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Wall Writer

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Everything posted by Wall Writer

  1. Why the f would they show such bs on a national tv station. I mean, they only show league football after midnight on the BBC!!??
  2. does anyone still think that Bent would be a good addition to our 'relegation battle'??
  3. Going from today's performance,,, no.. He'll have more chance to prove himself before the end of the season, and perhaps he'll prove himself
  4. I'd rather play Beckford alongside Jak or even Saha than continue with this crap we've been playing. And at home, we should be 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% more positive than we were today.
  5. Just watching the highlights on MOTD, and how many time have we seen Pienaar shoot from that distance in his time here? He needs to do that more.
  6. Excuses have got to be thin on the ground now, ffs Moyes, I'm so fucking angry with another useless performance. 451 at home to a team would should going out to beat easily, and still using that waste of fucking space Saha. I'm gonna leave it there and go and get drunk.
  7. If Wigan end up coming away with three points today, then surely something significant has got to happen cos I'm sick off this.
  8. If we're on a shortlist with Newcastle and Spurs, then we're certainly bottom of that shortlist. The toon have a fairly unrivalled local support base (whereas we have the Shite the contend with), and Spurs, being a London club and with Champions League money coming in, are always going to look a better buy than poor old Everton and her crumbling old stadium.-
  9. Has anyone get a clip of the Ivanovic tackle to Seamus, I missed that one.
  10. Was a bit shocked myself, but Romey's right. I wouldn't worry though, we'll be back in our normal position against Wigan next week.
  11. A good point I suppose, but I'm not getting carried away yet. We played much better in the second half. Could have maybe took all 3 points on another day, but we were still awful first half, and I think Beckford warrants starting from now on. Saha! What a waste of space. However, getting back to what Mike said, we need to start winning again, starting next week against Wigan.
  12. How shit are we, ffs, it's painful to watch this crap.
  13. how is Maouda not shown a card there.. It's retaliation at the end of the day!
  14. OH, I didn't know that, wasn't in my team anyway
  15. I'm hoping the same. Although, he could play him with Coleman on the wing, and ask them to do the same job as they did against Bale a few weeks back. However, I reckon he might just play Hibbo at right back, shifting Neville to centre mid and Heits into defence. My Team would be Howard Neville - Hiets - Distin - Baines Anichebe - Cahill - Fellani - Pienaar Beckford - Yakubu I would possible consider putting in Osman for Becks, and move Cahill a bit forward, but as Becks is pretty much the only striker that's even creating chances at the moment, I feel it'd be stupid leave him out. Having said that, Chelsea are a strong team physically, and that's why I've put in Chebes ahead of Mustard or Billy on the wing. I think the midfield has got decent strength and bite and I think we need to get at Chelsea, the same way as Sunderland did a few weeks back. For me a 442 formation is a must, none of the 4-5-1 crap. I'd approach this match the same way as Bruce did; at the moment you couldn't really say this is a winnable game (considering our recent form), so we might as well just go for it. I'd send the lads out saying "I don't care if we win or lose this game. I just want you to go out there, attack, attack, attack and just try and score some goals, don't worry about the score the other end, just make sure we score, make sure we take our chances and try and get back, if not to winning, then at least to knowing-where-the-back-of-the-net-is ways. " My prediction: 7-6 to Chelsea!
  16. On paper, it may look like a good draw, but I always worry when we draw these lower teams away. They always put up more of a fight while we tend to think we just have to turn up to win. Add to that our recent form and it looks like another early cup exit.
  17. Beckford's doing well, if you ask me. Actually creating chances.
  18. Fair play that was a cracking free-kick but ffs, two attacks and two goals. We could learn a few things from these guys.
  19. Did we just concede a goal against the run of play!? How bizarre! :/
  20. I thought Jak was starting to look half decent on his last outing, I seriously think about starting with him ahead of Saha. Saha should be used more as a super-sub in my opinion. Nothing less than a 3-0 win will do me here. If it turns out we have all the possession, playing the better football, and still end up coming away with a point after scoring in the final minutes, I seriously won't be responsible for my actions! Bench Saha and bench Arteta. I'm not arsed about fancy football anymore, just give me goals and three points.
  21. A bit old, of course, doesn't have this latest deal on it, so you need to add 400,000 to our deal. Still pretty shit though in comparison with other clubs, especially (expect for this year of course)when we've been playing regularly in Europe. I would have thought we'd be worth at least an extra million a year. At least parity with teams like Fulham and Villa. (FFS, we're on a par with Newcastle, who were playing in the championship last year). 3mil a year, theoretically, in the transfer kitty each year, is something, but what that fuck can you buy for 3 million these days!
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