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Was in Cosco today and noticed that they had been selling their advent calendars, Christmas decorations and other white and snowy stuff. Now it’s only the start of November, and its not that near Christmas but I was interested to know what people were doing at the moment Christmassy wise.


For me, I always end up getting presents at the last minute and making the whole December thing a mad hell-season.


I celebrate it at home in the morning with my gran, grandad, auntie and uncle before going up to Aaron’s Country to see my Nan & Grandad and have a nice dinner there before sleeping over and having lots of cracker fun.


So, the point of this thread is Christmas discussion…what do you do? What do you buy? Do you celebrate religiously? When? And generally a talk for all those people that still believe in ol’ Santa Claus.

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It's just another day. I don't even look forward to it any more.


I can't be arsed faffing about getting the tree out of the loft, putting it up and putting it back when christmas is over. It only starts argument and every year without fail I think "what's the point?".

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Christmas, when you have young children is fantastic.Mine are now in their mid teens! So not as good as they were.What do you buy your 6'4" 15 stone teenage son!...........anything he wants would be the safest bet <_<



Louis!......................GET the fuc%ing tree out of the loft!....We've got too, so why shouldn't you?

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Have a 5 year old so i love christmas again!! I am not sure who get more excited me or him. its great when he runs into the room in the morning saying he has been he has been...


Louis you have to post us all a picture of your tree once you have blown the cobwebs off it...

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I live on my own these days so I never bother with christmas decorations or stuff like that. No point it only makes me miserable.


I suspect I will visit my Dad for Christmas, But sleeping on his couch cripples me.


I think I am becoming a miserable old git cos I hate Christmas these days.

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Daughters are all grown up and Josh is twelve so there's no Santa any more....the grandkids are getting a bit aware of it now, two of them are two but that doesn't give us the 5.00am stocking opening thing as they don't live with us :D .


Our decorations are a bit minimalist also....taste over garishness and quantity B) . Lots of good food, which I cook...although I cook most of the rest of the year anyway.


We'll see family (while desperately trying to avoid my mother :unsure: ) but the highlight will be, as I've said elsewhere, the trip up to see the Sunderland game on the 27th.

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gah... im already sick of christmas. i dont mind the actual day and i like the time off. but god its just getting pathetic how early its coming. i mean that bloody mariah carey song has been on the DFS ads for weeks. st johns shopping centre have got the we wish you a merry xmas signs out and the xmas lights are up.


if it was happening at the end of november it wouldnt be so bad. but even my friends youngest son (whos nearly 3) is getting sick of christmas.

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December hasn't kicked in yet so the only place that I've seen Christmassy is the stores. The lights and decorations put up around our town arn't up yet, the usually come up around the first of the month when the Haydock Horse-Racing comes. We get people coming to the nearby town (where I live) and they like to jazz it up for them. First days of each month the same.


We usually have something christmas related in school too. But that hasn't kicked in either at the moment were totally not being festive - which suits me. I'm not religious and therefore don't worship 'God' on the 25th, and I can't stand it when on the last day of term they hire a priest to come in for an hour and talk to us about 'How we forget the true meaning of Christmas' and we all sit in the hall thinking 'I could be in class getting a GCSE here'


So that's all to come and I'm not looking foreward to it, but at least we get presents hey kids!

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Me too. With my birthday being near Christmas I don't really do the 'Countdown' that other people do. It's only when it's a week away I start to get exited, I'm still unsure what I want for Christmas this year. I haven't done the Wishlist yet. It will probably include some Xbox 360 Games. It always does. Dead Space & Fallout 3 were on the Birthday List.


I think that I'll go for Guitar Hero IV, seeing as III was amazing and Lostprophets are on the new edition. I need a new phone so that will be heading my way too.

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Christmas has long been my second-favorite holiday of the year, after Halloween. The reason is because it also doubles as a family reunion for us. I come from a large family (one of six kids) and we're all grown and scattered around the US now, but every Christmas we all get together at my parents' house in California. Me, my brothers, my sister, all their spouses (I'm the only single one), my nine nieces and nephews, and a couple of other family friends who are always invited guests. With 24 of us packing the house, Christmas Eve is easily the biggest and best party of the year. Because there are so many, we mostly stick to buying gifts for the kids. I also exchange with my parents and with my two siblings who don't have children, but that's it. But frankly, I couldn't care less if I got no presents at all...I have enough junk already. It's seeing everyone in the family again that makes it such a special event. I always make a summer trip back to California to visit my parents and everyone who still lives near them, but with the ones who are in other parts of the country and me living on the east coast, Christmas is usually the only time all year I get to see them.

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I Cnt Wait For Christmas :lol:

We Get A Real Tree Every Year. We Open All Our Presents With In Minutes. Look For Batteries :lol: Everyone Comes To Mine Then Me Mum And Dad And The Oldest Brother Go To Me Nana & Grandads For Dinner. Me And Me Ova Big Brother Go Out And Get Wrecked Then Go Back To Me Nanas Open The Presents She Got Us Then Go To Me Ova Nanas & Taids Have Fun With The Aunty's And Uncles And The Lil Brats And Go Home Wrecked Bout 4 In The Mornin :L

People Round My Area Get Very Excited With Christmas ! Millions Ov Lights Coverin The House... Dunno Were They Get The Money From Cos There All On The Dole ! :lol:

One Girl Put Her Decs Up A Week Before Halloween :lol:

Dunno Wahh I Want Yet Like

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