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Longest Thread!


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OK the longest thread needs a kick so how about, in the tradition of Derek and Clive, the worst job you ever had...or the worst thing you ever did for money(they may not necessarily be the same thing :rolleyes: )?


When I was about fifteen I had a Saturday job in a greengrocer/fishmonger and it was my job before closing to empty and clean the drip tray from the bottom of the fish counter...that was 'king disgusting I can tell you :( !!

Edited by mikeo
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I once took a casual job in a pre pack SALAD"S factory.


Fuk me you aint lived until you have made Mayonaise & slaw by the 5 Tonne, peeled a shipping container full of onions ( serious like) & boiled half of Ireland's national gross product in giant vats.


I was a young man when took on this ( study etc) & today if i dig hard enuff I am sure I could pull out some work clothes that still stink of the evil slaw.


Must say the place was hygeine + & very methodical in procedure, It's just that now & even today I see a tub of pre packed salad & Cringeeee.


Also made me aware of what actually goes in to this stuff ( Sugar makes the wrold go around) & cant say I miss the dripping foul yokey, bluhhhh we would get daily all over ourselves from the 13lb bags of seperated egg yolks that would go in the mix.


Heres the mayo/Slaw procedure jist.


1 - A mechanical tumblin drum, ( much like what you see on a Baby Concrete lorry)

2- 200lb sugar

3- 13lb of sepreated Egg yolk

4 -100 ltres of Vinegar

5- 200 ltres of water


Thats the basic recipe add to - say a tonne of lettuce, cabbage or whatever & that should get you a good good cple of tonnes of salad dressings for your next Party.



Were not happy days................. :lol::lol::lol:

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When I was about fifteen I had a Saturday job in a greengrocer/fishmonger and it was my job before closing to empty and clean the drip tray from the bottom of the fish counter...that was 'king disgusting I can tell you :( !!


Can I just add that I got paid £3.00 for that days work... :D ...and Pat, I only buy pre-made cole-slaw once in a blue moon (prefer to make my own) but I'll stop now. Stopped buying pre-packed salads when someone told me about the chemicals used to clean them :o .

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I never saw any of that Mike ( chemicals etc) mind you being about 1 in 200 that wasnt a complete retard ( admit to being part) I rapidly climbed the ladder & in days was promoted from Onions, Tatters to Cherrys ( the plum job excuse pun)whilst advancing inr ecord time to the high end of town & much responsibility in Slaw department........... :o:blink::lol:


I was on about 1.25p an hr I think.

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worse job. paper boy about 2 years ago. delivering papers and leaflets no-one reads every thursday morning getting up at 4 in the morning. plus i had to go to school straight afterwards with no brekkie and in some cases my lunch.


all for 50 quid a month. certainly not worth it

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worse job. paper boy about 2 years ago. delivering papers and leaflets no-one reads every thursday morning getting up at 4 in the morning. plus i had to go to school straight afterwards with no brekkie and in some cases my lunch.


all for 50 quid a month. certainly not worth it



You kids havent got a clue


When I was a lad I used to have to get up an hour before a went to bed, work all day and I'd have to pay them for the privelage, get home, my father would murder me, if I was lucky.

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You were lucky. I used to get up at 1.30 two hours before I went to bed, build a brick wall surrounding the gas works, carry three ton of concrete up to the local concrete works, wash it bring it back and seperate it into it's constituent parts. Walk 265 miles to school do 29 hours at school, walk back 279 miles back (the long way round). Get home, eat three pounds of pig shit washed down with cow urine, do 26 hours down the pit cleaning the pus off the pit pony's vagina's, go to bed for 3 seconds. Up and start the whole day over again even on week-ends, tell that to kids today and they just won't believe you.





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You were lucky. I used to get up at 1.30 two hours before I went to bed, build a brick wall surrounding the gas works, carry three ton of concrete up to the local concrete works, wash it bring it back and seperate it into it's constituent parts. Walk 265 miles to school do 29 hours at school, walk back 279 miles back (the long way round). Get home, eat three pounds of pig shit washed down with cow urine, do 26 hours down the pit cleaning the pus off the pit pony's vagina's, go to bed for 3 seconds. Up and start the whole day over again even on week-ends, tell that to kids today and they just won't believe you.






