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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. Beckford had some great goals in that compilation of Snodgrass.
  2. Why do I feel as if it's impossible for Moyes and strikers to co-exist in the same room? Not a slight to Moyes though. He's a good manager. But strikers tend to not play well under him or at least don't get goals.
  3. A little stat update for Donny Boy -- Just won the MLS cup with Galaxy, and he scored the lone goal in the match. It was a good one too. Finished 4th in voting for MLS MVP (missed a few games due to international duty).
  4. Tim Ream is decent on the ball for a CB... I don't think he is good enough yet for Everton though. If a good, solid CB from MLS is what DM wants, I'd look at Omar Gonzalez. 6'5" and definitely an aerial threat. Or George John.
  5. Sibdane

    Bolton (Away)

    I've been away on vacation so I couldn't see the game... but I'm glad to see Felli scored after signing that big contract. and Vellios is really showing up with goals. COYB!
  6. I'd sell him for 5-6mil... however... Agree to a tee.
  7. Agreed... It will be hard for the board to refuse a $30 mil tag though. Still unsure about Barkley even though he's should flashes of brilliance early... let's hope he keeps going.
  8. I've always thought he should play in the middle, and I'm basing this solely on pace. It's hard to be a stand-out winger without any pace in today's game. DM liked playing him central in the preseason, not sure why he absolutely just does not want to play him there now.
  9. I think he'd be a good buy. Don't see it happening though. To be fair, the US national team is not really a team where you're going to see a lot of impressive play (and I'm American). They're in a transitional period having a new coach and all. Shea is just now being a regular in the line-up.
  10. Yeah, I just was basically just quoting the bold. Thought I deleted the rest! It really is a shame I live in a different time zone. When I get on here and post, you guys are are probably in bed most of the time. Then when I get on the following morning, the threads have been lit up!
  11. In retrospect, I see how what I said could be taken offensively.
  12. Never said that you can't express your opinion of the club's performance. Also, never said that anyone in particular on this board is a fair-weather fan and likewise, never stated that you would stop supporting the club if they were relegated. It was a generalization. However, I did jump to conclusions in thinking that someone who dissents automatically flip-flops to another club, so I take blame for being hasty. I do not mean to offend anybody on here -- we are all here for the same reasons. Look, I live in the USA where everyone bitches and moans about the government and blah, blah, blah. Yeah, we do a lot of shitty things, but I'm not going to go and support France. I complain about it just as much as anyone else and by that same token, I complain when I don't think Everton is performing up to standards. That's basically what I was saying and I hope my analogy provides some clarity. I'll be more clear next time. Sorry, guys.
  13. How much would the postage be (roughly)?
  14. ahhh.. Come on. I'm not a fan of the whole "get bought out and buy every star player possible" scheme... but we really need this debt taken care of.
  15. ...Loving all the ideas... What are the chances of getting some merchandise sent to USA?
  16. "WHY: Is it that people seem to blame the dissenters, and accuse them of "not getting behind the team" and say stuff like" the team will play better if everyone gets behind them and suppirts them". I am of the opinion that iit´s a ´chicken and egg´ scenario. Give us something to shout about!!!!!" I do not like this question though. He doesn't get why people blame the dissenters??? Fuck them. A true fan supports his/her team through all of the hardships. Nothing gets to me more than "fair-weather" fans. If Everton somehow gets relegated to Blue square in the next few years then I'll still be supporting them (plus, it will make manager mode on FIFA12 a lot more fun).
  17. I'll admit that that I probably don't have the same level of compassion as most Everton fans living in Liverpool with my being in Mississippi. Plus, Americans are usually interested in several sports at once. Really though, I do plan on visiting Goodison one day when I finally finish my graduate schooling over here. One thing that I can say though is that I'm proud to support a team that is generally not as commercially advertised. I'm the only Everton fan I know where I live and there is something about that that I take a great pride in. I've just always enjoyed Everton's fighting spirit and the fact that they have a reputation for beating the larger clubs on a regular basis. I have to do a lot more research over here as opposed to say, a ManU fan, and that has brought me closer to the team... I hope that makes sense. I guess what I'm saying is I have to be more involved as Everton fan than the fans of a lot of other clubs.
  18. I'm in the minority, but I still think Bily has some potential. I hope I'm proven right! Maybe I'm just blind.
  19. only compilation video I found on him... then again, youtube compilation videos can make anyone look good.
  20. Oh, and I think the transfer would be free for the U-17 players unless they have already signed a pre-contract with the MLS -- not very common though. Like Louis said, Jozy, Adu, and any of the "Generation Adidas" players. An American midfielder named Marc Pelosi just joined Liverpool's academy on what I believe to be a free transfer.
  21. Louis is right. Academies aren't a very widespread strategy used by the States. Usually young players join town clubs (that are usually u-17), and that is the only "academy" they are exposed to. Then again, there are some academies, but not very many. The guys that join up in the clubs here usually have to drive an hour to even get there. Footy over here is growing more popular, however, the US is so spread out, and that makes it difficult for a lot of kids to find access to a legit football coach. Michael Bradley (currently at Chievo in Italy) is an example of an US academy player though. Papa Bradley was also the US coach, so I think he saw the benefit of the academy-style for his son. I would say that the best thing Moyes could do would be to look at the U-17 US national team. The will say that the prospect of European football is becoming more popular among the younger players. Over here, It's almost unanimous that the PL is where everyone wants to peak in their career.
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