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Everything posted by Shukes

  1. I wouldn't say he needs to grow up. We don't know the story,it may be Mirralas needs to grow up! It may be something completely different....he could be just shit in training. Would love to find out what's going on.
  2. But he may he a lot closer to Kendall. He might need time to himself. I'm sure he will come out and speak about it
  3. It wasn't just the price though was it. He said they were looking for opportunities... They didn't come over looking to buy us. It was a no go from the start. But as he said there are others interested.
  4. That's terrible news. Best wishes to his family and friends. Hope the team really pull it out for gim today.....true legend.
  5. Ye wouldn't want him to come back early and suffer another injury. Let's look at the long game.
  6. For me the bog deal is, even though o know he will move on.....I just don't like anyone coming out and saying in public that we're just a stepping stone club. I have a deep devotion for our club and find it hard when players slap us with back handed comments. I have to actually pay to watch Everton. A little professionalism wouldn't hurt.
  7. But it is a real problem with Ross to he fair. Ross literally let's players walk pastille he is not there. As Lukaku is a forward....should he be allowed the same grace? In Barkleys position he needs to making it as difficult as possible for players to get past him when he isn't in charges the ball. This would make him twice the player.
  8. Paddock left? Missed that one. shame, seemed like a decent guy and always enjoyed reading his posts.
  9. The looking for a no 10, could have been the best motivation Barkley will ever need. Is this a manager manipulating the situation in the best way possible...or just making the most of a bad situation?
  10. So we get three marketing guys in and this happens in five minutes. Makes it look like it wasn't that difficult in the first place. But your right it's a step in the right direction.
  11. If he is that good the we should breel him in.
  12. If only others could understand this. Sadly stats and football manager rule most people's opinion.
  13. Agree with this. This is my main gripe with both Ross and Rom. No excuse. People making excuses for them both look silly. There really is no excuse for not working hard.
  14. Credit to Lukaku today though, different player. If only he could learna little more snap to his game. Put pressure on defenders and goalkeepers and you become a different level Rom...simple.
  15. Got to admit, haven't read a bigger load if crap all season. Thanks for giving me a laugh. Some people jus have jo idea how football is played...absolute buffoons.
  16. Read the match thread. Lukaku was being slated for most of it until he scores. Lucky for Lukaku! He has been on a dry spell and fans were starting to look at him differently. He plays awful in the first half and rightly so...fans started to suggest he needs to be subbed. Scores a few goals and it's all OK again. If those goals don't go in and we lose...are we still OK? Don't give me the old.. But they did go in... Either, as that doesn't give him license to be lazy. Not writing him off yet as he will learn. But the coaching staff need to have serious words...so does the manager. Someone needs to start working on him.
  17. Geri! They just could not handle him. Could have had a few more assists today too.
  18. Gotta say every ball Gerry has put in this second half has been majestic. Well followed up Rom. Gerry MoM for me. They just don't know what to do with him.
  19. OK you have to give Rom that. Excellent ball and good finish Kone.
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