doesn't want to be here

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