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  1. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to jofanon in Now Martinez has gone, who should get the nod...   
    There's absolutely no way in hell it would happen (so why am I mentioning it?) but an Alex Ferguson in charge of this Everton team would accomplish great things
    I was pro-Martinez when we were searching post-Moyes. But I'm an idiot so don't listen to me.
  2. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Lowensda in Martinez - Direction?   
    And he's absolutely right. With our squad of players, we SHOULD be competing with Spurs. No question. But we're not.
    On paper, most of our players could walk into the big club's first team and perform. We just aren't doing it. There has to be a reason and for me, its the way we play, not the players.
    Whereas Moyes was the other way around. He DIDNT have the players to really kick on but he knew how to use his teams to get the results (albeit in a frustrating and bland manner).
    We need a proper footballing coach, who can teach the basics and gee the troops. They're young and need the praises, buy they also need to be screamed and dropped, should they not perform the way the should.
  3. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to markjazzbassist in Now Martinez has gone, who should get the nod...   
    Matt I speak in the present. I didn't know the glory days and I know everyone here rightly or wrongly thinks of us as a big club. But currently we are not. Te bridge is bigger than Goodison, attendance as well, euro success and cup success and league success. I'm not talking history. It's not disrespectful it's the truth. Ask any neutral who is the bigger club and its unanimous. we need to start living in the present and not holding onto the past.
  4. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Mogsy in Now Martinez has gone, who should get the nod...   
    My problem with Howe would be his inexperience, marteniz is massively experienced, he's managed Swansea and Wigan! Look a West Ham, they have brought in a international coach of a very good world team, and he's also managed some very good teams, and it seems to be working for them! We need someone how has managed at champions league level, and can bring that mentally to our club
  5. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to MC11 in Tim Howard   
    Because some would have strung him for it....!used it against him in later arguments etc. there is absolutely no arguments for me.Stones is mainly to blame for playing such a poor hospital ball.
  6. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to MC11 in Everton Defence?   
    There's big holes in his game at the moment that's for sure. I was the first one to call him out couple of months ago. Was shot down. He's been terrible.
  7. Downvote
    dlblue reacted to markjazzbassist in Now Martinez has gone, who should get the nod...   
    Pete you're crazy mou would never come to a club this small. Sherpa Hughes is at a club the same size with better standing why would he leave that to move down? Neither make sense.
    I looked back lowesenda to old posts i made about this. I recommended Bilic (gone and doing well), laudrup (not doing well), pardew (doing the same as Roberto with a smaller club). Don't think any of the 3 are available or would take the job.
    Favre is a decent thought. Although he didn't start the season so well and got canned. I loosely follow BM cause they have us international Fabian Johnson on the wing. But you're right he did build that club to qualify for CL and recruited class players on the cheap (xhaka, hazard, Raffael, Fabian, etc)
    I'd add Marcelo Biesla. Tough guy no softy, attacking football, did well with Bilbao and Marseille.
    Koeman would be great but I think that's more a lateral move he would probably want to move to a bigger club. So it's not realistic in my opinion.
  8. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Matt in Naismith/Kone Replacements   
    He's also 29 so absolutely no sell on value at all. 20m+ is a lot to spend on someone at that age.
  9. Downvote
    dlblue reacted to Hafnia in Naismith/Kone Replacements   
    Kone is far from dreadful, been a very useful player considering he's played out of position..
  10. Downvote
    dlblue reacted to Sideliner in Naismith/Kone Replacements   
    Sell Mirallas and get someone similar with a not bad attitude
  11. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to chalkpie in Kevin Mirallas   
    Count me in as a fan of Kev - hope he gets a lot more play.
  12. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to MC11 in Kevin Mirallas   
    This is contender for most clueless post if the year. Did you not watch the Chelsea game.
  13. Downvote
    dlblue reacted to Chach in Kevin Mirallas   
    I think he's a great player but I think he should be moved on, he doesn't fit the system and his flashes of brilliance detract from the fact he doesn't fit the system*.
    David Ginola 2.0
    *Edit: He's not good enough to build a team around
  14. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Newty82 in Martinez - Direction?   
    But the fact that Martinez and his team have brought these type of players in in the first place must give confidence that similar can be found again?
  15. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Cornish Steve in Martinez - Direction?   
    We could afford to lose John Stones, I believe. Just not Lukaku.
  16. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Shukes in Martinez - Direction?   
    Rome wasn't built in a day, neither was the team of 85.
    But we have taken another step this year.
  17. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to London Blue in Martinez - Direction?   