Bed? Well of course we had it tough (how did this get from Derek and Clive to Monty Python?). Can't do this now...Computer's in the bedroom and wife's asleep so it's darj and I leep spekking yhings qrong...get back to you :D:D .

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Yorkshireman I (Eric Idle): Very passable, this, eh? Very passable.


All: Ay, oh ay.


Yorkshireman II (Graham Chapman): Nothing like a good glass of Chateau de Chasselet, eh, Josiah?


Yorkshireman III (Terry Jones): Oh, you're right there, Obadiah.


Yorkshireman II: Ay.


Yorkshireman I: Who would have thought, thirty years ago, we'd all be sitting here drinking Chateau de Chaselet, eh?


All: Ay, ay.


Yorkshireman IV (Michael Palin): Them days we were glad to have the price of a cup of tea.


Yorkshireman II: Ay! A cup of cold tea!


Yorkshireman IV: Ay!


Yorkshireman I: Without milk or sugar!


Yorkshireman III: Or tea!


Yorkshireman IV: In a cracked cup and all.


Yorkshireman I: Oh, we never used to have a cup! We used to have to drink out of a rolled-up newspaper!


Yorkshireman II: The best we could manage was to suck on a piece of damp cloth.


Yorkshireman III: But you know, we were happy in those days, although we were poor.


Yorkshireman IV: Because we were poor!


Yorkshireman III: Ay!


Yorkshireman IV: My old dad used to say to me: "Money doesn't bring you happiness, son!"


Yorkshireman I: He was right!


Yorkshireman IV: Ay!


Yorkshireman I: I was happier then and I had nothing! We used to live in this tiny old tumble-down house with great big holes in the roof.


Yorkshireman II: House! You were lucky to live in a house! We used to live in one room, all twenty-six of us, no furniture, half the floor was missing, we were all huddled together in one corner for fear of falling.


Yorkshireman III: You were lucky to have a room! We used to have to live in the corridor!


Yorkshireman IV: Oh, we used to DREAM of living in a corridor! Would have been a palace to us! We used to live in an old water tank on a rubbish tip. We got woke up every morning by having a load of rotting fish dumped all over us! House, huh!


Yorkshireman I: Well, when I say "house", it was just a hole in the ground, covered by a sheet of tarpaulin, but it was a house to us!


Yorkshireman II: We were EVICTED from our hole in the ground. We had to go and live in a lake!


Yorkshireman III: You were lucky to have a lake! There were 15 of us living in a cardboard box in the middle of the road!


Yorkshireman IV: A cardboard box?


Yorkshireman III: Ay!


Yorkshireman IV: You were LUCKY! We lived for three months in a newspaper-lined septic tank! We used to have to get up every morning, at six o'clock and clean the newspaper, go to work down the mill, fourteen hours a day, week in, week out, for sixpence a week, and when we got home, our dad would thrash us to sleep with his belt!


Yorkshireman II: Luxury! We used to have to get out of the lake at three o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of hot gravel, work twenty hours a day at mill, for twopence a month, come home, and dad would beat us around the head and neck with a broken bottle... IF we were lucky!


Yorkshireman III: Well, of course, we had it tough! We used to have to get up out of the cardboard box in the middle of the night, and lick road clean wit' tongues! We had to eat half a handful of freezing cold gravel, work twenty-four hours a day at mill for fourpence every six years, and when we got home, our dad would slice us in two with a breadknife!


Yorkshireman I: Right! I had to get up in the morning, at ten o'clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed, eat a lump of cold poison, work twenty-nine hours a day down mill and pay mill-owner for permission to come to work, and when we got home, our dad would kill us and dance about on our graves, singing Hallelujah!


Yorkshireman IV: Oh, ay. And you try and tell the young people of today that, and they won't believe you!


All: No, no they won't!

Edited by mikeo
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