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Everything posted by FanchesterCity

  1. Cut back all the crap. and obfuscation - it's a business (so we're told). As a business it's performing very badly. It's BK's job to ensure the long term future of Everton, above and beyond 'success' - the company / club MUST survive. He's not doing a very good job of that - and the entire board can be held accountable for it, not just BK. Now, Everton are not alone in this - it would be (probably) unfair to claim Everton are particularly bad. I don't believe they are. I DO believe that most clubs are bad at it. IF, and it's a huge IF, BK's genuine desire is to see Everton's long term future in the best shape, he has to (if necessary) put aside ALL of his own interests. The question at Everton seems not to be 'is BK all Everton at heart?' - I think the majority believe he is. The question is: If BK has weaknesses as a businessman, is he capable and/or prepared to acknowledge them and defer to more capable people? If YES, then why has he not done so? - one must assume (based on his own words) that he's the best man for the job. I find that rather akin to most drivers telling Lewis Hamilton they could give him a run for their money. Deluded. If NO, then already he's not the man since he is incapable of seeing his own weaknesses. There are many who will say the club has moved forwards - well yes it has, since it's ridden on the tidal wave of PL and SKY. Grounds have improved (via governmental mandate!), There are many who will say the club has spent prudently - I would have to agree with this. For such a large club, Everton have been 'tight' with their money, and spent (generally) wisely. There are many who will say Everton's league position has been consistently good - Have to agree with that, top 5-8 finishes pretty consistently in recent years Sadly the above 3 points not only highlight the 'success' BK has had (in partnership with Moyes), but they also beg the question "How the hell can the club STILL be in trouble?". It's very difficult indeed to see where the money's disappearing to (or why it's not arriving in the first place). I think this is the ultimate issue with BK and co. HOW on earth can a club like Everton (we're not talking Blackburn or Bolton here, but EVERTON!!!), who aren't spending, aren't tossing money around, are getting fine gates etc be in the mess it's in? The answer is clear - you need only listen to BK for 20 minutes when he's talking business (and not his love for the club). He's like a rabbit in the headlights. Lovers of the club are the worst men to run it. It's like operating on your own child - totally understandable, but madness.
  2. Nice lads at Bolton, Blackburn and Burnley for that matter... went to 3 Bolton games last year and a few more at Blackburn and Burnley. Kevin Davies is like Cahill - a pain in the arse if he's against you, but you'd want him in your team. An irritant, but has some skill, even if not at the 'very top' of his game. Everton though just look too strong. Even with a poor forward line, I'm sure you'll win this. Morale is low at Bolton and a fair few fans are genuinely 'accepting' relegation as a likely outcome (but with a bit of optimism too, and rightly so). Had Everton not beaten Wolves last week, I might have gone for a draw, but I'm pretty sure Everton's confidence is restored. I like Bolton, so I have to be honest, hope they can snatch a draw (no offence to Everton). Sadly, you're too good for this lot.
  3. Can only see an Everton win here, even though Bolton aren't playing THAT badly. Bolton 0 : 2 Everton
  4. We support our clubs week in week out. England is really once every couple of years (with real vigour) and with generally poor performances for the last 20 years it's hard to summon up a lot of enthusiasm. And, I also think that because the PL and CL is so hyped, Internationals irritate fans because it's stopping us seeing PL or CL and it's risking some of our players too.
  5. People who decide to stop at the top (or bottom) of an escalator before deciding which direction they want to head in.
