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Posts posted by nogs

  1. 6 hours ago, pete0 said:

    I don't see how anyone can watch that then defend Gana and blame the others. Martina gets beat but does enough to slow him down that the gap should have been plugged, Williams also does his job and forces Salah to go for the far post.

    There's only one man at fault and that's Gana. He's not marking anyone so he should be marking the space. If that was Pogba the pundits would be tearing the back out of him. It's lazy and it's school boy, I did go to write amateur but even at that level you'd expect the midfielder to drop back into the space. Worst thing is its not a brainfart, he plays like this every week. We don't give away more chances than other teams, but the ones we do are much more clear cut as Gana has left a nice big space to exploit. 

    Pure nonsense. You don't run in behind your full back expecting him to be sat on his arse. If Gana had rushed over, he'd have left a huge gaping hole for a Liverpool player to run into, for Salah to slip in and get a free shot at goal. Which you'd have then blamed Gana for. So he is doing exactly what your criticising him for - marking the space on the edge of the box.

    If Gana does anything wrong, he doesn't fly into the tackle to try to prevent a goal, I assume because he doesn't want to give a penalty - pointless, because Salah scores anyway. But to blame him because Martina gets dumped on his backside is laughable. 

    Now back to the thread topic, please. 

  2. 3 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

    Baines was class all the way, i'll never dispute that, but jags and distin had a brainfart every match that was costly.  jags was the faster of the too and the more composed so he could get away with it more

    And sorry, not to look like I'm picking on you, but I can't let that go - Jags has never been especially quick, Distin was rapid, especially so for a 30-plus year old. 

  3. 11 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

    yeah him and distin were real worldies, i remember the dread the minute we went up 1-0 in the 72nd minute every match knowing moyes was about to bring on Heitinga and we'd have to watch them 3 try and defend for our lives.  I can't remember how many times they scored in the 90th minute and i was deflated.  thank god those days are gone.

    Because we don't concede late goals anymore 🙄

  4. 12 hours ago, markjazzbassist said:

    call me whatever you want but other than being a nice guy and a professional he was nothing more than an above average defender.  keane this year was already at his level or better for me.  sad to see a nice guy and club servant go, but i won't miss him as a player.

    You either have a very short memory or don't understand what makes a top class defender. Jags had two attributes I don't think Keane has from what have seen - leadership and a bloody minded determination to stop the opposition scoring at all costs. He was never the quickest but would mix it physically with anyone and read the game fantastically. He made Lescott, who had much better natural attributes, look world class because of his organisational abilities. Like Lescott, Keane needs his hand holding. He has time to prove me wrong but I just don't see him replacing what Jags has given us over the years. 

  5. Keith has it spot on. Man Utd will be looking for a new manager by Christmas, Chelsea will probably start the season with a new one who may be working with a transfer ban and no Hazard. Arsenal have two fantastic strikers and very little else. We've just beaten all three of those teams. Brands gets the recruitment right next season, there is a genuine opportunity to get back in the top 6 next season. 

    Or does it not count if three of the big boys underperform?? Ask Leicester fans... 

  6. 10 hours ago, StevO said:

    In our life time Pete (or at least since we were teenagers) we have been lucky to get one win against these sides a season. The odd 1-0 win over United, or Arsenal, or the occasional derby win. But they always seemed to be scrappy wins, where the players had to put everything into them to win them, they were good but we beat them by hard work rather than talent. 

    The attention on these wins was because they were back to back home victories, not just one offs dotted around a couple of years. It was every other week. But there wasn’t just hard work and grit like in the Moyes days, we beat these teams while showing quality at the same time. I know you think the other teams were poor, so what if they were, we were good too. We worked harder and showed more quality, and didn’t concede a goal. 

    The reason the wins against these sides in the past were so good was because we always hoped they would be the glimmer of hope that the side would push on and progress, but more often that not we didn’t. This time we went out at Goodison and won again, if you can’t see the glimmer of hope from this I don’t think you have a positive bone in your body.

    The rest of the Evertonians on the planet loved these games, they made us relevant again and gave us hope. For you, they seemed to just give you reasons to blame the other teams for being shit rather than to enjoy watching your own team win. 

