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Everything posted by holystove

  1. I thought it was interesting in the sense that it describes the over-reaction by some to events such as the election of Trump. When you find yourself agreeing with the likes of Louise Mensch, it's time to take a step back.
  2. https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-blathering-superego-at-the-end-of-history/ .. ouch
  3. I was convinced of this up til a couple of days ago because imo 100m is way too much for Rom... but then Tottenham started asking 200m for Kane. 100m seems quite reasonable now.
  4. who in their right mind would pay 100m for him though. either Everton compromise on the price (as in 40% less) or he stays
  5. This is key. Brexit needs to be done competently. I used to think David Davis was up to the job. But quotes keep popping up of him saying stuff like this: - "Post Brexit a UK-German deal would include free access for their cars and industrial goods, in exchange for a deal on everything else". You could give him the benefit of the doubt and pretend the EU is run by Germany; so he said UK-German deal while in reality he meant UK-EU. But then Davis said this: - "Similar deals would be reached with other key EU nations". On the EU, Davis is truely Trumpesque. As to your second point: the UK was doing quite well strengthening the common market. The UK has been very good, ever since Thatcher to make the rest of the EU adopt a UK style approach to trade. At the same time, the UK had an opt-out on pretty much anything that would make the EU move towards more political unity, and when it didn't have an opt-out, it just blocked all further integration with its veto. It was a very negative member in that sense. When it turned out Cameron got even more concessions, I couldn't wait for brexit. With the UK in the EU, the EU was doomed to stand still (and therefor fail). I read a quote by some commentator who got it spot on, imo. "Risk: the UK arrives at the conclusion it wants to stay in the EU after the EU27 has long convinced itself it'll be better off without".
  6. A bit confused by all the hype. How good can he be when at the age of 20 he's still being loaned to a team in one of the smaller European leagues to continue his development...
  7. Tough times for Boris, Nigel and Gove. Doesn't mean brexit itself is in danger though. Hard brexiteers like Corbyn and McDonnell are still hugely popular.
  8. and then merge with the Trump and brexit threads?
  9. I don't get it though. 17 million people voted for this thing while their government and most politicians and experts advised against it. So surely they must have a deep personal conviction that brexit is a good idea. On the one year anniversary, there aren't any rallies to support team UK at the start of the exit-negotiations? No big speeches in front of huge crowds by visionary pro-brexit politicians? I'm genuinely confused by this. Especially when compared to other referenda such as the ones in Quebec, where even though the exiteers lost, these referenda were preceded and followed by years of popular mass mobilisation.
  10. Today, exactly one year since the momentous victory for Leave. It was suggested by some in the campaign (not just Farage) that June 23rd should from now on be known as UK Independence Day. Are there any events or celebrations?
  11. actually a lot of the people the UK was attracting under freedom of movement were high skilled and it is those that are already leaving now, re Palfy's point. low-skilled will always be available in fairly open rich countries, imo. Immigrants added over 1 billion £ net to UK treasury and lowering immigration below 100.000 will cost UK 6 billion per year according to OBR.
  12. That's excellent spin. ☺ Another way to look at it would be that a man who campaigned to leave the EU doesnt know what the single market or the customs union is. I think my way offers an explanation for how baffled he has looked. You wont hear me complain his "row of the summer" ended before the start of the summer though; EU-member states could definitely profit from a good deal. Remember, days before the referendum he also said negotiations would be held in Berlin. So when you say "we all know that Germany runs the EU", you realize its only him and you right?
  13. Surely this statue should be pointed inland?
  14. "EU sequencing will be the row of the summer" - David Davis before UK election. Day 1 of negotiating : EU sequencing accepted. liberals: UK caving already conservatives: UK being sensible, working towards a solution personal take: talks were always going to be phased, smart from UK to not make a fuss over this. However, Davis comes across very silly having said he would make this the "row of the summer". Then again, maybe he still thinks a UK-German deal is what he's working to get.
  15. By that logic we are going to have to bring in 10 other starters aswell.
  16. Everton are going Dutch. Welkom Nathangelo.
  17. And they're off! Negotiations start today. http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/death-of-brexit-at-the-hands-of-theresa-may-a-1152330.html
  18. Another terrorist attack in the UK ... mosque attacked.
  19. almost all the pictures in the old shed threads are no longer hosted online ..
  20. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/817651/london-fire-grenfell-tower-block-cladding-latest-updates-european-union-regulations
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