    The team has been produced very inconsistent performances this year, from the victories at Southampton and against Chelsea to poor games against Bournemouth and Stoke.
    Part of the reason is a defense that is under performing, I think as we have two young center backs, one of whom is playing his first season in the premier league. They miss Jags experience. They are learning and will get better. A poor season from Howard has I think undermined the defense. We looked so much better with Rubles.
    I think our midfield looks allot better with the dynamism of Cleverley, Besic and Barkley, with Dela playing almost as a free winger switching flanks. This has not been available much due to injury.
    Lukaku has been a revelation.
    I guess what I am saying is that a side evolves as the season progresses, in the last 2 games we have hit on a very dynamic side that defends allot better. If we can continue in this vain we can really put a run together and climb the table. I think Martinez is building a real squad of youth and quality and some of the signings we have made look to a bright future.
    If we can get a new keeper, Yarmolenko or equivalent and a new right back we can have a real force.
    I trust Martinez, and the team.
  18. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Cornish Steve in Martinez - Direction?   
    Maybe we should take a step back a moment and not just react to this game or that game. Knee-jerk reactions never lead to wise decisions.
    1) We're building a very strong young team for the future. Can you think of any other team that is so well stocked with young talent? In a year or two's time, we're going to look back with delight at some of the current transfer dealings. And these young players could be together for a decade. Just think of that.
    2) We're developing talent by offering them the freedom to make mistakes. As others have posted in another thread, do we honestly believe that David Moyes, or many other managers, would allow Stones to do something that costs us a game? They'd have received a tongue-lashing, not encouragement. Long-term view is so much more important that short-term. Every one of us learns the most by making mistakes - and having our peers support us during those times.
    3) Another part of developing young players is allowing them to play alongside older, experienced players. Stones is learning from Jagielka. McCarthy and Besic are learning from Barry. Yes, Lukaku is learning from Kone. This is a team in transition.
    4) We're also allowing young talent to play in the lower leagues. That didn't happen previously to anywhere near the same extent. And this provides us with visibility, and maybe first dibs, to potential diamonds in the rough at those clubs.
    5) We have a great working relationship with Barcelona. Would we have secured the signing of Deulofeu with any other manager? And I can see this beginning to happen with other European clubs. (Just look at the praise heaped on Grasshopper by Martinez for their "professional dealings.")
    IMO, we should be looking more at the long-term, less at the short-term. Do we really want to throw all these benefits aside in a quest for some sort of quick fix? Not at all! Martinez' direction is long-term as much as it is short-term. This is what it takes to build a legacy. And a little patience.
  19. Downvote
    dlblue reacted to Matt in Martinez - Direction?   
    im likely going to be crucified for suggesting this, but when Jags is fit again and McCarthy is still out, I would put him next to Barry for s couple of games
  20. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Romey 1878 in Martinez - Direction?   
    He looks very much like David Luiz at the moment; a brilliant footballer but not much of a defender.
  21. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Hafnia in Martinez - Direction?   
    Stones needs a hard cold slap of reality. Far too much talk about him being a footballing centre half and he appears to lose focus on the basics.
    I think too much talk gone to his head.
  22. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Shukes in Martinez - Direction?   
    I see it as a step by step process.
    First step is getting us to play a system.
    After that he should work on the finer points.
    Am I the only one who thinks we are a much better and more exciting team than last year?
  23. Downvote
    dlblue reacted in Martinez - Direction?   
    Bilic but I wouldn't be upset with Hoddle. Plays the game the right way but knows how to defend.
  24. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to MikeO in Martinez - Direction?   
    As I've alluded to elsewhere, you'd have been one of the guys screaming for Kendall to be sacked in 1983, when our performances were infinitely more depressing than they are now and we had crowds of 15,000.
    I'd still give him time, we're very close to being very good imo.
  25. Upvote
    dlblue reacted to Sideliner in Martinez - Direction?   
    Look we play beautiful football at times bossing most games but we don't take our chances and we concede far too easily at the other end.
    We need more players who can score regularly - not just Lukaku - our starting 11 is not balanced
    Deulefeu and Mirallas are our best options but D'feu is overutilized and then subbed and Mirallas is underutilized and should start.
    We also need a nr 10 playmaker in the middle of the park (have been saying it for ages) before we will click
    Howard has become too inconsistant and needs to be dropped for a game or two at least
    Martinez must sort out our defense urgently and
    The taking and defending of corners is just poor and unacceptable
    Our use of the bench or rather lack thereof leaves much to be desired
    i will give Martinez till the end of the season to get the above in order - 3 seasons is more than enough
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