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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. It’s not Mark they were glaring opportunities he needs to bury them, I’m not talking about half chances here they should be nailed on goals. Put it this way mate if I wouldn’t be commiserating with him for missing easy opportunities.
  2. The Swiss might have holes in their cheese , but this massive majority proves not in their brains
  3. I don’t think we will be going with many if any fringe players for this one, I think we will be going with our first team, Ancelotti is looking to win something this season and will see this as his best opportunity at this moment in time so won’t be taking many chances.
  4. This will be our toughest test to date, Brighton are well drilled in there setup they aren’t full big names yet should have punished Utd who are, I wouldn’t for one minute dismiss them because you believe Utd are poor. Brighton are a team who can play a bit this is going to be a hard one to call.
  5. Mark you’ve changed your profile again, you fallen out of love with Gylfi again. You are going to get yourself a reputation of being right tart when it comes dumping players
  6. Make no mistake he’s doing better because the team are better, could he improve you bet he can, for me he’s still not a clinical enough finisher, people are gonna say 5 goals in 3 outings what more do you want, well I want that open header from 6 yards out in the first half at WBA to go in not 2 yards wide, and the attempt yesterday when he tried to kick a ball that was in the air about the same distance out and completely fluffed it. There are going to be games where those sorts of poor misses will cost us dearly, his finishing needs to improve then everything will be there for him to become Shearer.
  7. “He is a great goal keeper he has my total confidence” the words of the Don, that’s good enough for me and when he thinks it’s time for a change in any position to keep the team moving forward that will also be fine with me. So let’s back the manager's judgment and get behind the team.
  8. Let’s listen to the Don he knows what he’s on about.
  9. I mam most come from one of the southern states.
  10. Jumping on your bandwagon mate, and hoping I could Shukester to bite, but the wanker let me down
  11. I agree with that, I just find it a shame that I’m not given the same response when I mention Gona. You know the one the midfielder who has gone down in TT folklore as the best midfielder we’ve had in years, the one who’s always mentioned when we lose a game, with the obligatory “ we miss Gona” as if people have forgotten how many games we were slaughtered in with him in the team, the one that the PSG supporters trash the one that there management have realised isn’t the real deal. So yes Haf has got some valid points as to why he doesn’t rate Lukaku, the striker that has been our most prolific scorer in more years than I care to remember, shit attitude for Lukaku, and no vision or ability with the ball for Gona. Never mind what thread are we in what fucking parallel universe are we in in which people believe we miss Gona. I’m in the French camp 100% on this.
  12. Hopefully a lot of Liverpool supporters walking around with Shite on the back of their shirts.
  13. It takes a nutter to know a nutter
  14. You are spot on about Allan mate he’s got to be given the job of stopping Zaha, stop him and you stop Palace it’s as simple as that.
  15. And what I have also noticed to go a long with what you and Rom have highlighted is that, we don’t cave in and panic when the slightest thing goes against us, not so long ago those mistakes from Pickford would have seen crumble and possibly throw the game away, but we are not so fragile now there’s a strength and belief that we haven’t seen for years and from players who weren’t really showing us that before.
  16. We live in a fucked up world mate, and unfortunately we live under the shadow of the two most fucked up Government's in the western world. Welcome to the pleasure dome.
  17. So he doesn’t really standout as the worse keeper in the PL, he has some pretty good company around him. His decision making was woeful tonight luckily for him and us no real damage caused, everyone will move on tonight and we will see him as first choice for the Palace game I guess, where the vultures will be hovering and hoping for another mistake to pounce on. He may get replaced in the not so distant future or he may not, but whilst he wears the shirt of the team I love he gets my support, because the reality is he doesn’t really make a lot more mistakes than other keepers in the league, but we seem to like to magnify his out of all context imo, if we asked for a player’s head every time they made an error we would go through 100 plus in a season.
  18. Niels he’s going to give Carlo a hard decision very soon.
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