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Everything posted by holystove

  1. Someone made a comparison between UK and EU on democratic accountability: (as far as I can tell it's accurate) In the UK, the system on the left is perceived to be democratic, the one on the right not so much. On who pays the EU budget: there are currently 11 member states that are net contributors, the other 17 being eastern and southern Europe and Ireland. Per capita the UK is one of the lowest net contributors, it is however a big country so overall it is the second biggest contributor. Sweden has only been a member for about 20 years and has been a net contributor from the start. It's a shame that people have just become more entrenched as Louis said. I was hoping the process of leaving would help people understand the EU better. Barnier said a couple of days ago that brexit will teach us (as in all Europeans) a lesson on what the customs union is, what the single market is, etc.. Sadly what he meant was translated into UK media as "EU will teach Britain a lesson" (even by the BBC).
  2. Now that talks seem to have stalled somewhat, what is the public mood in Britain? Tendency towards "soft" brexit (or Remain as I would call such a thing) or is anti-EU sentiment growing stronger as the EU seems more intransigent, ....or are people just plain tired of it all?
  3. Im having difficulty figuring how Bran fits into all of this. Seems to me that as long as he lives, Jon Snow cant lose.
  4. Thanks guys! Appreciated. Faily big do, Mike, around 220 people. I plan on doing this only once . Off to church now, best not be late.
  5. getting married tomorrow ;. hopefully this is in the right thread.
  6. http://cdn77.eatliver.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/call-in-public.jpg
  7. It bothered me that Jon Snow emerged from the frozen lake and even more that Benjen Stark turned up out of nowhere to save him. Stuff like that makes Game of Thrones just the same as any other epic fantasy series. It used to be on another level because they were willing to kill off main characters and keep viewers guessing. Maybe this has something to do with the fact that the TV series is now further along than the books, I don't know... but I don't think Martin would have let all the main characters survive that expedition beyond the wall. Still, can't wait for the season finale.
  8. I wouldn't. McCarthy is definitely the better player right now. The only reason to pick Dendoncker ahead of McCarthy is because he's younger and might become the better player.
  9. dont blame the ref for thinking that was a yellow. Thought the same watching it in real time. aguero should be banned for two games for cheating like that... pathetic
  10. My three year old son broke his leg at the beginning of July and up until last week was in a wheelchair. So pushing him around for over a month I have become an expert of wheelchair accessibility and I have to say, that pavement is just ridiculous
  11. I don't get why he's hated so much. I love Tommy Carcetti. No characters remaining I want dead (maybe Ed Sheeran if he returns), I just want to see Bronn sitting in a castle somewhere as the last shot of the final episode.
  12. You're right, but the question not being asked is whether the other 27 countries in the EU will agree to all this. It's been more than a year since the referendum, almost half a year since article 50 and the UK has basically only been negotiating amongst themselves (in cabinet, in tabloids, etc).
  13. not really. often lauded for his maturity at his age.. imo he will end his carreer as a centre-back. already one cap in that position playing for belgium.
  14. I agree. Perfect way to set up the last episodes of the season. imo Jon Snow will soon be outed as a Targaryen; Drogon already knows and Sam will think again about what Gilly said.
  15. tbf 15m is probably the right amount for him. 35 is ridiculous. Matic type of player but less omni-present.
  16. what is happening to James Chapman? Is this being covered in your national media? seems like he is losing his mind.
  17. on the customs union position paper, I thought this post was insightful : http://www.politics.co.uk/blogs/2017/08/15/the-government-s-customs-union-plan-is-an-absolute-dog-s-bre I don't know enough about Northern Ireland, Good Friday Agreement, CTA, etc to fully understand the UK position paper on Northern Ireland but it is odd that there wont be any border controls at the only landborder the UK has. Especially after a referendum that was mostly about taking back control (of borders). Also, just because the UK doesn't think there is a need to control the Ireland - NI border, doesn't mean Ireland (/ EU) doesn't want to control its external border.
  18. I would be greatly surprised if the other 27 member states went along with this. It seems the UK wants to be in *a* customs union but not in *the* customs union. If you don't want custom checks, join the customs union. If you dont want tariffs, join the single market. It's not complicated. 5 months after article 50, still in 'cake and eat it' territory.
  19. I made the post about him scoring with his right foot as a joke. He had just missed an easy one with the same foot and the one he did score was unmissable. In hindsight I should have included an appropriate emoticon.
  20. breaking bad - face off seinfeld - the foundation west wing - a proportional response
  21. I posted that 3 weeks ago (post number #2510) (johnh appeared to think that article is below the belt)
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