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Goodison Glory

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Posts posted by Goodison Glory

  1. 2 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

    I don’t think the figures have been released but the Echo are saying it was a big increase on it

    The length and size of the contract has not been revealed, but Everton said it amounts to the biggest shirt sponsorship deal in the club's history. The ECHO understands the uplift on the deal with outgoing sponsor Cazoo, the online car retailer, is significant and runs into millions of pounds.

    If that's the case then it outstrips inflation even by todays crazy rates. I read we were ranked 7th in terms of value of front of shirt. However unappealing some might think it is. 

  2. 11 hours ago, c1982 said:

    Last thing I’ll say on this; we’ve got Godfrey and Branthwaite who are both top young prospects. We’ve got Holgate who has been decent under Lampard and is still a good age but can’t play with either of the above - these are probably the 3 we should be keeping so we need a senior centre back to replace Mina and hopefully Keane too so Tarkowski, given our financial situation and need for reinvestment elsewhere, is a no brainer in my opinion.

    Agree with everything you said other than Brathwaite being a top prospect. Needs to kick on if you ask me. He's only had a few chances but he is making lots of mistakes.

  3.   Haf - I don't believe we will have a "few quid" to spend even with the wages coming off the books. The reason being that year that is rolling off for FPP was one of our better years....so we are actually in more trouble (when it comes to FPP) this summer than we were last summer that is even with 400k of wages per week coming off the books. I think the article someone shared from the Esk laid it out nicely.

  4. 4 minutes ago, Palfy said:

    I don’t think we should sell him to replace a forward or striker is one of the hardest positions to fill, if Lampard can get the right players in other areas we may be able to play a style of football that allows DCL to be the poacher in the 6yrd box again as he was under Ancelotti. 

    Agreed. My answer was based on we had to sell one of them....if we can keep both and do what we need to elsewhere. Happy days. 

  5. I think we should sell Dom.

    Both he and Richie have high work rate but I honestly don't think Dom can play in the system that Frank will ultimately want aim for. That said, I have not seen us linked with too many replacements and I don't think the others mentioned (Simms etc) are up to the task (it would be good to give them some prem game time though)


  6. 2 hours ago, Hafnia said:

    He’s a fine looking man, that’s not the point.  The point is if he wasn’t a footballer he would not be in GQ, so if he is gonna be in it make sure you are on your game on the pitch otherwise you are gonna look like David Bentley not David Beckham. 

    I do agree with Haf on this point though. The higher your public image the better you need to be at your job in order to not attract criticism (whether it be fair or unfair criticism). 

    Elon Musk runs the risk (and doesn't care) of attracting more public criticism than other high profile CEOs who are not as media hungry.

    not saying Dom is a bad person or made bad choices. Just highlighting how human nature is in our digital era.

  7. 2 hours ago, Palfy said:

    Personally I feel our Achilles heel has been our defence in the last few seasons, Ancelotti got fairly lucky that Mina nearly played a majority of the season which was a massive plus for his defensive plan. I can’t see any positivity in keeping Holgate, him Keane, Godfrey and Coleman have formed one of the worst defence's in the league for a few years, only good thing this season was the emergence of Mykolenko and a couple of decent games from Mina. For me Holgate goes with Mina Keane and Godfrey if the right offers come in and Coleman becomes a back up and mentor for the younger players. 

    I'd keep hold of Godfrey. He looked a world beater not so long back. He's young enough to get that back with the right coaching and supporting cast. His stock hit rock bottom with his gaffe against Burnley!! 

  8. 2 hours ago, Hafnia said:

    UEFA after the shambolic organisation and  getting called out by Liverpool will no doubt have their officials against them. 

    I sympathise a little bit with the French. I understand cities normally get 18 months to prepare for a CL final but they were given 3 months. I am sure things could've gone better with greater investment and better planning but seems to me like it was asking for trouble (but they couldn't keep the final in St Petersburg!)

  9. Frank may not have a proven pedigree but what he has shown he can do (which multiple managers with long CVS didn't) is to unite the club. From shared adversity comes strength. If all we/he does next year is avoid a relegation battle, but keeps the club United and Instill the consistent playing style through all levels I'll be happy. 

    i don't think we saw Frank the tactician last season. I think he tried, realized we didn't have the personnel and then just relied on motivation to get us over the line. 

    a full pre season, sort out the set piece crap and reduce the wage bill. 

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