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Everything posted by c1982

  1. Fuck me, you're an 'in the know' now!!!
  2. That's who I meant!!! It was early!!!
  3. http://m.skysports.com/article/football//7374305 Sad for Fletcher - good pro. On the back of this, I expect us to be tested in Jan with at least an enquiry... could be 2+2=5 but I believe Jack's profile has been significantly raised this season.
  4. ... don't forget dimitri kharine!!!
  5. Sadly there's at least one poster who thinks he/she is on kipper in the way that they post. One hopes it doesn't catch on - kipper/ nsno/ got are fun to browse but essentially full of shite - this place is regrettably beginning to resemble these... We're supposed to be the thinking Evertonians - COYTT!!!
  6. c1982


    The thing is in that 180mins we should have had more than 1 pen vs Stoke (Shawcross was at it again today)... and yesterday we fashioned enough chances, just the final ball more often than not was shite (usually from Bily) or the Arsenal (very tall) defence was getting their heads to it rather than EFC heads or the chances we did have were off target. We've played a lot worse than yesterday this season, it just so happens that it happened on the back of a game vs Stoke that we all expected to win and the fact that Moyes took our only striker off for a defender yet essentially kept the same system in doing so but ignoring the young half decent prospect in Velios who many of us believe would have been a better option.
  7. c1982


    To be fair to Moyes bringing Distin on for Saha didn't lose us the game yesterday. A wonder goal did. 0-0 would have been a very good/ important point.
  8. Pretty much sealed 4th too! Oh, the good times!!!
  9. I'm a little bit tired today as I had an orgy at the Playboy mansion last night... FACT!
  10. c1982


    Avin you've got bad brother!!! It reminds me of the Simpson's episodes when Millhouse goes off the rails... No more Mr.Nice Av!
  11. FACT at the end of any statement, especially when capitalised, makes that statement gospel. FACT.
  12. ...also pre-season 02-03, Shrewsbury 0 - 3 Everton. The first time I saw a certain Wayne Rooney live - took 4 of my mates on a bit of an all-dayer and said the immortal words of, "Watch out for this lad, he'll be amazing!" Haven't said that many times since (apart from recently about Barkley and Green). http://www.toffeeweb.com/season/02-03/reports/Shrewsbury(f).asp
  13. Quick... a positive thread... let's put a downer on it!!! Yawn! Back to worthy memories... Big Dunc's hattrick of headers vs Bolton - 3-2.
  14. 'Reliable source' from GOT... i have not posted on the subject in about 2 weeks now,the truth is he wont lower his asking price and they cannot believe he wants to make £120 mill plus profit . so there you have it .1 of my good mates was talking to one of wolves directors who told him he cannot believe what kenwright was asking for the club cause no one in there right mind is going to pay it.looks like barry horne was hearing the same thing ,kenwright will take the club to the wall if his price is not met FACT Wasn't Barry Horne saying something to that effect too? I'm not jumping on any band wagon but I'd be disappointed (to say the least) if the above statement is true.
  15. Royle was sacked (as I remember it) when he was trying to tie up a deal to sign Torre Andre Flo (and another Norwegian) to partner big Dunc - he wasn't given the £2m for the pair as Flo would have been too similar to Big Dunc. Flo later went on to be a top Prem League striker in a very good Chelsea side. Johnson also didn't stump up the £1m to sign Dion Dublin from Man.Utd I seem to remember.
  16. c1982


    Let's be honest - we expected to lose as ever at Arsenal... regardless of what happened tactically we lost 1-0 to probably the goal of the season. We now MUST win the next 2.
  17. Bill Kenwright has repeated that he hopes the day will soon come when he can hand over control of the club to someone with more financial muscle than himself. Writing in the annual accounts for the year ending May 31st 2011, he said, ”Probably like most of you I spent the summer wondering what might have been….if only we had gathered together those early points, and had the success that we had in the second half of the season. If only we had done better in the two Cups….when in particular the FA Cup was looking good! If only I had been able to help more…. “If only’s” are nearly always around in football…. “Once again, try as I might, I was unable to accomplish the task which has dominated my life for these past few years – finding the man, or the institution, with the finances to move us forward. Hopefully the day will come soon when I will happily – even enthusiastically – hand over control of our beloved Club to a substantially wealthy individual or well-funded investment group. “Until that day, it goes without saying that, as ever, we will do everything within our power to fully support the ambition and vision of David Moyes, a man with few peers in football. David is fully aware of precisely where we are in terms of available funds. He is appreciative of the fact that every penny we can find moves to his transfer kitty, and whilst he would obviously like more, he has a sound sense of business and accepts the parameters within which we must operate. “Of course, we all wish to see those parameters pushed outwards and made less constrictive by way of a substantial injection of funds but, until then, we continually appraise all options open to us, though we cannot and will not do anything which might cause short or long term damage to our Club. That is both our way, and, many would argue, our greatest strength. “I know I don’t have to tell most of you how proud I am to be Chairman of what I shall always consider to be the greatest Football Club in the World. Our Club. It isn’t always easy to be the man in my position. I have no magic wand – but, until the day comes when I leave my seat in the directors box I will continue to work tirelessly for Everton, and its fans. This Football Club deserves nothing less.” Over to you haf...
  18. Were we a better team with the baines and pienaar combo down the left? Yes. Does this mean they will reignite that beautiful partnership if reunited? Not for certain. Conclusion... happy if it happens, not going to lose sleep if not.
  19. I've heard him and coquelin are off to wolves anyway (obviously to be mentored by Karl Henry!!!)
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