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The Blue Union respond

Ian C

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Erm, erm...


When the Sky was done, Everton were one of the 'Elite teams' wanting to do a deal with ITV that favoured the elite.


I don't think there's a club in the land that is particularly noble. It's a myth.


Of course, sometimes you'll get a totally outrageous chairman and board, or a reasonable one, but much of that is pot luck, but when push comes to shove, and money is wafted under the noses of any club, there's no room for nobility.


Totally agree on the 'the fire needs putting out'. But the Premier League teams have sat in the warmth for a while now, now it's getting too hot they don't like it. They've brought this on themselves really.


They've hyped up the PL and CL to the point where it's an advertising monster it's outgrown 'football'. It's now a business platform for sponsors to use, and the sponsors are calling the shots - dictating fixtures, kick-off times, who does interviews and who doesn't, and when they have to happen etc etc.


I'd love it to stop, but I'm not show HOW it can be, half the clubs would literally collapse if the sponsors pulled out.

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Sometimes I miss the days when good teams were just good teams, none of these foreign investment types sticking their bugle in, just good players getting on with it, home grown and all, now there's like oil barons and shieks and god knows what else doing this and that, I miss the old days, just everyone on an equal footing, and none of the damn advertising or commercials everywhere, sponsor this and that and something else, maybe we took the pre premier league days for granted before it all got out of hand

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I agree.


But, it was the PL that brought all this to a head....


Before the PL, the elite teams at the time (including Everton) were threatening a breakaway and wanting to grab the ITV money for right to their games, and screw the rest (more or less).


Clubs were (and still are) shockingly run, and the lure of money had them all salivating. They took the money, and there's no denying, aspects of the game have improved as a result - better grounds / facilities, safer stadiums, better players and football....


BUT, it's come at a price.

The gulf between the 'haves' and 'have nots' is wider than ever, and the feeling of affinity between club and fan is virtually lost, esp with the influx of footballers who are by their very nature, highly paid commodities (mercenaries in some eyes).


There's a lot of fans who will point to Chelsea and City and say "bunch of mercenaries" - which I agree with, but the implication is that their own players on a mere 50K a week are somehow emotionally attached to the club and paragons of moral virtue. There might be a handful of such players around, but they are few and far between.


We've created a monster I'm afraid, and now we don't like how it's behaving...



I long for the days when United might have a good team for a couple of years, then City, or Arsenal, or Everton etc... much more of a mix. But 20 year dominance? Liverpool had a good decade, and United best part of 20 years.... that can't be right, surely. Even with a great manager and club, SURELY the law of averages says another decent team will better them regularly. Sadly, those days are gone. It's crap!

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BU also had another meeting last night, not sure what happened though




"He then challenged Kenwright to prove allegations that members of the Blue Union had secretly taped a meeting at his London offices last year..."


Why can't they just let this go? It's plain to anyone with half a brain cell that it was recorded....just making themselves look daft keeping banging on about it.

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I hate the Blue Union. I think it would be in the club's interest that Bill Kenwright left and we had a new chairman but I am 100% against the way that Kenwright has been treated. A man that has put his own money in his pocket for our club (albeit a small amount) does not deseve the abuse that he gets, the Blue Union are making the vasy majority of our supporters look like idiots and scumballs when in actual fact that Blue Union is a small minority of our fan-base.


I remember a wonder post from Romey 1878 a while back who hit the nail on the head by basically saying - Bill Kenwright and the Blue Union bicker like children whilst the club we love goes under.


The Blue Union does more harm than it does good and the sooner it is closed the better.

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I hate the Blue Union. I think it would be in the club's interest that Bill Kenwright left and we had a new chairman but I am 100% against the way that Kenwright has been treated. A man that has put his own money in his pocket for our club (albeit a small amount) does not deseve the abuse that he gets, the Blue Union are making the vasy majority of our supporters look like idiots and scumballs when in actual fact that Blue Union is a small minority of our fan-base.


I remember a wonder post from Romey 1878 a while back who hit the nail on the head by basically saying - Bill Kenwright and the Blue Union bicker like children whilst the club we love goes under.


The Blue Union does more harm than it does good and the sooner it is closed the better.


Looks for giant boom.....




Bloody hell Zoo....you got a 'KA-BOOM'...only select few get KA's....and they ain't just for girls ;)

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"He then challenged Kenwright to prove allegations that members of the Blue Union had secretly taped a meeting at his London offices last year..."


Why can't they just let this go? It's plain to anyone with half a brain cell that it was recorded....just making themselves look daft keeping banging on about it.


Thing is, he didn't challenge Kenwright to prove BU taped the meeting, he challenged Kenwright to produce evidence that the BU signed a disclaimer to say they wouldn't tape the meeting. Totally different.


Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk

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