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Everything posted by holystove

  1. The ability to do trade deals is apparently not genetically embedded in the DNA of British citizens by virtue of the UK having been a trading nation throughout its history. The notion itself a bit ridiculous, now the Department of International Trade has released the figures that show there are very few experienced trade negotiators working for the UK government. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/headhunter-splurge-fails-to-deliver-brexit-negotiators-liam-fox-department-of-international-trade-jonathan-fried-crawford-falconer-jeremy-heywood-mvdbtd300?shareToken=292a4f04e5d4f668385561e80efc1dbf - 2,5m £ to educate civil servants on trade policy - inability to attract international negotiators ("because they don't want to hurt their reputation" - as they don't see how the UK will be doing a lot of succesful deals) - only 1 major hire, while more than a million spent on headhunters - .. as stated many times before, I want brexit to be a success, but for that to happen, brexiters should be realistic about their weak position.
  2. This is extraordinary. Half of the pensioners in the UK wouldn't mind if a family member lost their job because of Brexit. The generational divide is immense.
  3. Yes and one of them wasnt even shown, only the outcome. Cgi must be getting expensive. I heard on a podcast season 7 will turn out to be Daenarys vs Cersei for control over Westeros. Season 8 will be the living vs the dead (fire vs ice).
  4. I hope they put the EMA in Strasbourg so the French can finally drop their insistence on the European Parliament travelling there once a month at a ridiculous cost (waste of money). Thats almost half the hole created by the UK no longer paying into the EU budget covered.
  5. First full frontal nudity of the season as well!
  6. I had that happen to me once on a trans atlantic flight and as compensation got all booze I wanted for free. (normally wine was 5 dollars etc) not a bad flight
  7. Harry potter and the methods of rationality. for free at hpmor.com Unlike J. K. Rowling's original books, in which the orphaned Harry Potter is raised by the abusive Dursley family, the Harry Potter character in HPMOR is raised by an Oxford scientist, and is trained by his parents in science and rational thinking before learning about magic and traveling to the wizarding school Hogwarts. brilliant book. cant recommmend enough!
  8. Read the books first. With them as background, the TV show is a more accessible.
  9. Jack Dee‏Geverifieerd account @TheRealJackDee 16 jul. Meer We get the last laugh because I happen to know the next Queen is going to be a guy.
  10. This might make you laugh again: one of the comments under that picture was: "who's the guy in the wizard hat?"
  11. I agree. Opening scene was the highlight of the episode.
  12. you're not going to start watching before all episodes of this season have aired?
  13. So did episode 1 of the new season I hear. Will be watching it tonight so can't comment yet, but reviews so far have been very positive.
  14. This picture after it was reported that Davis doesn't read briefings or EU position papers because details apparently hinder clarity. At least Olly brought something to take notes with a yellow marker.
  15. For those thinking Mike Pence is an improvement. Here he is attacking the NHS by abusing the tragic case of Charlie Gard.
  16. I find it odd Leave supporting commentators such as Iain Martin, Tim Montgomerie, Andrew Lilico are saying the chances of Remain are increasing (either through a 2nd REF or a new GE) as the failure of the current government to make brexit work becomes more apparent. IMO, there is 0 chance the UK will remain in the EU as it is a legal impossibility. It is the view of the legal service of the EU Commission the article 50 notice is irrevocable (http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-17-2001_en.htm). I tend to agree. Article 50 is part of the constitutional law of the EU. Therefor it is irrelevant if there is poliltical agreement amongst the EU27 and UK to allow the UK to remain; politicial will is not above treaty law (as interpreted by ECJ). To Remain would require a Treaty change. If the UK withdraws its A50 notice, and the EU27 accept, it is, by treaty, the duty of the Commission to appeal to the ECJ to make sure this is not in breach of EU Constitutional Law. Ironically, the ECJ could be the Brexiters' greatest friend. (I thought it important to quash any hopes Remain people might have on this issue ). There is no remain, there is only re-join.
  17. This happened in the oval office last night. The ease with which religion and government (politics) is mixed in the US, is quite amazing.
  18. worringly this has also been extensively reported on the continent
  19. No I just think it is one of the biggest faults with the brexit side, to call someone like Mike who says he doesn't agree with the current direction the country has taken (and who is critical of some of its past mistakes) unpatriotic.
  20. As I've said before I was hoping he would have stayed and I wish him well, but my prediction is 8 goals with long periods of being benched. *edit: this is based on my assumption he will struggle playing with technically gifted players who generally act too quickly for him; his previous relationship with Jose; how quickly ManU fans turn on their own;
  21. this is not a good post John. Anyway, here's how this will all probably end : https://www.ft.com/content/d992b7c0-62fc-11e7-91a7-502f7ee26895 Behind paywall so summary: 1/ UK accepts all EU terms (FoM, ECJ, exit bill) 2/ UK crashes out of EU (permanent and extreme hit to economy) 3/ UK withdraws A50 letter (no longer rebate)
  22. i was at the stadium when he played for belgium against czech republic in june. i dont know what it was that made him a success at aston villa, but i can definitely confirm that whatever it was, he has lost it since. do not sign, please.
  23. thanks. didnt know Hillsborough was the reason. tbh before religiously following Everton I hadnt even heard about that tragedy. I actually thought it was not done to post sun articles because of poor level of journalism. (imo express is even worse, and daily mail only slightly better)
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