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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. Pissed off with the Euro exchange rate . Going to Amsterdam in a couple of weeks and the rate's €1.30 at best....got €1.43 when we went to Greece last October <_< .
  2. Bit of a long shot but the Chinese market is certainly a huge potential earner.
  3. Know what you mean Jamie . Listening to the radio or watching Score on the beeb, "And there's been a goal at Goodison Park...." Heart skips beat even though reality this season suggests it's more than likely gone to us. Watching ceefax used to be the worst, I "watched" us beat Wimbledon in that game in '94 on ceefax....staring at little text numbers praying between pacing around the garden when the tension got too much.
  4. There's a daytime TV prog over here currently about families moving Oz-ward. Was distressed to find that once you're over forty-five you're too old....not that I have any particular ambition to move, just the realisation that the world now considers me too ancient to be useful .
  5. Prison Break is classic car crash TV. The worst acting since Crossroads, truly, truly pathetic....but you just have to keep watching ever more ludicrous story lines to see what happens, complete bollocks and I never miss it . Wife watches Come Dine With Me Zed, seen bits when they're slagging each other off in the back of a car....Masterchef man myself....may just enter one year .
  6. No but it's still a tiny bit of justice. An apology would be nice, as would a disrepute charge for Mark Hughes for being such a moron over it. Why couldn't he just say, "We got lucky!" Then football supporters everywhere think he's a top bloke for being honest, instead everyone thinks he's a wanker because we all know what he thinks in private...."We got lucky!" Anyone can make a mistake (although there were three stinkers by Wiley on Saturday which takes a bit of doing!) but pre-meditated bollocks is worse...Hughes has dropped hugely in my estimation which is a shame as he used to be one of us.
  7. Different situation entirely. Talking morons, and being an alcoholic doesn't make you a moron. Think we're quite well off in our squad, don't think DM would sign anyone he thought was going to be that way. Joey Barton....nuff said .
  8. Without a doubt. Wouldn't have been happy taking Thaksin Shinawatra's money like City did (and Liverpool were gong to). Where do you draw the line? You wouldn't turn down money because of who it was linked to so you'd presumably be happy being a money laundering tool for al-Qa'ida? There's any number of despots around the world milking their people for everything they've got and killing them if they complain. How about Mugabe? He must have billions stashed, you wouldn't turn him down because of his name? Nice one, success at any cost eh?
  9. Pure speculation . If Gosling turns out to be another DM gem then it'll be the right decision. You have to accumulate to ameliorate . Anyway, for me...clean sheet...three or four nil. Lescott, Yak x 2 and Ossie. My VDM predictions seem to have passed their sell by date .
  10. 1-0 to England in the 20/20's. Dimitri Mascarenhas hit 31 off 14 balls at the end of the innings and took 2-19 with the ball (and a catch). Pleased, always rated him.
  11. MikeO


    Talking of spooky fuckers there was a documantary (two actually, one by Louis Theroux and another by Keith Allen) on these good Christian folk recently. Nice bunch...LINK
  12. Forgot "My Name is Earl." Unforgettable...er...almost .
  13. Just a bit....we'd have to start a 3rd place thread then !
  14. Everton's Tim Cahill has been picked by Australia for this week's World Cup qualifier against Qatar, but Liverpool's Harry Kewell has not. Cahill, who played at Blackburn on Saturday, is currently making the trip for Wednesday's clash in Melbourne, but the midfielder will struggle to be back in time for Everton's next Premier League game - at home to Reading on Saturday. While Cahill is wanted by boss Pim Verbeek, Kewell has been deemed surplus to requirements. The Premier League's Australian contingent are likely to face another lengthy trip next month - the Socceroos are due to play in China on March 26, just days before the final Merseyside derby of the season.
  15. Liked Black Books. Cheers/Frasier is/are a good example imo of the American sitcom that can evolve and stay funny. If you go back to something like Allo Allo (sorry Alex ) it's the same jokes every week....every minute in fact. It's one joke is that foreigners speak in a funny accent which creates endless double entendre, funny for thirty seconds if you like that kind of thing I suppose.
  16. Readthepostsproperlyjacko.co.uk I'm liking the Yobo midfield holding role that Licker's suggested in the Reading thread... Howard Neville Jagielka Lescott Baines Yobo Fernandes Osman (if he gets back his pre-injury form) Arteta Pienaar Yakubu Wessells Two of Johnson/Anichebe/Vaughan Hibbo Cahill That's a powerful side.
  17. Don't want to resort to idle threats Fish, but I think you'll find Josh has some pretty powerful allies...you may wish to reconsider :whistle: .
  18. And so we reach the final, and the one question everybody is asking... "Is Liam the sort of man who wants to make an eleven year old cry?" No pessure Fish .
  19. One of the few advantages of alcoholism (Delta type particularly) is that you never get sober so you never get a hangover .
  20. So why has nothing been done about it more than three months later? Aren't they normally dealt with immediately....very strange.
  21. Off the top of my head 20%, 40%, 60%. Think that's how it works....don't hold me to it though.
  22. Before we go to Anfield Liverpool have... Chelsea A 'Boro H Bolton A Wham H Newcastle H Reading H ManU A We have... Reading H City A Pompey H Sunderland A Fulham A Wham H On current form you could expect Liverpool to pick up seven points from those games. We can expect twelve, go into the derby with an eight point advantage...where's the problem ?
  23. I'm saying nothing. I upset people last time he came up on here because I called him an "average evangelical American brain-dead nob-head" among other things . So my lips are sealed . Edit...Oh fuck...I've done it again !
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