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Bit Of A Quandry!


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Being unemployed since last March, not lazy honest!! and also having an MS90 (failing to identify yourself) conviction on my license means my insurance quotes are like over 3 grand


So I decided to do what every other fuka does in this situation and not declare my points, and now less than 1 month on they are now asking for my driving license, this is because I obtained a quote from them (confused) including the MS90 prior to taking out a policy minus the conviction so its a fair question that they wonder if I do have it


I am now reading several websites that say all insurance companies have access to you full list of motoring convictions, not sure if my current one has looked into mine ide hazard a guess and asume they have.


Has anyone had any experience of this i would appreciate a heads up, if ude rather not tell the whole world please PM me


Thanks in advance

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They have access to everything these days. I was getting some quotes to change the policy for my house insurance. One of the questions was had i made a claim in the last 5 years, i said i made one a few years ago but not sure when, he asked if he could check on the Database and came back with the exact date and what i had claimed for, and how much they paid out.


So i have no doubt it would be the same for car insurance, if you dont tell the truth they wont pay out anyway, so you have to ask yourself is it worth it.

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It was either pay over 3 grand or pay 700 quid, seeing as I dont work I had to choose the latter, but now it seems they may already be aware of my convictions hence the letter


its what I do now that may be more important, confess? ignore it? cancel my insurance?


My MS90 is on my license until July 2012 what a bummer!!!!!!!!!!

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Car insurance cost is one of the few good points about being old.


Mine's £13 a month fully comp.....don't believe some of the prices quoted for teens/twenties. Horrific.


It's the reason I don't own a car.. Advantages of mobility don't weigh up to the total cost imo. Besides public transportation gets you almost everywhere (when they're not striking :shaking fist: ).

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And for some reason I want to visit Cornwall, looks like a beautiful region.

Devon's better imo....I've lived here for twelve years now and have only crossed the border into Cornwall twice. Some nice sites (Eden Project & Tintagel Castle in particular) but scenery wise it's hugely unimpressive imo. Lots of people love it but I just don't get it....and of course in Devon you get the opportunity to eat at Milky's :unsure: .

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I am really lucky where I live. Out in the middle of nowhere with some of the cleanest beaches in UK a walk away. The mountains of Snowdonia about half an hour away by car. Some nice woodlands and so on.


Disadvantages? Well you need a car around here or wait for about a month for a bus to turn up. Still, insurance is pretty cheap if you live here. I don't have a garage and I park on the street, yet still pay under £200 per year. (Mind you the car is crap) :lol: Oh and my village does not have a pub! So I never drink these days except in the house or at one of my friend's places. Did try to walk to the nearest pub a while back and it took 45 mins to get there, in pitch darkness down an unlit country lane. I fell in a pothole, scared a flock of sheep, grazed my legs and got covered in mud. Then when I got there they had sold out of my beer and only had lager and some awful bitter. Tried to get a taxi back and was told they would send one around in about 4 hours.! I walked back, and fell in the same bloody pothole as before. It's enough to drive you to drink. :lol:

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I live in a lovely village beside one of Ireland's best beaches situated at one end of one of Ireland's best coast line walks (Malahide to Portmarnock Coast road) right beside the beautiful town of Malahide. All with clean air, moderate climate and a blue flag beach. All of which is 35 minutes from Dublin city centre and well serviced by trains and buses. All my mates think I'm mad for not driving, but I'm not paying 3500 euro a year on insurance :)

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