    You couldn’t enjoy the victories against Chelsea, Arsenal or United, you were too upset about Fulham and Palace. As poor as those results were, you need to enjoy the good times. 

    This, all day long. It wasn't just those three results, it was our home form for the last five matches after losing to City. Two points dropped, no goals conceded, playing Liverpool, Chelsea, Arsenal and Man Utd, playing good, progressive football. 

    I dont get how see how anyone can't see genuine promise in that. I don't get how anyone can accuse players/manager of not caring after putting a run together like that, especially on the back of a terrible run of form. Imo that takes real guts and determination. 

  7. On 18/05/2019 at 15:25, pete0 said:

    We turned up to Fulham just as we did the other games. Just they fought back. United were awful, they didn't close down and were all over the shop with a centre half at the back and players who just don't want to be there any more and won't dig deep. Even Cardiff beat them ffs. 

    If the expectation is 8th there's the difference. I'm not happy with 8th, and unless it comes down to the wire 7th isn'ttt good enough either. Martinez got us 5th, Koeman got us 7th, and last season Alladyce got the worst Everton side since Walter Smith to 8th. Silva hasn't done his job, the gap is massive from us to 6th. He's had Digne, Zouma, Gomes, Richarlison, Bernard and only closed the gap by two points. Compare them to the players they come in for Williams/Jags both legs gone and were playing next to an injured Keane making him even more cumbersome, add Baines and Coleman both coming back from injuries and we must have had the most immobile back four in the league, and then it wasn't much better in midfield with a leggy Rooney. We lacked pace that much DCL an inexperienced striker was playing on the wing. The team was completely unbalanced and slow yet we've only managed to close the gap by two points. The manager has a lot to answer for. 

    I'm no happy clapper. If we perform well and get beat or draw I'll say so just as much as I'll say we weren't great or the opposition handed it to us on a plate. One of the best matches I went was a nil nil draw against Leeds in 2002, had everything but goals. Even though we never scored I was happy with the performance and that game sticks in memory. I can't say as much for any game this season, or last for that matter. I'm happy with the three points but other than the Man United score the matches are pretty forgettable. 

    Our of interest Pete how old were you in 2002? Am I right in guessing pretty young? Might it not be the case that the reason why you were able to enjoy a shite Everton team draw 0-0 with ten-man Leeds, but don't get the same buzz watching us beat Man Utd, Arsenal and Chelsea now, is because you've changed, not because this current team lacks passion? 

    I have loads of great memories of Goodison from the 90s when I lived close enough to go to matches regularly. I loved it, still do when I can get over. But fuck me I saw some rubbish Everton teams. The biggest criticism I could throw at us last season was that at times we played like one of them relegation near-miss seasons, or how it was under Smith again. Just dour, hapless, clueless football. Say what you like, but we would never have got the results we've had this last three months last season, under Koeman or Allardyce. We've turned a corner and we will see progress again next season. 

  8. 22 hours ago, pete0 said:

    If it was in the video I posted I would have highlighted it. Nogs only asked for evidence of the goals so just looked at the first video I found. Only reason I highlighted Gana last game was a few were making out I'm exaggerating so I took the time to highlight just one half of him. 

    No, I've asked several times for evidence of players not caring. I'm doing it to make a point, because when someone posts with an opinion you disagree with, you demand evidence, and regularly got at it like a dog with a hard on demanding they back up their opinion. Which, being an opinion, its not always easy to do. We're not in a court of law here. 

    Your opinion is that some of our players don't care enough and it sickens you. Fine. My point is you have absolutely no evidence to back that up. It's not fact, it's an opinion. You need to learn the difference between the two. 

    And as Shukes said, if you don't want other people on your back all the time, a little more balance in your posts wouldn't go amiss. EVERY player in our team makes mistakes, but you only choose to highlight Gana, and then question his attitude, because you have a completely irrational vendetta against him. And to be quite honest it stinks the place out. 

  9. On 08/05/2019 at 11:07, pete0 said:


    Massive fail... 


    On 04/05/2019 at 20:01, pete0 said:

    To go from players who would dive in front of bullet for the fans to ones who aren't even arsed when we concede is sickening. 

    Still waiting for you to explain how you've come to this opinion and provide some evidence. 

