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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. Signed for an undisclosed fee thought to be 6 million according to Phill Mcnulty
  2. Mario Balotelli‏@MarioBaloltelli Stoke City are interested in Michael Owen. It's a good match, considering neither of them have played football for the past few years. Made me a laugh
  3. Unless we sign another centre midfielder I think we will see him play alot more this season. I imagine Moyes will want to get the team settled and please God off to a good start before he brings him in. Hopefully he will start in leauge cup matches and cameos in leauge matches until the new year when he plays a bit more frequently.
  4. I was at the game on Saturday, and I have to say the Fellani was our best player by a country mile, he can play as an attacking mid as his passing and ball control skills are good, his physical presence also makes him hard to deal with. The trouble is he is a briliant defensive midfielder, and our defence and midfield play with alot more asurance with him acting as a holding mid. One of the reasons we played so poorly for the first 20 mins was that Fellani was to high up the pitch and we couldnt get control of the ball. The other reason is that they kept targeting capt Nev as our week link, he kept hoofing the ball away and they then started another attack. Cahill appart from his goal, which was well taken was an empty shirt, we should have played Barkley instead he and Ossy have the skill to open up defences. Coleman is no wide player, he is keen enough but lacks the guyle to get a good ball in. Maybe over time this will change, but I would prefer to see him in the Baines mold as a attacking wing back. Distain was a rock along with Johny H. Drenthe is very low on confidence, you coule see in the build up that the other players were trying to build him up. It didnt help that Andre Marriner was a complete twat. Drenthe was fould quite alot and got no joy, I know he is tiny but I think we have a Andrew Johnson situation on our hands. I think we should sign him, he has pace and balance and skill and I think next season will be his time to shine once he has properly settled and got used to the premier leauge. I was impressed by Jelly although he didnt score he is a class act, he just needs a bit more support, and Cahill isnt it, Barclay probably is.
  5. Would love him, but probably not with other clubs sniffing around. Purse strings loosend to pull away from relegation area or putting in bids that wont be accepted to fool the fans? Watch this space....
  6. If we dont start scoring goals on a more frequent baisis we will be in a relegation dogfight. Which maybe why the banks have lifted the purse strings (once we sold billy) better to spend to stay in the premiership than face the chance of relegation, and see assets value plumet.
  7. I dont agree with every tactic the Blue Uinion use, but how would you show the fans displeasure at the board without them or a group like them?
  8. Fans make an emotional investment in the club they support, they are pationate about it and thats why they care who is running it and how. You shop at ASDA's but you dont cheer the special offers or make up chants about the own brands. Likewise I doubt the players would enjoy playing a match infront of a crowd that thinks its on its weekly shop at Tesco's. I dont like Blue Unions tactics, but I understand and share their frustrations. Blue bill has failed to answer questions at AGM's and has constantly been in error where the truth is concerned (fortress fund, watch this space..., kings dock money etc) Like Mike O I just want it sorted, I want to know whats going on with regard to selling the club (as long a it doesnt jepodise the clubs commercial interests)
  9. You mean have them sat on the bench watching Neville, Cahill and Saha playing so poorley week in week out, yet never getting the chance to replace them? Heres a quote for you pal "If there good enough they are old enough" They cant be worse then those three so why arnt they playing? We played well for the first 30 or minutes but as usual we were carrying Nev and Saha was shit, players created chances but didnt score due, lost confidence and fell appart, played players out of position and played injured players. We were playing the worst team in the leauge with low confidence, scored a freak goal to take the lead and STILL LOST! How bad does that make our performance and Moyse's tacticks, planning and motivation?
  10. It is Moyes fault in that he trains and picks the team and sets the tactics. Either he or the physio are at fault for playing Rodwell when he obviously isnt fit, he has just come back from injury, had to go off injured in his first game back and he sticks him on when he had Barkley sat next to him on the bench - madness. Playing Ossie on wing is a waste, everyone who watches Everton knows he his ineffective on the wing and drifts out of the game. When we are crying out for someone to stick their foot on the ball and create something why in the name of all thats holy and quite a bit thats not put him on the wing and not in the middle instead of Neville whose only contrebution this season has been to make lord lucan look conspicuious especialy when you have a winger sat on the bench? Why play Saha who simply does not deserve to play for this club again. Why bring on Cahill when you have Barckey and Anechebe. We have a very limited squad, but not to replace players who simply contribute nothing and I mean nothing to the team when you DO HAVE OPTIONS is poor management.
