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Posts posted by markjazzbassist

  1. 16 hours ago, StevO said:

    I’d be quite happy with Sarri. 

    Same here, progressive attacking football.  

    14 hours ago, Bailey said:

    Another one I will throw into the hat... Rudi Garcia. Solid record in Italy and France with different clubs. Unlike a lot of French managers, he plays attacking football and his stats back up his teams performances. 


    He is also available after leaving Lyon. It might seem disappointing that they finished 4th this season in France but they were 2nd in the league in expected goals but only 5th in goals against. The goals against was very par for the other teams around them aside from the brilliant work of league winners Lille. 

    He has a solid record in the Champions League too, knocking out Man City in last seasons knockout rounds.

    Yeah he should be in the running, I read up on him when they beat man city, sounds like a decent manager.

    14 hours ago, Zoo 2.0 said:

    It's just my opinion, but xG is a load of shite. "Expected goals" is just as useful as saying "Points gained if they had Messi" or "League position if Manchester City didn't complete". It's a total dead bit of information, you can have all the expected goals you want but if you don't score you don't win, and it's really that simple for me. People (not on this forum, in the broader media) proper get obsessed with xG as the basis to see how well or poorly a team did but I just find it all a bit laughable.

    Would rather have 1 shot on target and win 1-0 than 16 and lose 4-0.

    Agreed.  xG is a biased judgement parading as a statistic.

    4 hours ago, Cornish Steve said:

    I just had another thought, since his name has not been mentioned - but he's certainly a young and ambitious manager, and plenty were rooting for his success this past season: Scott Parker. His team deservedly beat us at home.

    Yes, I have a soft spot for Fulham, I followed them concurrently with Everton during my early premier league days (big Clint Dempsey fan).  Everton is my team but I loosely follow Fulham and watch a match or presser here or there.  He did an excellent job, his pressers he’s very smart, but down to earth and humble.  He didn’t have a great squad but worked some miracles with it.  I think in a few years he could be the next great English manager. I really like him.

  2. 6 hours ago, Palfy said:

    Sorry mate just seen my post password should have been passport, do you need a passport if you’re American to get into Canada or do they accept any other from of I.D. 

    Yes you do need a passport (I have one).  

  3. 5 hours ago, Bailey said:

    We know with almost near certainty that none of those managers were earmarked by Brands. Silva was in before Brands feet were under his desk, Allardyce and Ancellotti were Mohsiri selections. 

    I would trust the future of this club to be safer in Brands' hands than in either of Kenwright or Mohsiri when it comes to the next manager. 

    In respect of what Brands would want, I think we would have to look back to what he did at PSV. He put together a young team that was well balanced and good enough to win the league. In Cocu they played high tempo, direct football. Incidentally he was a manager brought through the ranks. That didnt work at Derby so I imagine Brands will have learnt a lot more about the league to have different ideas about how he wants this Everton side to play.

    In the signings of Doucoure, Godfrey and Niels last summer, it would however point to a more aggressive, energetic style of play. I would rather have that overall vision, fitting the players and manager together rather than an owner, DoF and manager all pulling in different directions.

    Thank you Bailey, good response.  If what you said is anything to go by then I await brands choice with anticipation.

  4. 6 hours ago, Bailey said:

    Brands will be hiring someone who fits in with his philosophy

    What is his philosophy?  We’ve had Silva, fat Sam, and Carlo.  Most on here would agree that under all 3 we played defensive counterattacking football that wasn’t pretty.  So is that his philosophy?  Shitty looking 10th place football?  

    not on the wind up here I’m being honest.  There is this thought that since he’s Dutch he wants progressive attacking (total football) possession football.  We have never really seen that. 

    If brands track record is anything to go by someone like Nuno who is defensive might be the most likely.

  5. 9 hours ago, Palfy said:

    Do you need a password to cross into Canada. 

    I wish.  They have closed the Canada/US border due to COVID.  Even sports teams based in Canada (Toronto blue jays) are playing all their games in the US since they aren’t even allowed in their own country.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Zoo 2.0 said:

    Apparently all players apart from Richarlison and James have unfollowed Ancelotti on social media - again, think that speaks volumes to be honest when you consider than none of them wished him well.

    Pretty wild.  Says a lot about the supposed “do nothings” in our squad too.  Seems there is some solidarity and togetherness.  Or maybe I’m reading into it too much.

  7. 10 hours ago, MikeO said:

    Anyone got any foreign travel travel booked? I've got three weeks in Greece in September which we actually booked in 2019 for last September but obviously couldn't go so carried it over to this year. I'm cautiously optimistic it'll happen. Easyjet were good enough to waive the name change fees (would've been £98) on the flights so Josh is going with me now. And I'm taking the wife as well to scatter her ashes in her favourite place.:)

    Enjoy it mike, hope it brings you some solace.  Sadly Canada has kept their border closed and that’s the only international I’d do, so probably not until next year for me.  

  8. 1 hour ago, Isaiah said:

    About Conte, all I'll say is that this group of players we currently have sat in a dressing room and time after time apparently thought to themselves: "It means nothing to me to be managed by 3-time Champions League winner Carlo Ancelotti, I'm going to go out there and make zero effort".  I just don't get what anyone thinks Conte would get out of this spineless bunch. He is never going to stick around for the kind of 2 to 3 year overhaul we need, and any short-term 'success' (that means fluking a Europa League qualification) he achieves will see him leave for 'higher' climes and then we're back where we are now.

