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  1. Upvote
    Newty82 reacted to Matt in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    Because it's conceding out of convenience or some deal. We should've fought our defence to the end and cleared our name a bit. 
  2. Upvote
  3. Upvote
    Newty82 reacted to Romey 1878 in Sean Dyche   
  4. Upvote
  5. Upvote
    Newty82 reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Moshiri really needs to come out and tell the fans what's going on. The lack of anything official is leaving the press to have a field day with the A word, fans are getting very worried. It's chaos.
    The thing I'm finding most bizarre is how some Everton fans (mentioning no names) seem to be pushing for us to go into administration. It's almost like they have skin in the game and it would somehow benefit them.
    Administration should never be talked about as something good, it is anything but. It would be disaster for a multitude of reasons.
  6. Upvote
    Newty82 reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Just another feather in the cap of Bill Kenwright. He may be gone but he will never be forgotten!
  7. Upvote
    Newty82 got a reaction from Sev in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    All sorts of stories now that MSP will step in etc. Stories coming from an angle that we are having to 'beg' MSP to come back.
    Reality is, MSP have always been around.
    They wanted a 25% stake in the club, cash for equity, before 777 came along. That deal was only vetoed by the shadow that is Rights and Media Funding (the company with no employees, no physical office, no assets and no apparant cash flow).
    I have a feeling, I'm pretty sure many of yous have had too, that this 'shadow', Rights and Media Funding, has a firm grip on this club through guarantees against assets that potential buyers are finding difficult to navigate.
    We've known for years our finances are a tangled Web. Moshiri, judging by his running of the club, was the only 'rich' guy willing to take on the mess. And make it messier. Whilst the others said no thanks!
    Half my speculation, half 'reportedly fact'...who really knows!!!
  8. Upvote
    Newty82 got a reaction from Matt in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    All sorts of stories now that MSP will step in etc. Stories coming from an angle that we are having to 'beg' MSP to come back.
    Reality is, MSP have always been around.
    They wanted a 25% stake in the club, cash for equity, before 777 came along. That deal was only vetoed by the shadow that is Rights and Media Funding (the company with no employees, no physical office, no assets and no apparant cash flow).
    I have a feeling, I'm pretty sure many of yous have had too, that this 'shadow', Rights and Media Funding, has a firm grip on this club through guarantees against assets that potential buyers are finding difficult to navigate.
    We've known for years our finances are a tangled Web. Moshiri, judging by his running of the club, was the only 'rich' guy willing to take on the mess. And make it messier. Whilst the others said no thanks!
    Half my speculation, half 'reportedly fact'...who really knows!!!
  9. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to Romey 1878 in Home Vs Sheffield United 11th May 2024   
    We've got to do something about these tourist fans.
  10. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to Matt in Home Vs Sheffield United 11th May 2024   
    Dad managed to get me a ticket so I'm going to ruin the positive streak.
  11. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to Romey 1878 in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    You do know they aren't our sponsors anymore, right?  
  12. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to Palfy in Longest Thread! for Everton Discussion   
    He may not it’s been a long time since he was seen on here, reminds me of Moshiri a bit he owns the club and never goes to the games, Louis owns the site and rarely posts 😂 
    Apologies Louis I saw the opportunity and couldn’t resist. 
  13. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to Formby in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Mne kazhetsya, ty perepil vodki, tovarishch.
    For non-Russian speakers: I think you had too much vodka, comrade.
  14. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to Formby in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Any chance can we can change the thread title to Bored Owners?
  15. Upvote
    Newty82 reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    This has been dragging on for the best part of a year now, so to say none of it is on Moshiri is quite frankly ridiculous.
  16. Upvote
    Newty82 reacted to StevO in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    This is what happens why the many talking heads out there scaremonger a fan base for clicks and views. 
    If you were trying to sell your company would you let it fall into administration? It would take almost all value out of any sale and cost more than needed to stay afloat. 
  17. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to Matt in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    True, but when you start seeing smoke everywhere, you need to act. For a "successful businessman" he does seem a bit shit at the business part of it all if he hasn't got someone backing him.
    Before today I just assumed this was a court artist's comic edition of Moshiri's office
    Nearly 3000 billionaires in the world and we ended up with the one guy who doesn't understand business
  18. Upvote
    Newty82 reacted to Btay in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Met the guy as in met Moshiri?
    At the end of the day he is the man at the top, this has dragged on far too long & the reports about 777 are damaging to our brand.
    I respect him for building the stadium but he is doing that on Klarna. He never had the money to fully invest in a football team with out Usmanov.
    Under his watch he crippled this club financially because he wanted to play football manager. The bloke should have downloaded steam on his pc instead of buying an actual club.
  19. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to Palfy in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Have you ever considered that you may not be a good judge of character😂
  20. Funny
    Newty82 got a reaction from Matt in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    Quick off the mark is our Mosh, isn't he?!
  21. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    He’s good at shitting his pants when pressure is put on him.
    I wonder when the TalkSport interview is pencilled in for?
  22. Upvote
    Newty82 reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    It means finding a buyer quickly is a must, and I do believe they will be found (and are already around).
  23. Upvote
  24. Funny
    Newty82 reacted to dunlopp9987 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    You guys wanna just pool our money and TT can buy this mess of a club?
  25. Upvote
    Newty82 reacted to Romey 1878 in Board/Owners Related Stuff   
    I firmly believe there are other interested buyers.
    We just have to hope that they're better equipped than this lot to get the deal done ASAP.
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