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Everything posted by FairWooney

  1. Can't name anyone to be honest. Sig worked hard, Tosun took his goal well. Digne gave away 2 silly free kicks that gave them great chances to punish our shit defending of set pieces, Richarlison was non existent most of the game and but for a 10-15 min spell in the middle of the second half we struggled to string more thana couple of passes together Poor
  2. Add to that Russian league players rarely hit the ground running over here in January after their winter off.
  3. Lookman for me though Digne, zouma and keane did an excellent job at the back. Our midfield couldn't keep the ball for toffee and spent most of the game gifting silly niggly fouls but the defence calmly stuck to their task to get us a rare clean sheet. Richarlison was looking very frustrated though i can't blame him as he had little service all game. Gomez seemed pretty tetchy too, probably because he was struggling to play his game. Hopefully 3pts and a better performance next week
  4. I agree. Happy for him to look inside some of the time but I noticed he was frequently showing for kenny in the middle and not really in clear enough places when a dart down the wing would have opened things up. He has the skills to beat players uaing both feet and can come inside well so really should be looking down the line more often
  5. Bit unfair. They had about 4 or 5 different songs. I was in upper Glawdys and heard no songs from us at all in the second half. In the second half a 5 year old girl had a go at oggy oggy oggy! Then a few times after some attack play we managed evverrrttooon evvveerrrtooon. That was it! Surely we can do better than that!
  6. Watching him today his class there for all to see. So calm and composed on the ball. Rarely does his pass not find its target and he's always available for the ball. He's also pushed forward with the ball a few times beating (all be it league 2) players with ease. He's exactly what we need to control the middleof the park while Bernard, Lookman and Richarlison are putting in the running up top. Sure there's a limit to what he's worth but definitely worth more than 20 million
  7. First game I’ve been to this season. overall wasn’t impressed with us, too much sloppy side to side play at times and in attack no one ever wanted to shoot. Baines for me - without as much back tracking to do he was at his attacking best, constantly available and always a threat. Created so many chances in the second half that no one wanted to finish. Bernard - always lively, quick on his feet and looking to move things forward. Was in great positions to shoot a few times though and always wanted to offload to someone else. Like to see him get a shot off more. Lookman - needs to start more. Love his confidence and desire to take players on or look for a quick tight forward pass. Gomes - different class to everyone else on the pitch. Makes the game look so easy when he has the ball not so good Tosun - doesn’t look up to it. Never seemed to create himself anything when he had the ball in the box and hold up wasn’t great. Gueye - his pretty amateur ball play is pretty redundant when we have most of the ball. Ends up a hindrance rather than a help. zouma - looked pretty poor
  8. My first game of the season so hoping for a relatively strong side. Hopefully Lookman is fit to play and rest Walcott. I'd give DCL and Tosun game time as well. Is Kenny fit and available? If so him ahead of Coleman. 100% Baines plays
  9. Mina has been a bit unlucky since coming back from injury. He would have come on had we been winning against palace but we needed attackers to change things so he had to sit out. with Zouma out next week I guess we need to give Mina a chance alongside Keane so we know we’re not throwing him in with no premier league experience at Stamford Bridge. The dilemma for Silva after that could be who comes out as his first choice CB’s!
  10. Don’t think we’ll see it but I wouldn’t mind Walcott given a game up top. if lookman was interested in playing then him on right, Walcott in middle and richarlison would look a killer paced attack. Davis and Bernard behind with gana behind that. Bernard has looked really committed trying to get stuck in and win the ball so the 3 miss provide good cover for digne and kenny while Davis and Bernard also offer a bit going forward and Bernard in particular can pick a pass. From a lot of our striker rumours in the summer I feel silva was after a pacy tricky forward like Walcott rather than tosun who is more a target man type.
  11. With the competition for spaces we have i see plenty of changes for this but still a strong looking team. Might end up being the first outing for a couple of new signings as well as a chance for the likes of Lookman, Dowell, Kenny and calvert lewin to impress.
  12. Great line up to watch attack but can't see us playing that! Gomes is in no way a ball winning, tackling centre mid, nor is sig. That midfield would be torn apart by half decent attackers. From what i see Gomes prefers to play on the left but can play central or on the right. I don't think we'll see all 3 of those new midfielders along with sig and walcott playing together too often. No problem with that though, good different options and chance to change things around for different games
  13. I watched a vid of Gomes and liked how fast and direct he was, seems to create a lot with quick passing and pushes on to join in. What I like about all of our attacking signings is they are quick players that will look to push forwards. Hopefully we won't see dull, slow and sidesways passing football that we've seen too much in the last few years. I can see why they would have wanted Welbeck as he fits that same mould but I think Tosun should compliment them well, getting into good positions to finish what they create.
