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Typical Scousers

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Been at work all day and missed this nonsense damn it. mellow.png


Is the author of this really a bonafide Sunderland supporter though, I had them down as some sensible types and would be gracious in defeat last night and simply accept the better side won on the night, there's really no need to go on the offensive like this. I can understand any frustrations about a defeat and a potential opportunity gone for a visit to the national stadium but there's no need for the kind of infantile behavior as witnessed here.


Maybe it's something to do with Cahill, he was with Millwall in 2004 when he scored the only goal as Lions beat Sunderland at the semi-final stage as the South London outfit made the Final that year, and now with us, still a level of animosity or ill feeling even to this day?. Most likely not, but I did start to think for a moment.


Sunderland haven't won a damn thing since the FA cup in 1973 in a quite famous final against Leeds United, but I don't have a problem with them, probably favor them over Newcastle if the truth be known.


The author mentioned something about 'scousers'. So automatically all Everton supporters are from Liverpool, born in Liverpool and all that it entails. Sorry to piss on your parade but a fair number of us came to support the club from all other areas, I'm from Baltimore myself, but still an Evertonian for nearly 30 years, so we can skip the stereotypical Everton 'scouse' nonsense here and now. Good Toffee supporters are good supporters wherever they are from or find them.


If you're upset about last night then at least try to come here and present your case in a sane and orderly fashion, you're simply doing yourself no favors with the initial post and subsequent ramblings.


The only thing I agreed with from the above fucking nonsense was that - 'Under Moyes you may well win nothing'. Yes, that is a fair point, I have asked myself the same question the last few months, but we're into a semi-final now, facing an opposition that I do feel we can certainly beat and after that, into another FA cup Final (how many is that now, more than fucking Sunderland at any rate) and we will see what we can do on the day. You had your opportunity to win this 6th round replay last night, blew it, we played well, and the better side won on the night and will quite rightly go into the last four with a plausible chance of making the actual showpiece event come May time.


It's our opportunity, our chance, and everything to play for, you won't be a part of it, it's as simple as that. There's no sense in coming on here and having a childish rant about it and upsetting forum members with asinine protestations. dry.png

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Our friend says we haven't won anything under Moyes....well I watched a football match last night and Everton under Moyes did win something, they won a game of football.Though to be fair it wasn't really that difficult.


Didn't we send Sunderland down in the 76-77 season......sorry about that.


Bet you lot love playing us!

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Any team that gets beat by Norwich City in a domestic Cup Final is surely worth a level of humor, or should that be sympathy?


Incidentally, for those of you not old enough to remember, the 1985 League Cup Final has been officially declared (at some point in time), the most boring, mundane, insignificant and trivial English soccer domestic final since records began, by all accounts.


No wonder he gets upset now and again. mellow.png I'd be raging too..

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Incidentally, for those of you not old enough to remember, the 1985 League Cup Final has been officially declared (at some point in time), the most boring, mundane, insignificant and trivial English soccer domestic final since records began, by all accounts.


The '77 Everton/Villa final was worse.

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Dont Tar all the sunderland fans with his brush, i know a few and they are not all twisted and bitter like him.


Some of them can spell for a start,

Some can throw a decent insult,

Some actually know the facts.


But seriously, Sunderland are a changed team under O'neil and we have to give them credit.

Nice stadium too.


I didn't think they were awful, i just think moysey got his tactics spot on just like he did against the swans. Some of our passing was excellent and we did not give them chance to hit us at all.


But to the banned guy. dont be so bitter mate, this is what football is all about. you win some, you lose some. and when you lose some we rub your nose so far down your own throat that everytime you sit down you get a nose bleed! maybe that explains why your so mad!

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Shit atmosphere pffftt! Best in the league mate, unlike the cardboard box you play in with your wooden seats hahaa embarrassing and not we haven't done much in recent history actually we've been awful in recent history but we have had different managers the lot, fair enough Moues stays in the league but you might want to think about progressing sometime soon?


How about an impartial (I'm a City fan) view?....


You had two chances to beat Everton and failed. That's football, you lost the tie. There's no shame in losing a game.

Atmosphere at Sunderland? it varies, as it does with any club. Everton can be very hostile when it wants to be, and I'd say it's up there with the 'good atmosphere' top 5 (although it can be a bit too threatening sometimes). I can't say I'd put Sunderland in the top 5 (nor would I put City in there).


For me, and there's no priority here:








It's not week in week out, but when they want to create an atmosphere they usually do.


Just have a little dignity in defeat eh? You're doing Sunderland fans a real disservice.

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I have not laughed at a thread so much in years.


That OP is not a Mackem, I am sure of it. Just a wind up merchant, a Troll as the internet genius types might call him. I bet he posted on a Spurs board as a Bolton fan too.


But the responses were classic. MikeO with his gentle digs all the way to the Marco's full twin barrels of joyous complimentary tidbits.


Thanks guys for one of the best belly laughs I have had in ages.

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