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Felli Ahead Of Schedule

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Yep, get straight back on the team with the shepards crook aiming straight for mr heitinga. A spell of playing in the reserves till he finds his "form" will not go a miss. Maybe a rainy night in front of a few hundred fans is what he needs to banish the dillusions of grandure the world cup has given him.

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Will Diaby even be playing?

Not sure, i hope not! Saw him play the other week and he dictated. Theres no mention on when he is back, im just hopin its after we play them. Apparently Arshavin isnt 100% either, now just hope that Nasri gets flu for the weekend (dont want anythin happening to him, love watchin him play) and that Almunia gets his place back!

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I really rate Fabianski tbh, always have even though he's had a very dodgy patch, and now he's got his confidence up he looks quality.


I agree, he seems to be getting back to some form (before Newcastle that was!). Every keeper needs games to get to their top form and you will never get a keeper not play for ages and then have 2-3 games and not make some sort of mistake. At the top level it never happens.


Almunia makes plenty of mistakes and he always seems to be too low and the ball goes right over his head!


Oops forgot this was the Felli thread! I was very happy to see him in the squad for tomorrow. If he is fit he should start otherwise it will be the 30 minute cameo for Heitinga.

Edited by Bailey
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I think it'd be a big mistake to throw Felli straight back in tbh, he's going to be rusty and we need someone in the middle of the park who will be up to speed, otherwise Bolton will bully their way right through the heart of us.


It depends on which Heitinga turns up. If its the one who wants to play then I would leave Felli on the bench but if his head isnt on right I would rather have a rusty Felli tbh...

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I had forgotten about Rodwell, although my gripe with that is that I dont really see him as a genuine holding midfielder but then again at the moment we arent really playing with an out and out DM.


I would certainly like to see him get on the pitch this time!


Are we not? Last time I checked Heitinga was ordered to man mark Charlie Adam and Rafael Van Der Vaart in our last 2 games. Which he did very well.

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Are we not? Last time I checked Heitinga was ordered to man mark Charlie Adam and Rafael Van Der Vaart in our last 2 games. Which he did very well.


Not really, at least not like we did when Felli was bossing everyone in the middle of last season. I must admit that I was thinking of the season in general and not specifically the last 2 matches of which heitinga has certainly played a deeper role.


My point would still be that I wouldnt trust Rodwell to do the job Heitinga has done on Adam & VDV as I dont think he is disciplined enough. If we were playing with two central midfielders (i.e. neither one really playing deeper than the other like we have against most teams) then I would rather have Rodwell playing as he is better on the ball and is more comfortable getting forward.

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