  10. 20 minutes ago, pete0 said:

    You ask for evidence. I give it on a plate. Then it call it pathetic. What more do you want? 

    You asked about which players didn't do their job. I answered it. Jags wasn't doing his job. Gana wasn't either. 

    No I didn't ask anything about players not doing their job. I asked for evidence of players not caring when we conceded, something you called 'sickening'. 

    Massive fail. 

  11. 2 hours ago, pete0 said:

    Jagielka 0:06, 0:20, 1:52

    Gana 0:54, 1:49


    First goal Gana runs to the ball leaving his man free. Something I've banged on about all year. (not doing his job) 

    Second goal Gana doesn't even make an effort to run back after losing the ball. (doesn't care enough) 

    Jags three are all poor mistakes. 



    That's pathetic Pete. Yeah we had a poor game v Fulham. As we had a poor second half v Newcastle. Again - where is your evidence that those performances were down to players not caring? And what about the eight clean sheets in the last 10 games? When are you going to answer my question and comment on those? Did the players care in those 8 games? 

    And why are you dragging Jags into this? Are you suggesting that our club captain, with more than 300 appearances for Everton FC to his name, somehow doesn't care about the club? What exactly is the point you're trying to make? 

  12. 19 hours ago, pete0 said:

    I've said countless times that some players don't try hard enough, care enough or look too bothered. Some are even smiling walking off the pitch after a defeat. You moan I repeat myself but are asking a question that I've already answered. 

    Again, five goals conceded and one defeat in 10 - who doesn't care enough? Who is not doing their job? Where's your evidence? 

  13. On 04/05/2019 at 21:37, pete0 said:

    I only ask for further explanation if it's not clear how the opinion is formed, if you don't like being challenged to clarify vague statements maybe a forum is not for you or you can just ignore me. There's been no disrespect and only insults thrown in retaliation and even then I don't bite at the first cherry. Seriously, a lack of respect? You've called me a clown on more than one occasion as your opening post. Which is actually a good example of your vague statements. Why don't you contribute more to that statement and provide an explanation why I'm a clown for critising the first half of Gana's performance. For fulness let me know how each poor play I highlighted is acceptable, educate me so I can take the red nose and wig off. 

    I'm short you find someone disagreeing with you disrespectful, makes you feel stupid. If you don't like being challenged you'll never learn or have a robust understanding anything. You'll never be happy or those round you will be on eggshells. I'm not asking you to agree with me, I'm just pointing out basic stuff that Gana hasn't done well, reason I'm pointing them out is because posters like yourself say I'm just making it up, where's my stats, where's my evidence. So I put it up my observations at half time as I don't have Sky to record the match and do full analysis. 

    You've blatantly not paid any attention to my posts then as I more than enjoyed myself with the result, one of the only matches I've stayed out after. I just didn't get carried away with the performance as Man U were very poor.

    Did you watch the last 60 minutes against Burnley. They should have had a pen and had the ball in the net only for us to be saved by the linesman. During this we struggled going forward and Lookman was struggling to find a pass as his teammates were letting him down with their lack of effort/movement. Last 20 mins I don't think Sigurdssen made a sprint and the team struggled to string a couple of passes together. On paper a 2 nil win over Burnley is a good result and I'm happy with he result, but I'm not happy with the performance. If we play every week like this we'll fail to get top 6 again next season. 

    In short the results have for the most part been good. But the performances haven't reflected them, we've flattered to deceive. We've played almost the same eleven in the same way each week, yet we never beat Fulham or Palace who are much poorer teams than those we beat. You look closer at the difference in performances and it was not us playing any worse it was a case of the opposition being up for it compared to the teams we beat. Another thing is, this system isn'ttt creating enough. DCL has barely had a clear chance provided h during the good run we've been on. In short I'm looking at the bigger picture. 

    See this is typical of you. You said you were sickened by players not caring when they conceded. I asked for explanation/evidence, especially in light of only conceding 5 goals in 10 games. You've completely ducked that. That's why I and others have a problem with you're 'engaging in debate' line. You're like a politician, you only want to discuss what suits your purposes. You make OTT statements like that all the time but refuse to back them up when challenged. That's what makes 'debating' with you incredibly frustrating. 

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