  14. Reading a few articles it seems his preferred position is left mid, though he can play centre or right. Seems we've brought in 3 players who would like to play left wing! We also (i think) kept lookman who also likes to play on the left! A bit koeman style isn'tt it? I hope Silva knows where he's putting them all!
  15. Pickford, Keane and Walcott once Digne takes Baines spot. Keane will lose his spot as well if we get 2 centre backs. I know we have some good young English players, just hoping they continue to get a chance
  16. seems like we're taking anyone from the Barca squad that they no longer want! Not a bad thing from the look of the 3 we could end up with! anyone else they want rid of?
  17. I think it could work, it is disappointing that we’re down to 2 English players in the side though from what was a team well influenced by English/British players. I know that’s the way things go, especially if you want good value transfers but even still it’s a shame. i love the look of that side from an attacking point of view. The question is whether Sig is capable and willing to drop further back to help gana out and pick the ball up from him. With 2 attacking wing backs there’s a lot riding on Gana plus the 2 cb’s when we lose the ball.
  18. I thought Mirrallas and Lennon were both decent in the first half and were getting in the right spaces to make things happen. lennon got behind Fuchs a couple of times, once should have had a pen, once could have scored if he'd taken the shot himself and was unlucky that CL didn't get on the end of his cut back. Mirrallas looked more dangerous as the half went on getting through the centre. Why they both got hooked i've no idea. Presumably it was to add an extra CM as we were getting over run on the counters all the time and to add Niasse up front. While we played better in the second half I still think we missed both of them and would have rather seen Calvert Lewin go off than Lennon. It seems Calvert Lewin is considered something of a golden boy getting to play most of each game and while I like the lad, he's worked hard and does a lot of things well, the one thing he doesn't do well is actually look very dangerous in the box. He has created things from outwide before but I'd rather see Lennon played for longer as he has the pace and directness to get behind and defender and into the box. If they'd played longer I'd have probably given one of those 2 man of the match, as it is I'll not bother.
  19. Looks like I might get what i asked for and Unsworth might well take charge!
  20. I'm pretty sure Chelsea could feel any 11 players for this tin pot game and could beat whatever team we put out. Koeman could always let Unsworth take charge and send his u23's out for a game. They'd probably preform better and show up Koeman anyway. A good rehersal for Rhino! Stek Kenny Holgate Jagielka Martina Besic Davis C/L Sig Mirallas Sandro/Niasse What's Garbutt like these days? I like him when he first broke into the side but he's not been near it since he went on loan and did his leg for most of the season. If he's playing well I'd give him a game at left back to rest Baines rather than Martina. I agree with their talk on match of the day that Calvert Lewin shouldn't be centre forward by himself, while he gets stuck in and tries to hold things up it's really not where he's suited and for me he's not ever looked particularly dangerous in front of goal. He's got decent pace though and often works hard down the wing able to get a good ball in. For now I think if he's playing he should be out wide. I'd like to see some crunching tackles from Besic, a good bit of agression that we lack. anything under 5 would be good.
  21. how many number 10's could Koeman invest in with the money?
  22. He only started at Lille this season. With 4 defeats in his first 7 games there's always the chance he'll get sacked though I suppose! Must admit I didn't really know of him but his wiki sounds impressive. Hasn't won a whole lot mind with just 3 Argentine championships in the 90's and a gold medal in the Olympics with Argentina. Did good things with Athletico Bilbao though He seems a bit volatile though, did one season at Marseillie, had a few days at Lazio and is now having a hard time at Lille. A write up here bout his current season, the way he pulled apart the Lille team and eccentricity don't inspire me with confidence https://www.theguardian.com/football/2017/sep/25/marcelo-bielsa-lille-monaco-ligue-1 Tuchel seems to be in talks with Bayern. Rhino, the job is yours!
  23. Thought Davis was decent, Vlasic as well. Rooney seemed to have decided to take pot shots from 35 plus yards a lot in the second half. Ill let him have the half line one with the keeper well off his line maybe but the other 2 he struck were never going to trouble anyone.
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