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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I gave my vote to Landon, everytime the ball was played out to him, he looked immense, always wanting to attack and 9/10 he took his player on and come inside or played a ball into the box, also second half he done some brilliant tracking back to make chelsea come inside were our midfield would see out any danger. As mentioned by many, so many players out there the other night wore the blue shirt with pride and got stuck in and made that extra yard count. Absolutley brilliant, Behind against chelsea to come back and win 2-1 and miss a penalty, superb!! Also the crowd was amazing, long may that continue
  2. Haha that made me laugh in work... I would go along with that though mate haha
  3. haha i agree, just read your post in the liverpool thread mate!
  4. what is it with people calling that greek dickhead soti?? why the hell are blues nicknaming red shite players? His name is Kyrgiakos.. Sorry im just pissed off after reading the whole thread, just brought back bad memories from the weekend
  5. Well after reading all your opinions, i now feel pretty sick ... I come on here hoping to hear a lil optimism like the wall writer, but got nothing in return. We need to be optimistic, there is no point turning up to watch the blues with the thought of an easy away win in the back of your mind, just imagine the players thinking that when they walk over that line to start the game, it would end in tragedy.. Right unsure of the team moyes will put out. But he will have them fighting like City, unfortunately without the 2 mentioned so many times... We will get in there faces, hopefully hassle them all over the park, the crowd i predict will be immense if we get kicking them from the start, I love night games at Goodison, the atmosphere is second to none, and personally i cant wait to get there tomorow, so a lil more optimism guys? 1-1 Saha, and we will score first, Drogba for them
  6. yeah my mate also phoned me to tell me this, he heard from someone, so its defintely doing the rounds, just hope i see it with a quote from him or Moyes then ill take it for definte
  7. Yeah i have to agree with that BlueNose... Ive never slated Bill in the past and most defintely won't start now
  8. I value everyones opinion, but on this saha / beckford. Its saha all day long without a shadow of a doubt. We dont even know if beckford can cut it in the championship, let alone the premiership. Saha is sheer quality when hes on his game, up there with the best strikers in the prem when hes on fire. I hope we sign donovan too.. Bill.. Donovan wernt too bad against wigan to be honest. He made some good runs, always looked to attack, and actually linked play up nicely at times, either with a pass or coming inside showing a few skills, he seems also, a big game player, which will bode well since we never really have the rub of the green vs the "big teams" at times, maybe thats why he wernt as potent v wigan, as he was vs City.. still thought he did well, and what ive seen so far, tallied with his good words of everton, and his great spirit and determination to succeed, i believe he would be a quality signing for us.
  9. Am exactly the same as you romey when it comes to derby matches, i tend to sit there in a cold sweat haha, i can never settle or sit, and since i missed out on a ticket, i have to think where to watch it, just cannot settle in my house watching a derby, so the pub it will be most probably... Seriously hope we turn these gobshites over, and as someone said it could spur are run on into a bad month of games... Please god, be on our side for this match You wouldnt realise we have a church backed onto our ground, with the amount of bad luck we get haha
  10. me too, i think he will stay, theres no point him goin on loan, when we need him here
  11. Leon for me.. came on scored a goal, as someone else mentioned we looked more balanced when he came on for us. Pienaar close second, but i think leons goal separated them both, as i did think we would get something from the game after that .. : (
  12. I would say its moderate in terms of loading a new page up within the site. before my reply page came up straight away, whereas i have just waited a little longer for this page to show. I dnt think its a worry though, probably as fast as any other site i go on to be honest
  13. To be honest, i cant actually think of one of the top of my head at the moment. Im sure over the many years of going the game, i would have seen or been involved in a story to share, but at the moment i cant think!
  14. Haha!! Thanks i might take it up now i know i have the ability haha
  15. haha am so made up yano, why couldnt gerrard be a month too, they all would have missed the evrton match then haha
  16. what mike said haha I just forgot to back it up with the o/s article i read.. And mike yeah i thought the same thing in regards to his frame of mind, having said that, im sure all the blues will back him at teh game, lift his morale, plus i think he is made up to be going to galatasaray as he said there a massive european team, so he might play on some added adrenaline of it being his last english game ever to be honest, and the fact he has a new life waiting for him over in turkey, might put in a massive performance.. Heres hoping!!
  17. Lucas Neill can play aginst Man City
  18. haha i liked that comment... Well it looks like a deal could be tied up today, but surely wouldnt logic prevail in the sense that, we tell gala were looking over the offer until 7pm saturday haha, play neil etc etc.. The site says Distins back in training, i wouldnt think he would be threw into this match though, Strange the way moyes has let this deal happen, considering our misfortune at CB even for the misely sum of £750,000... I dunno whats happening behind the scenes, but we have a massive game against a good city side, and ive got to say i admire everyones optimism for this match, but your all talking as though were playing hull at home, this is man city, and they have some world class players at there disposal, lets tread carefully, sort our CB position out and see how we fare... I will be there so they better play well ha
  19. hmm ive wondered about that, because when im bored i like to watch some highlights of everton matches on youtube, but you dnt get alot. I like to try and watch our 3-0 drubbing of the kopites but theres neevr no proper highlights on there, is it because they released a dvd of it or something? Same with the Sunderland 7-1 game?
  20. fm bashers dont read! But i got landon on fm2010 to see how he fairs. Im one of those people that plays one match on fm for the entire night, making sure the training is right and the players are up and fit enough for the game. I was 2-0 down against utd in the first leg semi final of the carling cup, and had them at home for the 2nd leg. I played Landon up top on his own, dropping back and in the second half moving into the channels, and i got to say he was brilliant. I beat utd 3-0 he scored 2 and set one up.. I was made up because i didnt think i could beat them 3-0 haha... I got beat in the final though Well although thats just fiction, i hope he performs the way he has been doing for my team!!
  21. well since reading this topic i didnt realise it was so severe, i thought he was due back around this month some time. Im one of the few you will find that has always liked anichbe, he has the ability there, a bit like vaughan, i hope he does come back, you cant wish this on any young player
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