  6. I miss Peter Reid managing a big team. (seriously) He will never get the England job I know, but I think it's a shame he's not progressed in recent years to be a candidate. Whoever gets it will need a strong track record - not that it SHOULD be necessary, but he'll have the media and fans on his back too. When they ditch the old guard, and stop pandering to egomaniacs, they'll be criticised. IF they don't have track record, the media will kill them in weeks (a la Villas Boas). Only a guy with a track record will be able to stand up to it and say "I don't give a f**k, I'm not having prima donnas in the squad". I can only see Harry being able to get away with that (and I think the FA would only take him through gritted teeth). If it wasn't Harry then: Ancelloti - although he seems headed for PSG Mourinho - possibly whilst waiting for Man U (and after Real have grown tired of him) Guardiola - Quit Barca whilst ahead? Moyes - Will probably be looking for job in the summer IF the club are sold Mancini - Could be looking for work if City collapse
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2064436/Blame-Platini-Manchester-Citys-195m-loss-Martin-Samuel.html Try to put aside 'who' it's primarily about... and take in the essence of what he's trying to say. Part of me agrees with him. However, the thing that riles me - is that financial fair play should be less about 'only spend what you earn' and more about 'how can we stop the high earners overpowering the smaller clubs'. That would be my gripe. Anyway, have a read, he does have a point.
  8. Swimmers who refuse to budge up in swimming pools or refuse to let me swim beetween a beautiful woman's legs.
  9. Not shaking quite enough times, and wearing faded jeans
  10. people who say "bokkle" instead of "bottle" or "likkle" instead of "little"
  11. I completely disagree that this puts investors off. If anything it works the opposite way. It gives rise to opportunism and stronger bargaining (from the buyer). If there's internal turmoil, they can exploit it and drive down the price. However, internal turmoil can also mean that nobody's making good decisions and they'll let good opportunities slip out of spite or just incompetence. I think the situation suggested in the emails is typical of most clubs. There are rumours that Man City were living hand to mouth. There are rumours that Newcastle were paying contractors to do work at up to 4 times the standard rate (being fleeced basically) It's 'normal' in as much as football clubs have (and still are) generally being run incompetently. Ironically, but businessmen who OUGHT to know better. Sadly, when it comes to football, they get as caught up in it all the fans. Taking a 'gamble' with future earnings, banking on staying up, relying in a cup run etc etc. I can't imagine Everton are any worse than most. But I do believe it's probably as much a shambles as elsewhere too. I even know (inside info) of one club where a guy had simply put himself on the company car list and had had a new company YEARLY for the last 12 (from memory) years without it ever being checked. Only when KPMG came in to do an audit was this picked up on - amongst a number of other anomalies! Amateur businesses with professional money. It sounds harsh, but that's the reality of most clubs.
  12. I agree you don't NEED a stadium. But it does hold you back a fair amount. There's basically two ways to go: 1) A new stadium with room for expansion offers you a nice 'clean' slate to market the club with, and significantly improves corporate hospitality and image. LIke it or lump up, the sponsors all want 'modern, going forwards' type imagery that a new stadium can offer - along with the extra capacity and potential facilities in and around the stadium 2) Stick with what you've got (which is perfectly fine). Accept it's holding you back a bit, but make the most of what you have - market Goodison's history better, and make it part of the appeal. (I know it appeals to YOU the fans, but you need to make it appeal to sponsors). I think EFC-Paul's right to be unsure about the state a club might be in in 5/10 years with megarich owners (but I also think it's fair to wonder what might happen to those not getting on the 'elite' train). When I say 'elite' train - I'm talking about the relentless CL money, and all the revenue that comes with it (along with 'star' players et al). I LOATHE the way the game's been going for the last 20 years, but it's showing no sign of stopping, just getting worse. What IF they form an 'Elite' Euro League? or split the Prem into two? I don't trust ANY of FIFA / UEFA / PL or for that matter the FA. They'll shaft anybody they need to to make more money. I genuinely worry that in the next 10 years some of our greatest clubs will fall by the wayside (or those that tried to become elite (like City) will fall). Someone, somewhere is going to get hurt - I'm SURE of it! Now, I swear I'm not knocking Everton - but I think it's right to say "steady the ship". If the worst came to the worst and Everton didn't end up in the 'elite' - so be it, at least Everton would still exist. Who's to say that City won't be like Leeds... 5 years in the sun then 20 years in the wilderness? Again, it's not knocking Everton - there's plenty of United and City fans who would still rather be in the positions they are in as opposed to Everton's BUT many of us also know that both clubs COULD be a looming disaster too. Maybe it's just pessimism, but I'm not comfortable with it all, and many like me feel the same way. It's great fun whilst it lasts... Sadly, who else is left in the world to buy PL clubs? the 'local hero' types (BK) are few and far between, and their pockets are rarely deep enough now. The only ones who can afford it are folks with an 'agenda' (and it's NEVER the long term future of the club per se). Their agenda might be favourable to the club, or not, but the prime goal isn't City / Everton / United etc etc, it's THEM, their image, their other businesses, their affiliates. Football clubs are now the equivalent of a well positioned billboard. The better positioned, the more it's worth, but all they want is the advertising space it offers. :-(