  11. This - even though I have been guilty of the above
  12. Probably Cahilll's last match for Bolton so he could put a performance, even if he does they look so poor latley I stil believe we will win. I think alot depends on how attacking Moyes is. If he goes with 2 up front I can see us winning this buy a country mile. But As we are on something of a run I can see Moyes leaving the team unchanged, which is unfortunate as Cahill, Neville, and Saha genuanly don't deserve to start. If we can get an early goal I can see us getting a few. If we leave it late I can see us grinding out a 1-0. Howard, Hibbert, Johnny, Jags, Baines, Gueye, Rodwell, Osman, Barkley, Donovan, Anechebe. Wont happen though.
  13. Another youngster, while I agree with getting young players and developing them, we need to balance this with adding players with some experience who can deliver for us now not in 3 or 4 years.
  14. Drenthe on a perminant deal, RIGHT WINGER (to stop Rodwell and Osman being played their) Striker on loan, Carlton Cole until we can get a perminant striker in the summer DM not to play players out of position when he has other options
  15. Great servant to Everton, and has supplied some of my favourate moments of recent years. I think its better for him to go now rather than play on as a shadow of his former self.
  16. Johnny and jags are the future due to their ages and can go for another 4 or 5 seasons. When they have played toether with Fellani screening they have looked solid. I like the idea of Baines and Coleman as wingbacks as both are attacking minded. I dont think having 3 in the centre would help much as it would take out a player from midfield where in the middle we have Fellani (who should be 1 of the first names on the team sheet) then Rodwell, Osman, Barkley, for the two remaining central places and Drenthe and Gueye on the wings. I dont think its essential to have a left and right footer in the centre of defence, organisation, and communication are more important.
  17. Distin, but agree with Mik O in that Jags and Heitinger with Fellani screening has been very good and would revert to that when all available. ,
  18. Would preffer to see Duffy given a run, you do need 4 centre backs so Jaggs, Heitinger, Duffy and Distin would do.
  19. London Blue


    I think with young players who have played in few prem games, especialy in teams that are struggling to score goals, you have to expect them to have good and bad days. But you back the potential. The longer they spend in the team the first team, the more confidence and experience they get and (hopefully) the better they play. This win is important, I hope that Anechebe is given a run now and that he isnt left islolated uo front and has some support. If we can get a striker in the window to help out, then there is the chance of a top 7/8 finish. If not I fear for us as we do look a team without a serious goal threat.
  20. London Blue


    I agree DM knows what he is getting from Cahill, Neville and Saha, which is poor performances. The times I have seen Guye play he has played well, granted he was no better than ok today. But he is a young player who needs time in the team, as does Barkley if they and we are to progress. Cahill, Saha and Nev were again very poor today, and I for one would rather see these younger players given a run in the team at their expense. I for one would like to see Anichebe who played well in his cameo and took is goal very well also given a run in the team,
  21. I didnt say relegation, I said a relegation fight. Our main problem is we cant score goals, we dont have a player that can get us 10 goals a season let alone 15 or 20. While agree with DM to an extent when he says that the january window isnt a good place to get a player, we could use our 1 long term loan to get someone like Carlton Cole from West Ham until we can get a new striker at the end of the season. If a player like De Jong is available for £5 million then he would be a very good buy, if Bily hs gone for £6 million, plus his wages of 30K a week then maybee this one is a goer. Everytime I see us play either at GP or on stream I get so frustrated at the control we can exert, and the chances we create, then after 20 or so minutes you can see the players lose patience start to worry they wont score and become disjointed. I hope and prey that in the summer we topple some of the sacred idols at GP i.e. Cahill, Saha, and make Neville a coach, we wont get much money, (none in Saha's case) but the 100K + a week we would save in wages would be a big boon to the club. Having said that the board will probably find another way to loose us money...
  22. And how much have we raised from player sales? The only reason we might get this player is that unless we get a goal scorer we are at risk of being dragged into a relegation fight.
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