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Everything posted by rubecula

  1. Steve, I will not be here to post a score next week and I am not sure who we are playing so I would like to post "blind" for it if it is allowed. my prediction for next week is 2 - 0 for Everton (home or away) first scorer will be Tosun and I will be away on the end of September but I will post something about that nearer the time if that is ok, (I don't want to be kicked out for missing posts, if I need to I will ask someone to post for me) edit: just seen that we are away to Bournemouth next week but prediction still stands. 0 - 2 to Everton (Tosun )
  2. Makes a change, every prediction is for an Everton win
  3. all depends on the position he is played in I think.
  4. what a load of total sh1t not even Roma would be that desperate.
  5. always preferred the Woodentops myself, everything else was for kids really
  6. maybe he has no idea what was meant by a hooters waitress (frankly neither have I to be honest)
  7. no doubt he loves the club but he needs to play too, as would anyone.
  8. someone with optimism I salute you sir. Hmm no saluting emote
  9. it is true about 2 nations divided by a single language isn'tt it? there is British type English, and then there are the mistakes. just joking NYBlue you have your way and we have ours, just as long as we can understand each other it is ok.
  10. as we have never won the league cup it means more to the fans than it does to management I think, but I will not expect us to win it in my lifetime, if ever.
  11. tv series called The Outpost although I missed the last episode.
  12. I currently can't get enough of this one. "...… though my steed had the stronger will, the iron horse had the longer stride."
  13. let the lad try if he wants though eh? the bloody chorus is going through my head now
  14. oops all the same it does seem vaguely familiar, (no argument about the content mind you)
  15. try it out and if it takes off I will apologise for my comment, which is "puerile, infantile but poetic " sorry but good try.
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