  13. Confident Liverpool team. Nothing worse than facing them with tails up.
  14. What did I tell ya? All good things come to those who wait! Onwards and upwards now... it's points grabbing season and the fixture list is kind to you for a while - so grab 'em quick! The table looks much more promising for the moment. A couple more wins should cement things nicely. Only saw the match highlights which is a bit misleading. Looked like Wolves played ok, but crap defending cost them. The radio summary though suggest you hammered them in the second half. I trust the radio summary more!
  15. Being a goal up against Man United with 3 minutes left
  16. Take the Chicken Take the Grain (bring chicken back) Take the Fox Take the Chicken
  17. At least we'll be able to enjoy a 5 minute draw being dragged out for 90 minutes with fanfares and ridiculous over dramatic staging, all by a doddery old sod who thinks racism can be cured with a handshake. Eventually the draw will last longer than the competition.
  18. It's not just Blatter - where's the widespread condemnation. FIFA should tell him to go - but they won't. We all know why, money. Our game is corrupt in so many ways, and when the man at the top of the footballing world says this, how can we have any credibility? Of course sometimes, words can come out the wrong way - but repeatedly? At his level? he should we sharp witted and well aware of every little word being picked up on. He chose to poo poo the idea of racism. Why couldn't he say "we're doing a lot, but there's more to do, it's not gone, but it's better and we'll not settle until it's distant memory" He's a fucking moron, and so are the rest of the idiots pandering to him, including our own FA. The F.A. should be releasing a statement saying "We have no faith in the leader, we withdraw until a new leader is there" But they won't.... cos they are just as full of crap as HE is. I could go on all night with this!
  19. RD: They just let the pen fall on me RD: Just a piece of something RD: On my shirt
  20. Beware of women who can kick balls!
  21. They're only visible if you get the answer ;-)
  22. 2(6) - 63 2 to the power of 6 ? Also close but not quite is: 2 - 63 = -61 (but you have to add a minus sign too :-()
  23. Planning to watch Dexter. Saw most of the first series and loved it, but stopped watching for some reason. Will have to start all over again.
  24. Be a tragedy to let Rodwell go - but he will do if someone comes in with 30 million (don't think he's worth it). He looks to have a lot of potential though, and if someone's got money to burn, it might be a good gamble, but that's it would be right now - a gamble. He's not 'proven' as such. But if he continues to shine as he has been doing, it COULD prove to be a brilliant gamble!. I'd like to see him stay at Everton and become the new Gerrard. The talisman of Everton who draws other players to the club (and since he's a Southport lad and supports Everton, there's a fair chance of that). Only fly in the ointment is that Gerrard (in his day) stood an outside chance of winning something (and did!), and Everton need to get back into the top 6 to keep that 'chance' viable for players like him. I don't think it's fair in the long run to hold a player back IF say he spends another 4 years at the club and starts approaching his mid 20s and wants to play in CL or even Barca / Madrid / Juve etc etc. With a bit of luck, Everton might get new owners with a credible way forward and he'll stay. If they end up with Venky's MK II, you'd have to feel for the lad and wish him luck elsewhere. It would be cruel to make him stay in such circumstances
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