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Saw the Hunger Games, it was good, entertaining enough. Violence was poor (as in a lack of), wished it was more graphic...its not a touch on Battle Royale though and that's one of my favourite films and books ever so it was never going to win smile.png


I liked Lenny Kravitz in it, he was good (suprising)


I saw it the other night, I was disappointed with it to be honest - same reason as you, should have been more graphic.The shaky camera was annoying. Also, they removed four of the key characters for the story arc which annoyed me. Some camera angles were really strange. What I did like was the ethnicity of the tributes by region in the film which was hinted at in the book. Lenny was pretty good, I hope he agrees to be in the sequels.


I seem to love Dystopian-themed stories. Have you ever read The Running Man?

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I saw it the other night, I was disappointed with it to be honest - same reason as you, should have been more graphic.The shaky camera was annoying. Also, they removed four of the key characters for the story arc which annoyed me. Some camera angles were really strange. What I did like was the ethnicity of the tributes by region in the film which was hinted at in the book. Lenny was pretty good, I hope he agrees to be in the sequels.


I seem to love Dystopian-themed stories. Have you ever read The Running Man?


Agree on the Shaky camera, sometimes it was a bit too much! The bit at the start of the games where they chose the weapons was disappointing, I couldn't work out, who died, how many died and how...it all happened too quick and felt like it was bruched over.


Again, it was entertaining enough, I just feel it wasn't what people had hoped.

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Agree on the Shaky camera, sometimes it was a bit too much! The bit at the start of the games where they chose the weapons was disappointing, I couldn't work out, who died, how many died and how...it all happened too quick and felt like it was bruched over.


Again, it was entertaining enough, I just feel it wasn't what people had hoped.

Is it worth watching if you have already seen Battle Royale? Sounds like The Condemned for girls.

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Not really Pete.. I enjoyed book although it's aimed at teens and the author is intent on having a girl love-torn between two characters, at times it's a bit much. I enjoyed the story and the thought process behind the character's actions but the film falls short, it's an hour of build up and an hour of Battle Royale with a 12a rating.

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Not really Pete.. I enjoyed the book but it's aimed at teens and the author is intent on having a girl love-torn between two characters, at times it's a bit much but the story and the thought process behind the character's actions is enjoyable but the film falls short, it's Battle Royale with a 12a rating.

Thanks Louis. I haven't read the books so shouldn't be that much of a let down for me. I'll give it a try next week.

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Last thing I watched was last night, won't give too much away,


but it was made for a few dollars and made about $200,000,000 at the box offices, despite it being a piece of shit publicity stunt movie


lots of shots of trees, greenery, twigs, branches, and sounds of screams and yells and not much else.


Some kids get lost in the woods and it's meant to be really frightening and scary etc but It fucking isn't dry.png


Whole lot of shaking going on too.

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should have asked before but last thing I watched, as in movies at least, was Turbulence late the other night


Ray Liotta goes crazy and Lauren Holly learns how to fly a 'plane....... Damn boring.. ... dry.png


It tries to be a Con Air variation but fails miserably, I must have fell asleep once or twice, just as well, as I was in bed watching this damn tripe. Straight to Video chicken litter...

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should have asked before but last thing I watched, as in movies at least, was Turbulence late the other night


Ray Liotta goes crazy and Lauren Holly learns how to fly a 'plane....... Damn boring.. ... dry.png


It tries to be a Con Air variation but fails miserably, I must have fell asleep once or twice, just as well, as I was in bed watching this damn tripe. Straight to Video chicken litter...


speakin of ray liotta watchin field of dreams at the moment...not seen it for years

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Marco Boardwalk is top notch mate there are two seasons so far and a third out quite soon so You've plenty of watching to do.


You can catch up on them on Dailyflix bud as said well worth watching!!


I'm stuck in Leeds on a training course Mon-Fri for the next 5/6 weeks so haven't had much time to watch anything but fancy The Raid when I can get My hands on it!

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