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Everything posted by MikeO

  1. Yobo and Yak for sure because their (potentially) last game is tomorrow. South Africa don't play til Thursday so not a lot of chance of Pienaar being back in time....the one time we could actually do with a Sunday kick-off we don't get it <_< . The "good" thing is that SA are out barring a miracle and I can see Ivory Coast letting Mali get the draw they need to qualify which would put Nigeria out. IC would be delighted to see them gone because they're a much bigger threat in terms of winning the tournament than Mali.
  2. Members only pulling a few lurkers out of cyberspace eh? Many memories of Brighton, used to go there a lot in my youth . Welcome!
  3. There's no sensible explanation jacko, try to ignore him.
  4. Cracking piece Bill....nicely done.
  5. And Jigsaw's on it (LINK). Can't believe he's thirty-nine ! Good luck to him.
  6. MikeO

    Spurs (home)

    Woodgate and King is potentially a top level pairing, whether either/both play on Wednesday is another matter (is Woodgate fit?). Even if they do it'll take them a while to settle in....I hope .
  7. Just watched a documentary about Jim Jones and the Jonestown massacre. Very disturbing.
  8. Where does that information come from? You can't post it as fact without backing it up.
  9. If we're talking location only, money no object fantasy land I'd go... Goodison Loop Stanley Park (not groundshare...Liverpool can find somewhere else ) Kirkby
  10. That is painful, happened to me once . My mother has a loose shoulder, drops out all the time and has done for forty plus years. She just puts it back in and carries on as if nothing has happened .
  11. I didn't know we could before .
  12. Is it a significant upgrade Louis? Can you send a large electronic charge to Dodge's (or once-a-blue's) keyboard for example. Not enough to kill them of course but ECT is still used in many areas of the mental health services. Might be therapeutic for them .
  13. You need to take it up with Joe Cole. Go register on a Chelsea site, I'm sure you'd be very welcome .
  14. It is . You been adding an optional extra or two Louis?
  15. I'm getting this message on a lot of threads.... Fatal error: Call to undefined method skin_topic_11::topic_display_similar_row() in /home/toffeeta/public_html/sources/action_public/topics.php on line 815 ....anyone else getting it?
  16. MikeO

    Spurs (home)

    We'll need to play well. Unlikely to scrap a win as against City and Wigan, but hopefully we'll do it. A draw wouldn't be the end of the world (if we'd been offered four points from Spurs at the start of the season we'd have taken it no question) but I'll go 2-1...Ossie and an Arteta pen.
  17. Ridiculous price. I read that they'll start the bidding at £8m, but we'd be mad to sell at double that imo.
  18. Harsh but fair as always Zed. He's probably taken us as far as he can, time to bring Howard Kendall back imo . Joe Cole may have broken Evertonian hearts with his winning goal in Wednesday night's Carling Cup semi-final - but the England international insists the Blues are already worthy of inclusion in England's top four. Everton are currently occupying fourth place in the Premier League, ahead of Liverpool and behind Manchester United, Arsenal and Chelsea. That is a position Cole believes reflects the quality of the current Everton squad. He said: "I think you’re looking at a top four side here. "They’ve got players like Arteta, Cahill, Johnson and Osman; top players. They’re going to be pushing for a Champions League place. This is a top side."
  19. Thanks for that....and part of me wishes you luck for the final. But part of me wants Chelsea to win so that the UEFA place available goes to the league. We should be good enough for fifth (at worst) but a bt of insurance never hurt .
  20. The reason we have a boost in bandwidth and are ad-free (that he doesn't mention) is that Louis has paid an annual fee of around £45.00 for it. Obviously there's no money to be made out of running TT so if anyone feels they could make a small contribution towards it I'm sure it'd be gratefully received. Would only take a couple of quid from twenty or so members and it'd be covered. You can donate via Paypal but I don't know if Louis would want his email posted here so if you feel you can contribute then pm either him or another admin/mod for details. Thanks.
  21. Very much so. Apart from the sad fact that we never really threatened once we went behind I thought we did well up until then. Apart from the Lescott/TC chance there were a fair few others and if AJ had taken the right option and played the ball back to Ossie on one occasion in the first half instead of shooting Ossie had a clear run on goal. Another example for me of Ossies brain working at a higher level (football wise) than some of those around him. Capello won't have missed it. Cech had a great game. If he'd have done the decent thing and been with his wife while she gave birth we may have done it.
  22. That'd be Louis and Louis !
  23. 4-2 but brilliant stuff. Liverpool supporters applauding them which is nice to hear. Reminds me of the Woking game at Goodison when we struggled to beat them 1-0. The whole crowd stayed behind for Woking's lap of honour....much appreciated by their fans...I know 'cos I was sat with them. Still remember the relief when Sheeds scored.
  24. You mean us over here in the UK or GB or The British Isles JD? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK or United Kingdom for short) is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The term 'Great Britain' (GB or just Britain) refers to the area covered by England, Scotland and Wales. (However, the terms are sometimes interchangable - for example, in the Olympics the UK is represented by the 'Great Britain Olympic Team'.) One way to look at this is that the UK is the part of the British Isles for which Parliament makes laws. (But note: there is no such thing as 'British Law'; the courts in Northern Ireland and Scotland have the right to interpret laws in their own way.) However, the UK is also responsible, under international law, for some other areas, including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. The Queen is sovereign over these areas, but they are not part of the UK. Despite the fact that Parliament has devolved power to Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, the UK is not a federation, but a unitary state. The British Isles is an area divided between two sovereign states, namely the UK and the Republic of Ireland. It includes the Isle of Man. Use of this term sometimes includes the Channel Islands, but this is not consistent. Hope that clarifies it for you....have an aspirin .
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