    Conte likes a challenge.  He is a proven winner at every level (working his way up in a lower league).  He won a lot at juve and left for the Italy job.  Won the premier league with Chelsea. Won the league with inter.  I don’t care how short term he is a winner.  If Spurs got him that sucks because he will get them winning and tough to beat.  

  9. 1 hour ago, dunlopp9987 said:

    It seemed to me that when he had his full-strength side, able to play the 3-4-3 that worked so well for them, they were a damn good team. But when they had a few injuries (Jimenez the biggest) and had to switch formations, they seemed totally inept. 

    Makes me a bit worried to see a manager unable to cope with circumstances and still get the team to perform

    This for me too, with Jimenez he got them Europa league and 7th place.  He got them to the quarterfinals.  We have DCL who isn’t like for like but is a goal scorer.  But like you said, it all kinda fell apart from there.  Also they sold Diogo Jota, not sure why (did he not fit in, or they just needed the money?)  one other thing is maybe he could get the Brazilian/Portuguese contingent playing better, real stretch there but maybe he gets them culturally/language wise more.  Shot in the dark.


    Id be more excited about Nuno than Howe, but like most have said it’s not a  super exciting appointment.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Newty82 said:

    I've been a poor judge in the past so take my comments with a pinch of salt (most do anyway 🤣).

    I think we've been round the block with mangers. It feels strange to see that 3 out of 4 of our previous managers are in top, top jobs. And only one of them wasn't our decision of choice - deemed not good enough for us. Throw in Moyes too if you like (in terms of doing a good job).

    Trust in a 'big name' isn't there for me. I just think these guys won't stick around or buy into the project. Rather, they'll wait for the next vacancy at a 'big club' and go. With that, we can't complain. We've sacked managers plenty in the last 5 years, so as fans and as a club we have kind of made our own bed.

    If we want someone who we know will show loyalty, knows what the fans want, knows the club, will give it his all and some with unquestionable resolve and will stand for absolutely no bullshit from the players then its Duncan Ferguson. Sorry, but if fans want this illustrious figure, he's the only one who will do it.

    The downside is experience- although he's worked under plenty now. That also adds a bit of a negative as I'm pretty sure most of us wonder where Dunc is when all is going poorly. He does seem to respect his manager and not want to overtalk him, so to speak. Maybe too much. Would he attract the players we need? And, behind all the chest thumping passion, is there enough tactical nous?

    He has the personal traits we want. Maybe just doesn't have the credentials we desire.

    He's not even mentioned in the odds. Nuno seems to be favourite, who I'd be fine with.

    But, yet again, it needs to be said that whoever it is needs time. We shit ourselves as soon as we get a bad run of results. Maybe expectations need to settle in the short term.

    Happy to discuss.

    yeah i've been horrible at picking the managers too, i was all hot for roberto, ronald, marco and carlo!  honestly at this point i feel nihilistic, don't even care who they appoint becauase we'll probably be 10th again.

  11. i'm split on Howe, he was awful (and i mean truly awful) at recruitment, but here he wouldn't have to worry about that with Brands (i'm not his biggest fan, but he is nowhere close to eddie howe levels of bad recruitment).  He could concentrate on the pitch and training room more.  he's a blue.  


    potter - i've read a few articles about him back when he was managing ostersund, and how he's worked his way up and really is kinda the future modern manager.  possession, passing, multiple formations, tactically flexible.  if we are going for the up and comer it sounds like he is a good option.  only negative - mates with Graeme Jones.  also he's being linked to spurs which if that is real, he's going there not here.


    i don't even know if we have the clout anymore to get a ten hag, lucien favre, etc.  honestly this has really soured me.  usually positive person, but if we end up with some PL re-tread (bilic, etc) it will test my limits of being a fan.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

    MJB ..... Are you seriously calling Gbamin a failure???  There is absolutely nothing - other than a crystal ball that could have anticipated his injury.  

    He had no previous issues, passed his medical. ..... How is this the fault of anyone? 

    i already explained many times over, someone has to be accountable.  what i am ascertaining is in your culture that is not the case.  in american sports GM's are accountable for all the players they bring in, and yes injuries play a big part in that.  they always say the same thing when they are fired "we had some injuries, some results didn't go our way, but at the end of the day it's my job to build the squad and put out a winning product and we didn't do that and that's on me".  they are accountable because that's their job and why they are paid millions.

  13. 16 minutes ago, StevO said:

    And which CEO hired Brands? Might have to take a bit of the blame for the Gbamin injury. Let’s not let them off the hook with Andre Gomes breaking his leg too. 

    andre has played again, gbamin has been injured 3 different times and been out indefinitely and might never play a full 90 for us.  andre has offered return on the investment, gbamin has been nothing but a liability.  do you think in year end evaluations moshiri/rysantanov (sp?) just push signings and large wastes of money like that to the side, not caring?  "its ok mate, 25m and 60k a week wages, not a problem".  not to mention he was slotted to be a starter and messed up that whole campaign because we had a makeshift midfield (which is also on brands).  look we obviously don't see eye to eye and that's fine, you think he deserves more leeway, i don't.

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