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Sir McGiven

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Posts posted by Sir McGiven

  1. 17 hours ago, nogs said:

    Where I think we'll get spanked is midfield. I just don't think we've got anyone who can handle an in form Silva and De Bruyne. Rooney has the brain but not the mobility, Davies will try hard but looks knackered. I hope Sigurdsson is back just so we can go halfway to match them in footballing ability, but then we're risking being open. You also have factor in that we have a manager who will not try to press high and set us up to play with 9 men behind the ball, inviting them onto us for 90 minutes. 

    The only cause for optimism is that we're a bit of a bogey team for them. 


    That's where I have my concerns as well. Also agreed with @Aidan's concerns, the team is not up to pace in general and it is a hard task to ask them to pressure City's defenders on their half, I know, especially there is a derby match in the following week. It would have been great to see Everton resist in that way. :)

    What I've shared still can be modified even though not all of the aspects are possible to do, I mean, at least trying to lock-up their wingers and key midfielders with tight marking. Everton's wings can handle this, both fullbacks and forward wingers. Cenk can be asked to try to cut their passing lines between CB's and their midfielders without getting into direct contact. If he can move smartly without running like a headless chicken and be a threat on the CB-Mid passing lines, it will force them to look to pass the ball to the full backs or long ball to wingers.

    What they do, when they are setting up their attack by the defense, is like;

    GK passes the ball to CB (Otamendi most likely) and they play it to their wingers while an MC coming close to get the ball then 1-2 or a triangle to let any of them run forward freely and eliminate a defender to outnumber the opponent up front.

    If they don't see any resistance on their half, then CBs are running with the ball through the mid lane which really dangerous as you are letting CBs into the play on their attacking turn.

    Another thing what Everton needs to be careful is De Bruyne. He is definitely will be the most dangerous man on the pitch. He is a decent winger and also an excellent central midfielder. Pep knows it for sure and using it really good. De Bruyne can switch positions with wingers to let them (Sterling - Sane for example) run with the ball to create a threat with Agüero. There is only one more person that can do this in their squad, Silva. Winger-Central Midfielder. Wen they both on the pitch, dear lord, show mercy... This is something that Klopp doesn't have. Similar tactics, similar attacking sets but none of the Pool midfielders capable of running by the side.

    Man. City is effin' dominating the league right now, their game is also dominating and they have multiple threats on their attacking sets. In my opinion, if you try to defense flawlessly, there will be no chance to get a point as they will find a lot of chances because Everton center backs can do a mistake in any minute or the midfielders. A wrong pass from Gana or a mistake when marking Agüero, being out of position for any reason, will cause a serious problem and crack the wall.

    It would have worked in any minor league in Europe but I don't think it is an efficient solution for EPL. Still not saying that it is out of consideration, it could work but as it happened against Arsenal,  if they score an early goal, there will be no chance to reverse it.

  2. 54 minutes ago, holystove said:

    Michael Fassbender   .. never seen him in anything bad.

    Assasin's Creed was pretty bad. His acting is good tho.

    7 hours ago, Chach said:

    Tom Hardy with Tarantino directing.

    Tarantino for a Bond movie? You should be blood-thirsty mate :) 

    14 hours ago, Haiku said:

    I would go for Henry Cavill. I'm wondering what's happening with Daniel Craig? He isn'tttt doing many movies lately, if any. 

    He was classy af and was looking good as an Agent in U.N.C.L.E. I think he fits better than any other candidates.

  3. Poor half-time for Everton.

    Stoke: 5 shots (2 on target)

    Everton: 2 shots (0 on target)


    Stoke: 10 headers won

    Everton: 2 headers won


    Everton only trying to play from the right wing and it gives Stoke the option to cover that wing easily. On the other hand, they are playing mostly on the left wing but at least they were producing more than Everton. (based on heat map)

    Pass successes are equal (%77) for both teams however we've seen a lot of easy, inaccurate passes on Everton side.


    Expecting 2 upfront by calling Davies out and getting Niasse in or keeping the same formation and subbing Cenk and Davies, getting Niasse and Klaasen in. DCL for Bolasie is also likely.

  4. Just now, Matt said:

    I could see the card, but not the tackle. 

    Bye bye, Adam. Horrible tackle, though wondering if should only be a yellow

    it should be yellow IMO, I don't think it was intentional but hopefully, it'll be a wake-up call for the team. They were terrible so far. Bad passes, bad first touches...

  5. Well, understandable line-up. I mean Gana has both haters and supporters but as he was consistent in Sam's mind, that makes this line-up understandable. I could criticize this as being defensive again if it wasn't an away game and Siggy wasn't injured but I have nothing to say now. Bolasie deserved a chance this game with his performance last week. Good to see Cenk, Walcott, Coleman, and Baines together as well.

    How long will Siggy be out by the way?

  6. he is kinda prone to injury.

    according to the records, he was injured for 651 days in his career and his last 3 injuries were worrying ones. 59 days - 45 days and 56 days, each one. means, whatever he has, getting worse... as long as he is healthy, he can be a good addition but around same prices, I think Everton can easily find someone else who is less prone to injury.

    I do not say he is a shit player but you know, you want to see your team ready to serve on the pitch.

  7. 21 hours ago, Aidan said:

    I'm starting to think he just sees another game and copies that teams game plan regardless of whether he thinks it will work or not.

    You know I used to play Championship Manager while I was younger in 90's, one of the very early games of Championship Manager series. I think I was 10, 11 years old. Back in that time, my mind was working like "Sign any player who scores against you, so they can score for you as well." It didn't work out of course and I was looking at the screen with around 10 strikers in my squad, ha!

    Those statements of Fat's and your comment on it reminded me that. Good old days.

  8. As far as I read now on a Turkish newspaper's website, he is suspended by Sky and probably he will be sacked soon.

    No matter who is he, it could have been another footballer, it is an irresponsible act. I mean, cmon mate, you are a footballer and probably were listening to opponent supporters' fantasies about your mom or any other bad words in your whole career.

    It cannot be explained as a "lost rag". Such a llama...

  9. It was great to see Baines is back and made an impact out there. Bolasie was pretty good actually today and when your wings are working like this, you'll get chances to score.

    Everton played good today and I am happy to see that Cenk scored a good goal but something bugged me during the game. Those back passes from the midfielders to the defenders while frontline getting into their positions for a possible move. I've seen a lot of nonsense back passes.

    Good game, good win.

  10. Not quite sure how Baines will perform after his recovery after a long-term injury but still excited to see Coleman and Baines as Wing Backs as they can support attacks better and faster than the other options in the squad. It can help Walcott and Cenk and reduce their workload on the pitch and they can focus on what is expected of them. We'll see about Bolasie as well. If he can accommodate with the rest of the team, I expect an easy win.

    P.S. In the framework of this post, "unexpected" Keane or Jagielka mistakes are not calculated.

  11. 6 hours ago, duncanmckenzieismagic said:

    Fotomac (source of the news according to the website) is not a reliable newspaper in Turkey. Some of their well-known news are as below;


    - Ibrahimovic to Galatasaray

    - Galatasaray making move for Alex Ferguson (haha!)

    - Galatasaray offered 80m $ for Zidane and Zidane is up for a new challenge at Galatasaray. (While he was in top form at Real Madrid)

    - Fenerbahce bid for Pepe (while he was at his best for Real Madrid)

    - Van Nistelrooy to Galatasaray

    - Henry to Fenerbahce

    - Raul to Galatasaray

    - Buffon to Galatasaray


    I wouldn't take any newspaper or website where Fotomac named as a source if I were you, even though Fat Sam involved in it.

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